I don't want to get into modern politics, but if we look at each president, all of them were far from perfect. FDR had lofty goals, so did Communism, they just don't work in the real world. Kennedy made a lot of blunders but the press didn't pry and we didn't hear about them till later.
I think what matters to history is that at the crisis moment, FDR prepared us for a world war and delivered an awesome and powerful speech in declaring war on Japan. He was a man that the country would follow in that crisis.
Kennedy at the right time made his famous speech at the Berlin Wall and stood up to the Russians over Cuba. At that time, he was a leader that people would follow in that crisis. We are a democracy and we tend to stumble along. At important times, we tend to get the leader that we need.
Teddy Roosevelt made a statement in support of his wish that the Grizzly Bear should be our National icon. It went something to the effect that America Will never be loved by other countries because we tend to be clumsy like the Grizzly. The most that we can hope for, is to be respected. I will try and find the exact qoute.
Here is the article I found.
Theodore Roosevelt once told a reporter that the grizzly bear should be the symbol of America, not the eagle. He likened America to the grizzly bear because it is solitary. He went on to say: 'The world will never love us. They may respect us, they might one day fear us, but they will never love us, for we have too much audacity'. It has been said that while most empires turned complacent as they grew successful, the US has turned more neurotic and industrious. There are many reasons for this, but the American cultural inheritance is crucial