A Return to The Pacific? (1 Viewer)

As has been hinted at, there was a very ugly racial side to the PTO. There were feelings of racial superiority in play on all sides and this led to a particularly vicious war. No quarter asked or given. It played out that way everywhere the Japanese went. Their treatment of occupied peoples was as cruel as the Germans, and treatment of POW's (where taken) was much worse, on the whole, than the Germans, (excepting the Eastern front and the Holocaust). The Japanese Kempeitai had a terrible reputation for torture and treatment everywhere they went, just like the SS. All in all, it was a terrible war with racial undertones that just are not popular to dredge up. I don't think many American's or the Allies saw anything noble in the Japanese and therefore the war theater is just not as "popular". JMO. -- Al
Further to Al's point before the war started, there had been a lot of negative news about the Japanese and their war in China, such as the Rape of Nanking. I'm sure this colored reaction
we've been through this discussion before and the bottom line is "what sells" and that is fully understandable. How many people actually own a mini-diorama of the streets of berlin complete with buildings, streets, and figures, complete with shattered glass and nazis painting their propaganda on walls? If that isn't racist, then nothing is..There's nothing glorious about those motherless street thugs yet they are created for our "enjoyment". Same as the Bergdorf playset. Things have gotten very stale with K&C, there's no more innovation..another Tiger, another Panzer...with more Afrika Korps to come, from what i hear..I think that an early Pacific theme could be a dynamic series, complete with a variety of armies, with a few specialized tanks.
.......Things have gotten very stale with K&C, there's no more innovation..another Tiger, another Panzer...with more Afrika Korps to come, from what i hear..I think that an early Pacific theme could be a dynamic series, complete with a variety of armies, with a few specialized tanks.

Hard to argue with that.

Though on another note- my main area of collecting interest is Ancient Rome- through it's many reincarnations, it lastes for a few millenium. Look how many (ie few) producers cover the Romans. And when they do, it's the same old glorious wars of Caesar.

The Pacific is just one of those strange anomalies. I frequently attend wargaming events and the Pacific is very popular, as are many other eras which don't seem to get coverage in toy soldier land (like ancient Rome or Persia). Go figure.
we've been through this discussion before and the bottom line is "what sells" and that is fully understandable. How many people actually own a mini-diorama of the streets of berlin complete with buildings, streets, and figures, complete with shattered glass and nazis painting their propaganda on walls? If that isn't racist, then nothing is..There's nothing glorious about those motherless street thugs yet they are created for our "enjoyment". Same as the Bergdorf playset. Things have gotten very stale with K&C, there's no more innovation..another Tiger, another Panzer...with more Afrika Korps to come, from what i hear..I think that an early Pacific theme could be a dynamic series, complete with a variety of armies, with a few specialized tanks.
I don't disagree. I think a series done on the early war in the Philippines would be very interesting. Tanks and aircraft for both sides. PT Boats, landing craft. The Philippine Scouts. Artillery and fortifications. Lots of stuff to do. -- Al
My feelings about the "Streets of Berlin" and the Berghof are pretty well known so I won't bore you with them again :)

The argument about "sales" was made at a time when the collector bas was smaller but the hobby has changed since the second Iwo series.

Why not make a test issue or two, particularly some issues to coincide with the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor.

Now, if something like that doesn't sell, then, yes, we will all agree that Pacific doesn't sell.
I think a 70th anniversary set would sell well but, don't think it could be used as a test for the popularity of the far east as Pearl would sell well on its own.

Don't know how many of us LAH collectors have dio's with streets filled with broken glass etc I certainly have not but, would not think K&C has gone stale but, Figarti seem to offload their pacific stuff so, maybe its about limiting the range rather than saturate the market with a range.

K&C do many limited runs from 250 up, down and in between so, for the collectors who want this era I just can't see why these editions are not utilised for that purpose is it not what they are for??
I think a 70th anniversary set would sell well ...

See, I'm not quite convinced of that. Seems like all the WW2 enthusiasts I have met over time, Pearl seems to be in the middle in terms of enthusiasm. From my experience- iwo and okinawa are far more popular periods yet they didn't seem to do too terribly well in toysoldierland.

I suppose, it would depend on say what the set for pearl entailed and, its limit etc as limiteds and SL's sell well regardless of content and, I would say its 50/50 with depiction and limit for a fair few collectors. On that subject I had heard that the flag raising set sold quite well within the Iwo range.

It will be interesting to see where manufacturers go with these anniversaries as they draw nearer
On that subject I had heard that the flag raising set sold quite well within the Iwo range.

I have no idea how well it sold, but I imagine it had a much wider
interest than just toy soldier collectors.

I bought the second issue, and while the sculp is done quite
well, the painting leaves much to be desired. A big disappointment
to say the least, but then I rarely buy anything from King & Country.
Picture in your mind the Marines that fought a bloody battle to the
top of Mt. Suribachi and their fatiques and helmets are painted
like they just visited the Quartermaster for a reissue for a photo
opt. Not a mark. No change in shading of faded uniforms from
one Marine to another. Then there is the awful way the flag is done
and mounted on the pole. Looks like a white pvc tube was use to attach
the flag to the pole. Flag looks stiff, but at least showed some
evidence of a battle even though the Marines didn't. I won't even
get into the ground work painting.

I can't believe that this depiction of the most famous and most
reproduced photograph of the Pacific War wasn't given more
thought. It certainly shouldn't have had quality limits due to price.

Would I be correct in thinking you were not pleased with that set?? lol
I would like to see another set of two or three figures.
A pack howitzer with a USMC crew would be great.
It could also be issued with a USA crew for eto.
Don't hold your breath on this line coming..See how fast it disappeared? There's more Nazis to be had...
I would like to see another set of two or three figures.
A pack howitzer with a USMC crew would be great.
It could also be issued with a USA crew for eto.

I think Pack Howitzer sets for any theatre is a very good idea, I have the Bulge version and its one of my favourite sets of the whole Bulge series. Its very realistic and makes you feel cold just looking at it!

I think all the K&C figures, etc are excellent.
I have never been able to understand how a series like the 'Streets of Hong Kong" could be a better seller than something like the Pacific though.

I think all the K&C figures, etc are excellent.
I have never been able to understand how a series like the 'Streets of Hong Kong" could be a better seller than something like the Pacific though.


KC is a global company- Pacific theater is a niche of a bigger war. SOHK is pretty much generic and appeals to a broader market.
Maybe with the new Pacific planes coming, some Pacific figures may not be far behind.

Its a colourfull series and would certainly appeal to collectors of civillian figures and those not interested in war (apparently, there are some)

I think all the K&C figures, etc are excellent.
I have never been able to understand how a series like the 'Streets of Hong Kong" could be a better seller than something like the Pacific though.

Mitch, I agree it is very colorful. But it has never appealed to me as something I would purchase. Maybe if I had been to Hong Kong at some time. It might go well with thier latest Marines now. "Sand Pebbles" is an excellent movie.


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