2013 what you hope to see (2 Viewers)

I would like to see - Korean War - Chosin Reservoir
American Civil war Personalities
World War II Pacific Theater
Franco-Prussian War
More figures for the Battle of Quatre Bras where the 8th Cuirassiers captured the color of the 69th of Foot from the arms of Ensign Clarke who have been hacked down by 23 saber cuts. This is respresented by a heavy cavalry charged by the 8th Cuirassier Brigade on the British 69th Foot square formation. :):)

Chasseur A Cheval will be a show stopper:cool:

I love the more figures for Quatre Bra , I have the Nassaurers & Brunswickers as well as William POA along with all the British units so far would like some Dutch-Belgians at some point along with more Brunswickers ^&grin . I'm having a Black Duke figure done by a great painter now for my display can't wait for that one .

Oh just incase you missed it First Legion do a beautiful Dismounted Guard Chasseur a Cheval Scout , but I know what ya mean Chasseur A Cheval mounted would be GREAT as well as some Lancers {bravo}}
Regards Gebhard

Absolutely it will be a good collection Chasseur A Cheval. I bet Matt has been reading this for a quite a while. If he can throw more French
Cavalry on his workbench that will be awesome. (e.g. Dutch Lancers, Polish Lancers).:cool:
From what I have read and heard from others First Legion's line of WWII seems to be rapidly growing in popularity over some of the other companies. They look amazing and I may end up dipping into that line before long. What do others think??? :)
From what I have read and heard from others First Legion's line of WWII seems to be rapidly growing in popularity over some of the other companies. They look amazing and I may end up dipping into that line before long. What do others think??? :)

IMO WWII Figures sculpted and painted at the level of what First Legion are turning out have never and yes I said never been done before and that includes the Russian producers who I own as well . I think more and more collectors are actually looking and seeing first hand just how good these figures are and the rest takes care of itself . I hadn't collected WWII for years untill First Legion started doing them know I buy them when I can :wink2: . They are really that good of course there is the strange looking mug once in a while , hopefully that will become a thing of the past . Oh course this is just one mans opinion and not everyone feels or builds a collection the same way . Regards Gebhard
From what I have read and heard from others First Legion's line of WWII seems to be rapidly growing in popularity over some of the other companies. They look amazing and I may end up dipping into that line before long. What do others think??? :)

Hello Lo,

I do not know if you have seen any of the WWII First Legion sets in person but in case you haven't I can tell you they are better in hand then any pictures/dios that have been posted (no offense to anyone)but once you have a set in your possession you can really see the detail/sculpt/painting and appreciate how good this range really is, take a small dip for curosity sake, buy 1-2 soldiers and then see what you think, I can promise you, you will not be disappointed...Sammy
Hello Lo,

I do not know if you have seen any of the WWII First Legion sets in person but in case you haven't I can tell you they are better in hand then any pictures/dios that have been posted (no offense to anyone)but once you have a set in your possession you can really see the detail/sculpt/painting and appreciate how good this range really is, take a small dip for curosity sake, buy 1-2 soldiers and then see what you think, I can promise you, you will not be disappointed...Sammy

I was able to see the 101st figures at the Fredericksburg Toy Soldier Show a few weeks ago and although I did not get a real close look at them they did catch my eye for sure. I agree with you about seeing First Legion sets in person! Pictures do not do them justice as all. I was a little worried when I placed my first order of American Civil War soldiers without seeing them in person first...BUT once they arrived...WOW!! I am putting most of my money towards FL now because you cannot beat their detail, painting and sculpt. WWII is my second area of interest so I am sure I will be adding some of those in the future. I cannot wait for the next civil war sets! :)
I have to give one more plug for the Battle of New Orleans. Its 200th aniversary is coming up, and it was such an interesting combination of regular infantry, specialist troops, riflemen, highlanders, Marines, irregulars, militia, Native Americans, pirates, artillery, rockets, sailors, personalities.... Something for everyone there! John Jenkins has said he won't do it. Please, Matt......
Hello Lo,

I do not know if you have seen any of the WWII First Legion sets in person but in case you haven't I can tell you they are better in hand then any pictures/dios that have been posted (no offense to anyone)but once you have a set in your possession you can really see the detail/sculpt/painting and appreciate how good this range really is, take a small dip for curosity sake, buy 1-2 soldiers and then see what you think, I can promise you, you will not be disappointed...Sammy

I'll echo what Sammy said-I started with a couple FL Crusaders to augment my KC guys, then tried a few Germans...next thing I know, I'm up to my elbows in Germans, starting on Russians and looking longingly @ the Romans (but have avoided that temptation so far).
I would like to see some "Landsknechte" on the march in the Renaissance series.
Maybe a wagon with provisions, or even an artillery train.
From what I have read and heard from others First Legion's line of WWII seems to be rapidly growing in popularity over some of the other companies. They look amazing and I may end up dipping into that line before long. What do others think??? :)

I never had FL in my hand, but from the photos I prefer KC in WW2. Many KC " Bulge", " afrika korps" and "waffen ss" are still the best for me.
I never had FL in my hand, but from the photos I prefer KC in WW2. Many KC " Bulge", " afrika korps" and "waffen ss" are still the best for me.

Hi Poopo ,
Thats just wonderful.... thanks for telling us again .. Please feel free to come back anytime . :rolleyes2::rolleyes2: {sm5}{sm5} Now back to our regularly scheduled thread ..:wink2:
I would like to see some "Landsknechte" on the march in the Renaissance series.
Maybe a wagon with provisions, or even an artillery train.

Hi Konrad ,
Thats a good Idea especially for what you have in mind {bravo}} I only have two figures from this Line but I really enjoy them . Regards Gebhard
Fo me i would like to see the new release SdKfz 7 8 Ton Prime Mover done in AK as well as the future release SdKfz 222 Armoured Car.

From what I have read and heard from others First Legion's line of WWII seems to be rapidly growing in popularity over some of the other companies. They look amazing and I may end up dipping into that line before long. What do others think???

I do love their stuff, I love TGM and Figarti also, but their figures seem to be fitting with TGM's and Figarti's vehicles as of late, and to me that is a win win. Many will say NO but I think there is a change in the air.....Remember I said that.

OH and JJD's Panzer 1's are a good fit also.

I would like to see continued depth in the West by FL. Alex
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I never had FL in my hand, but from the photos I prefer KC in WW2. Many KC " Bulge", " afrika korps" and "waffen ss" are still the best for me.

Hello Poppo, that's all good and fine that you like K&C better, no problem here, but the title of this thread is "what are you hoping to see in 2013 from First Legion", as I started this thread I would really like it to stick to the original format and not wander off to mine is better then yours argument, thanks...Sammy
I think it has been mentioned before, another item or item's are some Russian
Tank rider's would be nice :) all in all i just can't wait to see what future ww2
Russians are in the works. :salute::

More Vietnam, these are some of the BEST figs I own AMAZING detail. I hope to see some more in 2013.

Neil :salute::

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