ACW - Artillery Limbers (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Jan 6, 2007
QUESTION - When can Britains ACW Collectors (like me ^&grin) expect a NEW RELEASE Artillery Limbers and or Ammo Carts in the future ??
Yes, I think after the latest, upcoming Union artillery release, we can use a break and concentrate on accessories for the prior artillery sets. A new ACW horse-drawn gun and limber set would be welcome as well...!!!

This is not a complaint, just an observation... ^&grin I will only buy ACW from Britains, nevertheless!!! :):):)
QUESTION - When can Britains ACW Collectors (like me ^&grin) expect a NEW RELEASE Artillery Limbers and or Ammo Carts in the future ??

Ken said limbers and caisons with horses will be out later this yr. There will be an option to add add'l sets of horse teams. Don't know if it will be by end of summer but definetly this yr. Chris
Well this is good news I can just about hear Mike's (Mestell) billfold walking out the door.....:eek:
Well this is good news I can just about hear Mike's (Mestell) billfold walking out the door.....:eek:

I heard that . . . . er, read that Rick :tongue: Sadly, you are probably right on target with your comment . . . .
:smile2: Mike
We know you're making Battery B. 6 limbers and how many caissons? {eek3} Maybe the limbers will "over the horizon" and out of sight. :wink2: Chris
Outstanding - My Union and Confederate Batteries need some Ammo !! ^&grin
Just learned today the limbers and caissons will be coming in Spring of 2013. It will be a large collection so well worth the wait. Chris

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