82nd Airborne assault, D-Day 1944 (2 Viewers)

After fierce fighting, the Airborne units pushed on to their objective.....................

George, all I have to say is that this is up to your usual high standard of entertainment :)..........and also, are you going to have time to do your Napoleonic masterpiece?


George, all I have to say is that this is up to your usual high standard of entertainment :)..........and also, are you going to have time to do your Napoleonic masterpiece?



Dont know about the Nap piece but I have given up on his promise of a Reb and Billy Yank scrap:(:(:(
Napoleonics are in the works, but to be fair to UK Reb, ACW will be done in front of Napoleonics, probably in August during the dog days of summer................
Napoleonics are in the works, but to be fair to UK Reb, ACW will be done in front of Napoleonics, probably in August during the dog days of summer................

I look forward to those........meanwhile please do carry on with your WW2 themes. :)

The big issue is the ACW figures I have are based one per base and I've got well over 5,000 figures, so doing a diorama is an all day afair; Napoleonics are based one, four and six to a base, much easier to set up and more importantly, take down...........
Napoleonics are in the works, but to be fair to UK Reb, ACW will be done in front of Napoleonics, probably in August during the dog days of summer................

Thanks George look forward to that

Is the glider from the Italeri 1/72nd kit? Nice job on it.

As far as your question about making scenic accessories available in larger scales - one never has too many choices of that stuff. If you explore production please watch the price though. There are some nice buildings but one can spend more on backgrounds than figures in a hurry. Personally, I am always watching for more "background" buildings (1-2" deep).

Very nice diorama work - you are an artist.

You have a good eye; yes, that is the Waco glider from Italieri, nice kit, have secured the British version as well, will get cracking on that soon.

Thanks for your input, the terrain features will be mostly trees, hedges, fields, ponds, etc to start.

I appreciate you comments on my work, thanks very much..........

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