48 shootings in NYC this weekend! (2 Viewers)

I went back to that CNN site for this story and read the comments. {eek3}{eek3}{eek3} Ideas for "solutions" appear "final."

Anytime a story like this breaks a bunch of people over react and assume their gun rights will be infringed upon. They also get to talking about how they would fix the "problem". Some folks want the sky to fall so they can shoot at it.
Anytime a story like this breaks a bunch of people over react and assume their gun rights will be infringed upon. They also get to talking about how they would fix the "problem". Some folks want the sky to fall so they can shoot at it.

I was in High School when Kent State happened. Waaayyyyy before the internets. I remember "The Score is 4" coming from some folks and they didn't have "internets" Anonymity.

I agree that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right like the rest of the Amendments and individual responsibility and accountability is as well. Where mentally ill folks come in, as in the recent rural shootings (rural compared to NYC) is a problem of family or community responsibility.

What do you think it will be? Clean up poverty and better diagnosis of the metally hill or have police state?
What do you think it will be? Clean up poverty and better diagnosis of the metally hill or have police state?

Clean up poverty? Better diagnose mental instability?

Sure. Ok. Nice things to successfully address and also issues every culture has had to deal with and none found a "cure".

We can't prevent these things from happening without living in an all out police state. Ends cannot justify the means. It just puts too much control into the governing body and I don't like the idea of that.

2nd Amendment rights are important and one of the many things which set us apart from so many other countries. A right to defend oneself is also part of the great American ideal of self determination and against would be attackers, an out of control government, what ever it may be.

No matter what is done to prevent them, these things will happen. There will always be people who slip through the cracks and do things like this. If not with a gun then with a knife, a box cutter, a sword...

Then there are those who "shoot 'em up" suggesting that everybody should carry a gun and whip 'em out at the first sign of trouble. Can you imagine what would happen??? Trade one mass killing for another. Talk about becoming like the enemy to beat them. It also supposes that many people want to carry guns and that many people would feel comfortable with so many people carrying. I wouldn't feel comfortable in a place like that. I don't necessarily feel comfortable with people openly carrying around me. I get it, you're a responsible gun owner. But the message I get is "I can take you out if I feel it necessary. And you and you and you too."

Now, I don't buy into the whole "boot straps" argument as there is a lot of in-equality here in regards to access to education and support for small businesses.

I often think about how great it would be to be able to read the daily news of ancient Rome, Egypt, Sumeria - all the ancient civilizations and see what they went through in this regard. It would be fascinating reading. I'm sure they had mass killings, crime waves, serial killers - all of it and the accompanying investigations.

Reason for edits: There's just more and more to say
Without getting into a long-winded debate about the ills of society, I think you would be hard pressed to find many examples around the world of cities that had 60 shootings over the weekend. How many did they have in London or Paris? It's something of a mystery as to why we have this level of violence. People in Canada have as many guns as we do, but this sort of thing doesn't seem to happen there. Canada is not a police state as far as I'm aware. So it's not the availability of guns. Some people blame video games, movies, rap music, but they have those elsewhere. Hard to fathom. My original point still stands though. Hardly a peep from the media about this.
.................... Hardly a peep from the media about this.

I couldn't debate you on that. Depends on what media you mean. Google Labor Day NYC shootings and see what comes up. Technically it's "local news".
Without getting into a long-winded debate about the ills of society, I think you would be hard pressed to find many examples around the world of cities that had 60 shootings over the weekend. How many did they have in London or Paris? It's something of a mystery as to why we have this level of violence. People in Canada have as many guns as we do, but this sort of thing doesn't seem to happen there. Canada is not a police state as far as I'm aware. So it's not the availability of guns. Some people blame video games, movies, rap music, but they have those elsewhere. Hard to fathom. My original point still stands though. Hardly a peep from the media about this.

