2016 standard & spring catalogue - out (1 Viewer)

Couldn't post images if I wanted to since I still haven't received 2016 Members pact, Standard or catalog. It seems to have gone out in UK, but not in USA.
Emailed an inquiry to WB early this week ....... And guess what - No reply. Wanted to be patient with the ''new'' WB, but now I'm just aggravated.
Two primary rules to follow in any business venture are communication and honesty with your customers. Undoubtedly WB is going through start up and organization challenges but keeping everyone informed on a regular basis is critical for customer loyalty.
FL picked a good time to release their Mass Battle series, taking advantage of a possible vacuum WB has left. More MB series could really hurt WB as customers lose patience.

Ken get out there and tell customers what is going on!
I agree that FL's timing, intentional or not, was perfect with the MB series for ACW figures and the WB transition. If other series are offered, it would definitely impact WB's business. Would be nice to hear something from Ken/WB on this whole situation on a periodic basis which has been mentioned before. Chris
We received the 2016 Spring & Stock Catalog on Friday! As soon as we can it will be posted on the Website in the "Catalogs & Updates" Section.
Otherwise when you place an order from us just note to add one in and the Shipping Manager will take care of it!


Cannot find the catalog on your website?
Good question, I just checked and it is not posted. They received it about a week ago according to the post. But it is a catalog of stock figures only so the urgency may not be there. It would still be nice to see something though. Chris
I believe that people have been waiting for new Naps, which is the next Mass Battle on FL's agenda. While WB fiddles....
I think the back cover has photos of new items that are coming out.
The timing of the release of MB Naps would definitely help collectors who have been waiting, did not see if FL's Iron Brigade figures were included in the MB roll out? Would be interesting to see if FL would be open to some modifications to the MB figures before releasing them? Such as no more patches on Confederate trousers? Chris
We are working on it! I have requested it hit today's "To-Get-Done" list for the guys in the backroom.

Julie, appreciate the update and making this a priority. We all know you are busy at TF. Just trying to plan out some dioramas for 2016. Thx Chris
We are working on it! I have requested it hit today's "To-Get-Done" list for the guys in the backroom.


The "guys in the backroom." You're not running a sweatshop back there, are you Chief Julie? ^&grin
Julie, every place I worked always had "guys in the backroom" or "kids in the hall" who did an amazing amount of work and made miracles happen. I will always tip my hat to them. They made me look good a number of times. Chris
Looks like the guys in the backroom go it online !!! It is a hefty catalogue at 80 pages.

Thanks :)
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Looked at what's coming and the Bushy Run sets are a must for me as are the 2 indians lying on the rocks.
I thanked Aron for his work on this for you all. No sweatshop here, the AC has not failed us yet! Just waiting for the weather to have a need for it yet :)
Delegation is key to get it all done here some days!

I just spoke to Ken this morning. The Spring Catalog and Standard were all packed up yesterday. They are going out in the mail today and we should have them by next week. It sounds like things are returning back to normal for the company.
My 2016 WBritain Collector's Club Membership Pack arrived in this afternoon's mail. Included were the 2016 Spring Catalog, Catalog Price List, Spring 2016 Standard featuring The battle of Busy Run, and a Don Troiani ACW Uniform Print of the Irish Jasper Greens, Fall 1861, and also the 2016 W. Britain Model Figure Symposium registration information (August 5,6,& 7 at the Madison, Wisconsin Veteran's Museum). A nice afternoon on the patio made even better with the newly arrived material to look at, drool over, and read. Now if only the collector's club figures would arrive . . . . .
:smile2: Mike

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