"Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten me into." -- AlWhat do you mean by "You want to be left alone" !?
View attachment 231042
Feel free to add your own lines !
simple...but VERY NICE!
like these figures were made for this scene...
you should send it to John...
he would get a laugh out of it...
What do you mean by "You want to be left alone" !?
View attachment 231042
Feel free to add your own lines !
"I thought the scow was supposed to drop us off on Mogmog!"
View attachment 231043
For more on Mogmog:
Very impressive article. Fantastic display of industrial and military power. Loved the noseart on the Hellcat nightfighters. -- AlSimple but very good scene by Steve. The power of the 1945 USN in the link Moe provided is astounding. Chris
"Gee, Larry, the girls said they wanted to just borrow the boat for a few minutes and they'd be right back ... it's been 6 hours now.
Maybe they got lost."
--- LaRRy
"Gee, Larry, the girls said they wanted to just borrow the boat for a few minutes and they'd be right back ... it's been 6 hours now.
Maybe they got lost."
--- LaRRy
Hahaha ! ^&grin Fortunately Larry still had the car keys so he knew the girls would return and his buddy had the beer cooling in the sea !:wink2:
simple...but VERY NICE!
like these figures were made for this scene...
you should send it to John...
he would get a laugh out of it...