2017 Mid-Atlantic Air Museum WWII Weekend and Air Show (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Jan 7, 2013
Finally got my pictures from last weekend uploaded. What a great weekend - highly recommended if you've never been.
It was great hanging out with Julie and Richard (and family) from Treefrog and Larry and Larry, Jr. from For the Historian (awesome bookshop in Gettysburg). The only Treefroggers that I saw there were Paul, Andy and Brad and it was really nice catching up with him as well!

I took 627 pictures and weeded them down to 321. If you are bored with nothing to do, feel free to check them out here:



Excellent pic's Zach, thanks for posting mate. There are some great warbirds there not to mention motorbikes, sidecars, vehicles and armour. The people dressed up in period costumes look awesome as well.

While you were out galavanting and taking photos a few others also stopped by.
Not sure if they are Forum members but Jim & his nephew, Ryan and Don to name a few!
Of course some of our friendly re-enactors also kept stopping by to chat :)

Fun weekend once again - on to next year!!
Galavanting???? Pfffft! I was drumming up business and handing out your cards! Haha
I use a Nikon dslr. D7200
I have a bunch of lenses, but got lazy on this trip and only used a zoom rather than switching lenses all the time
Those photos are very good. The one with the Packard (not sure of the make) almost looks like a painting.

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