Canada has a fraction the population and a similar land spread, their health care and education are covered through their taxes. Those are large factors in determining what types of crimes will take place. I think that has something to do with it as do many of the researchers I read in school.
NYC has the strictest gun laws in the country,it's not the law abiding and licensed gun owners causing this mayhem,you are correct,let them celebrate away
Myself I normally go to big cities and if I do I follow the usual precautions. The idea that someone in a "safe" location could finally listen to that voice in his head in a chain restaurant gives me "pause."
All of the shootings were not along this parade route in Brooklyn,I think that was the original number of 40+ that was stated by the original poster
No matter how big or small a city or town is,unfortunately you should always be on some level of alert these days
No matter how big or small a city or town is,unfortunately you should always be on some level of alert these days

These days? Cripes! Gloucester and Rockport have been on alert for the Brits, the French, pirates, Confederate raiding vessels*, and German U-boats at various times.

*CS raiders burned Gloucester fishing boats on the Grand Banks.

You have to designate the difference between legitimate threats, and boogie men set up to "keep fear alive."

Hi Evilchuck - nowadays? Man, did you ever visit NYC in the early 1980's??? Andy of King & Country came to visit back then - to the Bronx, was attacked and stabbed several times!

People act like so much of what's happening right now is unique to todays world. Well folks, it's been worse and it's certainly not as bad as it's been.

To combats point, we're not debating the ills of society at all. These ills exist as they always have. The only place I've seen people coming close to solving the ills of society was on various Star Trek episodes. But how many times have the various Enterprise star ships been taken over by criminally insane masterminds bent on revenge and settling scores??? Quite a few. We'll be debating this 400 years in our future too. No doubt.
Hi Evilchuck - nowadays? Man, did you ever visit NYC in the early 1980's??? Andy of King & Country came to visit back then - to the Bronx, was attacked and stabbed several times!

People act like so much of what's happening right now is unique to todays world. Well folks, it's been worse and it's certainly not as bad as it's been.

To combats point, we're not debating the ills of society at all. These ills exist as they always have. The only place I've seen people coming close to solving the ills of society was on various Star Trek episodes. But how many times have the various Enterprise star ships been taken over by criminally insane masterminds bent on revenge and settling scores??? Quite a few. We'll be debating this 400 years in our future too. No doubt.


Chuck was on the front lines in one of the worst precincts in the City for several years, so I imagine he has a pretty good idea about then and now. I happen to agree with you that it is a lot safer now than it ever was pre-2000. I was in high school in the early 1980's, and there were parts of the City you didn't go in daylight, much less at night.
Had no idea Chuck was in a station. Was he at Ft Apache? Brooklyn? My step dad was a cop in Bed Stuy from the 1950's through the mid/late 70's.

And I grew up in the east village/alphabet city. I was in one of the neighborhoods you wouldn't have entered...
Had no idea Chuck was in a station. Was he at Ft Apache? Brooklyn? My step dad was a cop in Bed Stuy from the 1950's through the mid/late 70's.

And I grew up in the east village/alphabet city. I was in one of the neighborhoods you wouldn't have entered...

My brother is a policeman in Rockport, Mass. He aids old folks that wander away from the assisted living home.
Hey Louis,gotta get us some hamburgers,lol.hope all is good.guess some of must submit a resume to not agree with everyone here,so here goes,no, ft apache is in the Bronx,so didn't work there.my pcts nickname was ft zindernuef,from beau geste fame,last outpost,surrounded and outmanned,and name fits pretty well,won't go over my trials and tribulations of daily work on open forum,probably get banned,so if you want more for my resume send me a private message.but wasn't escorting anyone anywhere but jail,hospital or morgue,worked steady midnights and retired on a disability when I broke my back in a little altercation.and still say the inhuman activities that surround the west Indian day parade are just that.
And Gideon ,would love to talk to your dad about the job,he has seen some things.I bet things he hasn't even told family,those were rough times,but the police were respected back then,because if you didn't,they would teach you respect
I,m sure Evilchuck will attest. Most of those shootings were "just thinning the herd".
In other words "who cares". These people doing the vast majority of the shootings have absolutely no value on life, there,s are anyone elses.
As long as they keep it amongst themselves, I,ll sell them ammunition.

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