Thanks again to you and Merideth for a great, though shortened Symposium for me on saturday. I would have posted earlier, but this wonky desk top doesn't always compute well:redface2: It's too bad I booked that LAX training session for the afternoon, because I know I missed a lot of what I came to see from Richard Walker, and Ken and Erica. But, as I said that day, the lacrosse jealous mistress pays for the toy soldier jealous mistress. DUTY CALLS.
I gotta say however, it's always fun looking at your collection. Though it never fails to amaze me that as hard as I look each time I'm there, I always miss something as I'm noting by the pictures taken for the day. Walking up that flight of stairs(watch your head - SERIOUSLY)
and looking around as you hit the landing is just an overwhelming sight. It's so much to take in, one needs a day there alone to be able to see everything. As noted by many, it's a Museum. And you Louis are the perfect curator/owner of it. You absolutely light up and delight in giving the tour. As well you should.
And yes, we should get together with others and take a peek at the new Vietnam dio at Aviation Museum at Republic, and lunch at the 56th Fighter Group.
Also, something we spoke about , I would be very happy to get together in the backyard with some LAX sticks and help you teach your son how we play the game. I'll send a PM
To Richard Walker. Thank you for your fabulous soldiers that I buy. And though I missed the presentation - and the fire sale, in the shortened conversation we had, you came to know that I'm a fan and I got to know that NAP regiments I'm interested in are on the drawing board. So as they used to say way back, you and I are "Jake".
To Ken and Erica, I say that I certainly regret leaving early, because I had many questions about dios for you, and also missed your fire sale. I'm mesmerized by your work, and certainly want to improve my dios with better ground work. I will PM you folks, and see if you can suggest some things to me.
Al and Sandy, good to see you two and I'll swing by in the next couple of weeks to talk about some things, and see what you've got on the shelves.
It was great to meet Currahee Chris and his great wife Jill. And I can tell by your pics, Jill finally found a place for that triplane she was carrying around. And Chris you keep posting, you make a very interesting read.
Rich Schuster, I'm also sorry I had to cut off the Ohio LAX story. I'd definitely like to hear the finish and will PM you about it.
Mark Hoffman, the pics show that you've acquired quite a museum yourself, very nice. And the gull wing is magnificent.
Charlie and Doug(Marine). Good seeing you, sorry it was hi, and by.
Thanks to Brad, Chris and all for the pics.
It was a great 2 hours.......................The best
PS Louis, many have made the tongue twisting mistake of calling me Joy Roy, or Joe Roe, or Joy Roe, it's so short. Some LAX buddies call me JoeRoy as if it's LeRoy. It all works.