What do you think it will be? Clean up poverty and better diagnosis of the metally hill or have police state?
Clean up poverty? Better diagnose mental instability?
Sure. Ok. Nice things to successfully address and also issues every culture has had to deal with and none found a "cure".
We can't prevent these things from happening without living in an all out police state. Ends cannot justify the means. It just puts too much control into the governing body and I don't like the idea of that.
2nd Amendment rights are important and one of the many things which set us apart from so many other countries. A right to defend oneself is also part of the great American ideal of self determination and against would be attackers, an out of control government, what ever it may be.
No matter what is done to prevent them, these things will happen. There will always be people who slip through the cracks and do things like this. If not with a gun then with a knife, a box cutter, a sword...
Then there are those who "shoot 'em up" suggesting that everybody should carry a gun and whip 'em out at the first sign of trouble. Can you imagine what would happen??? Trade one mass killing for another. Talk about becoming like the enemy to beat them. It also supposes that many people want to carry guns and that many people would feel comfortable with so many people carrying. I wouldn't feel comfortable in a place like that. I don't necessarily feel comfortable with people openly carrying around me. I get it, you're a responsible gun owner. But the message I get is "I can take you out if I feel it necessary. And you and you and you too."
Now, I don't buy into the whole "boot straps" argument as there is a lot of in-equality here in regards to access to education and support for small businesses.
I often think about how great it would be to be able to read the daily news of ancient Rome, Egypt, Sumeria - all the ancient civilizations and see what they went through in this regard. It would be fascinating reading. I'm sure they had mass killings, crime waves, serial killers - all of it and the accompanying investigations.
Reason for edits: There's just more and more to say