7 Days In Entebbe (1 Viewer)


Sep 17, 2009
Went to see 7 Days In Entebbe today. Good movie but did not like the "hummanizing" of the terrorists. One person at work did not know anything about the real events, it was 42 yrs ago. Most people don't know who the Baeder - Meinhoff (mentioned in the movie) gang were. I work with Israelis and would like to know what they think. Chris
My Israeli friends are not thrilled with the movie. And many media outlets are referring to the terrorists as freedom fighters! Which is really pissing them off
ZB, the Israelis are always pissed off. ZB got a new solider in his collection=Israelis pissed off. George roots for the Patriots=Israelis pissed off....with emphasis on pissed. Mike Miller got a new girlfriend=Israelis really pissed off. Entebbe movie showing=Israelis pissed off. Cinco de Mayo Midnight Fajita festival in San Antone=Israelis pissed off...with a letter sent.

Oy vey,

John from Texas
A lot of my friends who have seen the film said showed the terrorists in an ambiguous/positive light.

I am suspending judgement until I see the film, but I will say that showing German anti-Semites in a positive light sets a dangerous precedent.
Will wait a bit on this one,,see how it stacks against the Charles Bronson version,,positive views on the terrorists ,,,ok then,
A lot of my friends who have seen the film said showed the terrorists in an ambiguous/positive light.

I am suspending judgement until I see the film, but I will say that showing German anti-Semites in a positive light sets a dangerous precedent.

I remember when this gang was around. They were dangerous terrorists. It bogs the mind they could be portrayed in any sort of positive light.
ZB, the Israelis are always pissed off. ZB got a new solider in his collection=Israelis pissed off. George roots for the Patriots=Israelis pissed off....with emphasis on pissed. Mike Miller got a new girlfriend=Israelis really pissed off. Entebbe movie showing=Israelis pissed off. Cinco de Mayo Midnight Fajita festival in San Antone=Israelis pissed off...with a letter sent.

Oy vey,

John from Texas

What is the point of this post. To make fun of Israelis? In light of the rise of anti semitism in Europe — including the brutal murder in France of a holocaust survivor — this is not very funny.
Was looking forward to this but comments here and some other reviews (four from Wiki) indicate might not like the portrayal of the terrorists. Wiki in first line calls it a crime thriller !

Hollywood v History not reviewed it yet but movie departs from the previous movies in relation to the role and death of the Israeli commander, Yoni Netanyahu (brother of current PM). Although did have input from some of the Israeli troops on the raid.

Interesting to note the Director, Jose Padilha, was Director and Producer of first Narcos series.
Here's a somewhat interesting article from The Times of Israel about the movie, https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-ne...enges-israeli-version-of-1976-entebbe-rescue/

The director, whose series The Mechanism is now showing on Netflix, is Jewish.

This article seems to be written earlier than others I have read and seems to be the source for some of the comments by other journalists. The comments below are interesting.

Interesting to note premier was in Berlin.

I did enjoy his two movies about Brazilian police (Elite) which featured actor who played Escobar.
The death of Yoni Netanyahu brings tears to my eyes. His father was a great scholar of Judeo-Spanish history, particularly the Inquisition.
I'm aware of his book and from what I recall his interpretation was criticized.
From the little I remember he said (I think) that many Jews willlingly converted to Catholicism. If I have that right, that just doesn't sound right to me.
My opinion is that terrorists are inhuman, it is not a "terrible" mistake, it is calculated and planned violence for which IMO there is zero excuses. This guy is selling a movie at the expense of the memory of heroes. I just find that distasteful.

From the little I remember he said (I think) that many Jews willlingly converted to Catholicism. If I have that right, that just doesn't sound right to me.

Not really, it was more a commentary on the reasons behind Spanish persecution and debunking myths about the Inquisition.
Been doing a bit of Googling. Minor spoiler alert (probably only for the younger members here) at the end of my post.

This below link is an article to a 2015 article about new book : Entebbe: the real story. Good summary of the days leading up to the actual raid.

Some interesting points here

Operation Entebbe as told by the commandos: Planning the mission
How such a large-scale operation was put together in only 48 hours. Part 1 of 5.

Operation Entebbe as told by the commandos: Heading to Uganda
The bumpy flight, losing the element of surprise, and the arrival to the terminal. Part 2 of 5.

Operation Entebbe as told by the commandos: Storming the terminal
Entering the terminal alone, fighting in the dark corridors and Yoni Netanyahu's injury. Part 3 of 5.

Operation Entebbe as told by the commandos: The fight outside
Under fire from the control tower, destroying the Ugandan fighter jet fleet and the urgency to leave Entebbe. Part 4 of 5.

Operation Entebbe as told by the commandos: The return home
The stressful flight home, a hero's welcome, and the joy that was mixed with pain. Part 5 of 5.

The ground commander Yoni Netanyahu was killed before entering the terminal building as opposed to after hostages rescued as had been the accepted (and probably preferred) version for quite a while. He was not supposed to be taking part in the actual assault but joined in rather than stay back. Still some controversy amongst the raiding soldiers over point of entry missed by assault commander and some confusion at that point.

However overall a brilliant raid, described as mission impossible, especially considering so far from home and the involvement of Ugandan soldiers.

Had not realised raid was on 200th of 4 July and liked this quote.
July 4, 1976, was a great day to be an American, and a great day to be Jewish, and was, I am assured, an absolutely sensational day to be American and Jewish.
George Will, political commentator
The terrorists who hijacked the aircraft were related to the Baeder-Meinhof gang who set off two bombs at Rhein Main Air Base, before and after I was stationed there. They lurred a soldier from a night club and killed him to get his ID to gain access to the base. One bomb killed awoman. These were senseless killings. I saw the movie and did not like the sympathetic portrayal of the terrorists. I did think the depiction of the Israeli strike team was well done. Chris
I haven’t seen the film yet. Nor do I want to start an ideological debate. That said, I can’t refrain from commenting about the director, José Padilha, a Brazilian like me... He is a very competent filmmaker, but impregnated, like most Brazilian artists and the likes are, with a schizophrenic leftist ideology of “freedom fighters” and prone to highlight the righteousness and legitimacy of such fights in light of “superior forces” from the “establishment”. I live here and witness firsthand this “ideological patrol” that hoovers over cultural productions...Those thugs at Entebbe were terrorists, plain and simple! Anything else IMHO is pure imagination and incorrect creative license. After I see the movie I’ll be happy to make other comments here...

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