Flew back yesterday morning and was home by noon! Now to catch up on office work and all that stuff.
I had a fun time with Tom for my first time at this show! Posted all the photos on our Facebook page with captions if you want to check it out:
Treefrog Facebook Hackensack Album
Tom & I only really walked around once before the Show opened so I know I missed a lot that was not set up yet at that time -- but there is always next year!
It was great too meet so many people in person finally! Names with faces are great ^&grin And of course to see everyone I already knew -- this more than once a year in Chicago thing may just be okay!
Here are a few people I got to meet finally:

Jim Lee

Eric Villegas and 2 of his 3 boys - they got some freebies from our generous benefactor who gives me money to give away items to kids at shows!

Matt Catania

Rey Madlansacay giving me some Doug Dearth prints (I later had Doug sign for me) to hang in the Shop!

The friendly Security Guard from the door our tables were next to -- he noticed I was taking photos with and hugging many people. So weird, right?
Thanks again to Tom for doing all the driving and heavy lifting so I could come out this year! You are a stellar show buddy - it was a great adventure weekend of 3 nights, 3 different states, 3 different hotels, hours of random conversations in the car - even though our 'other half' didn't join us we had a blast.