21 Piece Marching band (1 Viewer)

Brad, I must admit that I share and understand your views Especially on a public forum.....However I do believe that the LAH series is historically significant....and in that context "ONLY" ......Best regards Frank


I believe what happened in the Third Reich within Germany is historically significant but to depict a series about is questionable in my opinion and I am certainly not telling people what they should collect.

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Oh and on a litter note there are plenty of people who get upset at the site of a Yankees cap . Just go to Baltimore or Boston.

The point being that every toy soldier set has negative connotations for some group. I doubt that descendents of the Zulu tribe are thrilled over the Roark's drift sets. Or Indians like the Old West sets. And Sons of the Empire will bother more than one group.

The difference is perspective and time. The reaction to LAH is still relatively close in time and especially horrific to many groups of people so the reaction against it is still strong.

I do not collect LAH

I don't know why the LAH sells so well. I don't collect bands anyway and certainly would not want a parade of SS in dress uniforms. Yet I find it OK to collect SS AFVs and combat figures.

So IMO, it's an entirely personal issue.

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This is a good point indeed.Many of those conflicts although terrible are now distant and to some extent healed.The atrocities of the Nazi's are still very raw and will be for sometime to come,worth remembering today of all days when we remember the liberation of Auschwitz.

At this point in my collecting I have found alot of interest in these items...Im certainly no Nazi lover but surely a King & Country fan of these beutifully detailed pieces, especially the drummer horseman, flag bearers and vehicles.

Seems to me that the original purpose of this thread has been side lined (again!) - I agree the paint work, level of detail and overall presentation as a set of model soldiers is simply first rate.

Seems to me that the original purpose of this thread has been side lined (again!) - I agree the paint work, level of detail and overall presentation as a set of model soldiers is simply first rate.


Good call Jeff. This started out as a thread about the band set and the box it came in. I am all for healthy discussions, but the bottom line is that this is a toy soldier forum and it seems that we often lose sight of that. Even worse, from time to time it degrades into petty sniping over beliefs and typos. Just my opinion, but the moderators should have weighed in on this one a while back.
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Don't worry it is being looked at. Can I also remind that you can report a post if you see something unfit for the forum. Moderators can't possibly read every single post on the forum.
Although this is a toy soldier forum, why are we here? Because we like collecting pieces of lead? No, because we like history and in our homes and/or places of work we depict history through toy soldiers and military collectibles. Symbols are important and to say that the toy soldiers we purchase and the history they represent having nothing to do with each other doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.

I've probably said what I've had to say on the subject and if the discussion has been thought provoking, great. If not, that's life.
The point being that every toy soldier set has negative connotations for some group. I doubt that descendents of the Zulu tribe are thrilled over the Roark's drift sets. Or Indians like the Old West sets. And Sons of the Empire will bother more than one group.

The difference is perspective and time. The reaction to LAH is still relatively close in time and especially horrific to many groups of people so the reaction against it is still strong.

I do not collect LAH

I don't know why the LAH sells so well. I don't collect bands anyway and certainly would not want a parade of SS in dress uniforms. Yet I find it OK to collect SS AFVs and combat figures.

So IMO, it's an entirely personal issue.


Terry, you are correct when you say that every toy soldier set can have negative connotations for some group.....It is a matter of perspective,as you say..... However LAH is a series that "is produced" by K/C. We all seem to have "no problem" collecting "Nazi AFV's"....To me that is inconsistent.....If some folks "truely" find LAH distasteful and offensive they would cease to purchase K/C products in protest......I am not critical of those collectors who have LAH in their collections because in my view it gives "proper prespective" to the Nazi propaganda ralleys which instigated political upheavel,book burning, WWII, concentration camps and all the WAR CRIMES that resulted......When I collect other Nazi AFV's and German Soldiers and think to myself: "the're kool"........I look at LAH to "SOBER-UP" my perceptions
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Terry, you are correct when you say that every toy soldier set can have negative connotations for some group.....It is a matter of perspective,as you say..... However LAH is a series that "is produced" by K/C. We all seem to have "no problem" collecting "Nazi AFV's"....To me that is inconsistent.....If some folks "truely" find LAH distasteful and offensive they would cease to purchase K/C products in protest......I am not critical of those collectors who have LAH in their collections because in my view it gives "proper prespective" to the Nazi propaganda ralleys which instigated political upheavel,book burning, WWII, concentration camps and all the WAR CRIMES that resulted......When I collect other Nazi AFV's and German Soldiers and think to myself: "the're kool"........I look at LAH to "SOBER-UP" my perceptions

