A Return to The Pacific? (1 Viewer)


Its a colourfull series and would certainly appeal to collectors of civillian figures and those not interested in war (apparently, there are some)

I wouldn't be surprised to find that on this forum, strictly KC comparisons, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if SOHK was more popular than the Iwo lines, Russian lines, and many others. After being on this forum, there are several people out there who collect that line.
Mitch, I agree it is very colorful. But it has never appealed to me as something I would purchase. Maybe if I had been to Hong Kong at some time. It might go well with thier latest Marines now. "Sand Pebbles" is an excellent movie.


It is an excellent movie ,also in the way that james jones wrote in his novels about the perils of bucking the military system by an enlisted troop.
I don't know who Stryker is have I said something wrong here??

If I was going out the gate on the next patrol I would want stryker with as well as Currahee Chris,,double bandoleers and speakers off,antennas down.
Be careful as if Stryker sees this, he's liable to have a stroke and go face down into his cornflakes...........

His replacement would have to be one Big Dude!
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