ACW Moving up the Line... (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Feb 21, 2010
As mentioned last month some pics of another Confederate Regiment, this time the 55th Carolina moving into the battle zone. Also posting some pics of the 5th Texas on the CS section.
Regards to all. Colman P1010334.jpgP1010335.jpgP1010336.jpgP1010337.jpgP1010338.jpg
Nice looking scene. Who made the building and everything else.

Nice looking scene. Who made the building and everything else.


Thanks, Brad.
That's the W Britains ACW farmhouse with various bits of foliage & rocks from JG Miniatures and a Games Workshop base, part of a much larger set of six2 foot square pieces. As it's photographed outside, the backgound is actually the road and bushes outside my front gate!!!
Great looking setup you have there Colman! I was just getting ready to post pics of my new FL figures I picked up this weekend. I was hoping to get a few of the 55th but no one had them at the show. I need to complete my 13th Al anyways. :)
I never tire of looking at pictures of First Legion's splendid figures especially when well photographed. Good to see another ACW collector on the forum.

My wish list is getting bigger because of diorama's like this. Simmo.

Many thanks, Simmo, Mike, Bob & Cameron!
I must say it's very gratifying to be complimented by people like Mike and Bob who are masters of the ACW diorama and who are a constant source of inspiration to the rest of us! C :)
As mentioned last month some pics of another Confederate Regiment, this time the 55th Carolina moving into the battle zone. Also posting some pics of the 5th Texas on the CS section.
Regards to all. Colman View attachment 107490

Hi Colman ,
Really like this shot , great choice of positioning the figures {bravo}}really nice dio everything works really well together.. regards Gebhard
Hi Colman ,
Really like this shot , great choice of positioning the figures {bravo}}really nice dio everything works really well together.. regards Gebhard

Thanks for your kind comments, Gebhard. Those soldiers are just very photogenic!!!:)
Thanks for your kind comments, Gebhard. Those soldiers are just very photogenic!!!:)

My Pleasure Colman ,
It unselfish collectors like yourself who make TF a really fun place to visit . I can appreciate the amount of time it takes to set up and photograph your collection , and I really do enjoy sharing in the creations of many of the First Legion collectors who take the time out to share with the rest of us {bravo}}{bravo}} . Over the past years First Legion have changed the Hobby for me Totally , I used to just Commision kit figures and buy a few Russian painted figures from Mr Thor and others .FL have really changed everything ...
I'm waiting to see what MAtt & FL come out with next ,, speaking of which were are the 7YW figures its almost mid October ^&confuse:mad:and how about Blücher & Gneisenau ???? ... sorry about that ....
By the way these are the best ACW figures I have seen , even better then the Old Aeroart ones I have.. except for those Beautiful hand painted flags .....thats were the Russians can't be beat IMO of course . Thanks again for sharing regards Gebhard
Thanks for sharing these pics. Your photos really show how good these FL ACW figures really are. You can really see the quality of the sculpt, paint job etc.... Great job with the entire scene.
Hi Colman, your displays are spot on, I love the small detail your put in your dios, look forward to seeing more soon...Sammy
Those Rebs really look all riled up!!...I would just hate to get in thier way!!.

A very nicely composed scene. Well done! Those FL ACW figures look really sharp too.

G'day Colman,
Just got back from a month's holiday and found this and your follow-up scenes. Both are really works of art and I especially like this one of the 55th NC moving up to form line of battle. These blokes certainly look like they mean business and the bluecoats they are soon to come to grips with had better be ready. Beautiful work, very well staged and photographed. I dips me lid!

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