Yes, it is inconsistent and often illogical and that is the essence of the point I was trying to make. It is inconsistent because it is so personal to each individual.
No doubt at one end of the scale, some people would refuse to collect any toy soldiers because of what they represent. At the other end of the scale there are collectors who have no restrictions as it is all part of history and no point denying it. Then there is every gradation in between.

How do I decide? LAH feels wrong and I don't enjoy collecting the figures - it's very personal. But it doesn't bother me that others collect LAH for historical reasons.

Are you saying that because it makes a lot of money, it's ok to sell LAH? That is a completely different issue. At any rate, I don't find that acceptable either; I don't approve of LAH, what it represents or the money that is made off of these symbols.

Very well stated.
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Gentlemen and Ladies

Political comments have been removed. Keep to the topic without straying into politics. Any further political statements will be removed from the thread as will the poster.


I believe what happened in the Third Reich within Germany is historically significant but to depict a series about is questionable in my opinion and I am certainly not telling people what they should collect.


Jazzeum ,
It seems your not telling people what they should collect only what Avatar they should use :confused: I would not choose it, but I think it goes against all that was won in WWII and the memory of those lost by all of us to support any kind of censorship no matter how offensive some of us may find it. I think someone should have the right to collect whatever they want to even if it is something as tasteless as King and Country's Hitlers Berghof , LAH waiters and yet another version of Hitler and what appears to be his dog. I just can't relate to being at that board meeting when someone said hey we need more Hitler stuff how about the Berghof ? well you get the picture. All the best and לילה טוב Gebhard
Seems Gebhard and I were having a somewhat interesting discussion that's been censored as it were (now I know how it feels).

Well, that's it for me. It's been nice exchanging views, experiences and whatnot the four or so years. Until we meet again... .......
Well, that's it for me. It's been nice exchanging views, experiences and whatnot the four or so years. Until we meet again... .......[/QUOTE]

Please reconsider, Brad,
the forum would not be the same without you.
I must confess I am not sure as to why this thread has been heavily deleted?.Ok there were one or two posts that got heated but I thought in general we talked about the subject in an open and honest nature talking about a difficult and immotive subject.We are all adults here and unless insults are hurled I think we should be given a little leeway to express ourselves.I also thought JGB22 whose avatar was discussed gave his views and opinions in a calm and considered way and did not seem angry at all.

Brad I am in full agreement with you as you know my thoughts on the Nazis,but it is not worth you leaving the forum over this.

I think for the most part the dicussions on this thread were interesting and civil (except for a couple of posts)...It allowed us to share our view-points. We are all brothers....Brad....you are a respected member of this forum....
Seems Gebhard and I were having a somewhat interesting discussion that's been censored as it were (now I know how it feels).

Well, that's it for me. It's been nice exchanging views, experiences and whatnot the four or so years. Until we meet again... .......

Don't do that Brad, meet us again... today or tomorrow, you are and have been an important part of this wonderful forum. I am sure that after the heat of the moment you'll find that the positives outweight the negatives.

back to the topic, aesthetically, the LAH 21 piece marching band is nice indeed.
never seen the box though.
I would just like to say I have enjoyed the discussion on here,its very interesting.Yes I do have strong feelings about the Nazis and what they did and also great pride in my country (despite its faults) and her Allies and what they did in WW2.So if I get carried away on occasion I do apologise and I honestly do not come on here to upset folk with my views,after all thats what my in laws are for!:eek:;):D

Best wishes to all

rob, i dont think an apology is necessary. afterall i regard your anglophilia as enthusiastic, and not yet irritating.:D i think in normal context, we are able to exchange perspectives in a calm and civil manner, usually anyway. heck, i think you quite remembered how unfond i am of the British Empire, but i have not yet reached mel gibson's level :p, yet here we are discussing in a friendly way.

on another note, do you see yourself collecting russian troops?

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