Hi Fierytheangelsfell,
It looks like you are getting some wonderful and sound advice. I second the advice provided by Rob and Mitch. Take some time, identify what you want most that your resources can handle, and enjoy the hobby at your own pace.
TheBaron and Scott also offer good advice if you are talented or if you are inclined to learn how to paint figures. Painting figures can add a great deal of fun to the hobby while your collection progresses at financially responsible speed.
In addition to their advice, I would offer the following thoughts.
1.) Watch the "For Sale" section of this forum. Many times, there are excellent figures for sale at a reasonable price.
2.) Watch the secondary market (eBay) as you can occasionally obtain figures at a wonderful price.
3.) Specializing in an era, an event, a manufacturer, or style can help you focus your collection while avoiding the temptations of purchasing beautiful, but unrelated, figures.
4. I also want to add there are some outstanding plastic figures available. You might want to explore this area as the plastic figures are usually less expensive than metal figures.
In whatever manner you decide to approach the hobby, make certain it is fun. There are no "rights" or "wrongs" in the hobby and the chief goal of the hobby is to bring joy, relaxation, and pleasure to the person engaging in it.
Good luck and keep us informed regarding your hobby decisions!
Warmest personal regards,