ACW Reb Artillery Set (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 31, 2007

A very unusual set of pictures for the Figarti board but when Clive sold me this set on Saturday in London I promised him I would knock up a quick dio and post it on the forum.

Although I am not a WWII collector I have always been a very keen admirer of all the Figarti sets and every attendance at London I make my way to Clive's table to have a look see. Subsequently, although not a customer of Clive's, we have over the years built up a bit of a rapport. Last December he fed me a tid-bit that Figarti were flirting with Aeroart and if it comes to fruition I could be in for a surprise.

As I entered the hall on Saturday Clive grabbed me and said "Got that surprise to show you". Hell's teeth surprise? {eek3} for a brief moment I thought I was at this years December show and Christmas had come early. The fact they are re-issues of previous Aeroart sets is for me personally absolutely inconsequential-All three sets-up close and personal are simply downright brilliant.

Thanks Clive for allowing me to buy this superb piece and the next time you speak to Thor tell him they get my vote and if his next releases could include two or three more Reb artillery men to make up a full gun crew I would be most appreciative and if he has a limber to go with it I would be beside myself.







The Civil War is not a period of interest to me, but this is such an amazing set that I may have to pick one up. That is one of the nicest artillery sets I've ever seen.^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool
Great acquisition Bob. I like the figure of the weary soldier wiping his brow. That makes the whole set for me.
Great acquisition Bob. I like the figure of the weary soldier wiping his brow. That makes the whole set for me.

Yes, I love the detail on his shirt . Congratulations Bob, its only fitting that you should own the only example in this country:smile2: I spoke to Clive this morning, am hovering over the Union and Reb generals, may have to be Union first as that Chamberlain figure is so good. Sounds like this is going to be a superior range of ACW figures^&cool

Great new sets.The quality keeps getting better and better.Between Conte,Britains,CS,FL,KC and now Figarti/Aeroart The ACW is very well represented.One question for UK Reb,where did you get those trees?I love them.
What kind of barrel is that on the gun? Is it a Napoleon or a Parrott? It's bronze with a Parrott breech and Parrotts were a combination of wrought and cast iron. The gunner has some sort of a port-fire/linstock rather than a lanyard for the friction primer plus he has a Union heavy artillery coat and hat but in gray?

Is there a story behind this set?^&confuse
Knew it wouldn't be long before your new set hit the forum in one of your classic photo dioramas Reb an you didn't keep us waiting. Thanks Bob for putting it together as quickly as you did good sir an sharing it with us. That gun crew sure would play havoc with my Zouves.........Joe
As always Bob, your ability to design a diorama scene and photograph it in such a way that it makes the viewer feel a part of it is just ourtstanding . . .
:smile2: Mike

Great acquisition Bob. I like the figure of the weary soldier wiping his brow. That makes the whole set for me.

I like this figure also Brad . . . very nicely done

What kind of barrel is that on the gun? Is it a Napoleon or a Parrott? It's bronze with a Parrott breech and Parrotts were a combination of wrought and cast iron. The gunner has some sort of a port-fire/linstock rather than a lanyard for the friction primer plus he has a Union heavy artillery coat and hat but in gray?

Is there a story behind this set?^&confuse

I have had the same concerns and questions ever since I first saw this set. The gun tube appears to be an "oversized" Parrot Rifle due to the design of the breech. If this is the case it should be black (iron) and smaller in scale to represent a 10-pounder. I was most surprised by the gunner though, he should be using a friction primer with attached lanyard to discharge the gun, not a "torch"
Fantastic photos and a great new release, by chance does anybody know when they will become available? I assume we are looking at a release of 100 … Alby
DANG that's COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the officer holding?

The "officer" has a Union heavy artillery enlisted man's frock coat with shoulder scales. For some reason it is gray. He's carrying a linstock/portfire device for some reason as well instead of pulling a friction primer lanyard.
DANG that's COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the officer holding?

I think it's a Roman Candle firework ^&grin But he will soon be holding a lanyard as his arm has already been amputated in my work-shop.

On the train back from London I had a closer look at the set and decided it needed to be changed (Mike has since noticed this too re his post) but before actually cutting off the linstock and drilling his hand to take a wire lanyard I have this very night written to AeroArt to ask them what research the original artist/sculptor had undertaken for both the firer and the cannon (albeit perhaps a "hybrid" barrel and breech the whole gun has been beautifully cast and painted).

When and if I get their answer I'll report it back on here.

Fantastic photos and a great new release, by chance does anybody know when they will become available? I assume we are looking at a release of 100 … Alby

Alby, I believe these are to be released through Aeroart, not Figarti, so the usual 100 probably doesn't apply. Those who collect Aeroart probably know how many they make although this joint venture may be a little different.
So Bob, what would you like to see next from Marco Polo?.


A very unusual set of pictures for the Figarti board but when Clive sold me this set on Saturday in London I promised him I would knock up a quick dio and post it on the forum.

Although I am not a WWII collector I have always been a very keen admirer of all the Figarti sets and every attendance at London I make my way to Clive's table to have a look see. Subsequently, although not a customer of Clive's, we have over the years built up a bit of a rapport. Last December he fed me a tid-bit that Figarti were flirting with Aeroart and if it comes to fruition I could be in for a surprise.

As I entered the hall on Saturday Clive grabbed me and said "Got that surprise to show you". Hell's teeth surprise? {eek3} for a brief moment I thought I was at this years December show and Christmas had come early. The fact they are re-issues of previous Aeroart sets is for me personally absolutely inconsequential-All three sets-up close and personal are simply downright brilliant.

Thanks Clive for allowing me to buy this superb piece and the next time you speak to Thor tell him they get my vote and if his next releases could include two or three more Reb artillery men to make up a full gun crew I would be most appreciative and if he has a limber to go with it I would be beside myself.







You're the man UKReb when it comes to quality and some of best ACW dio's around.

They do look great and just in time. I've just started branching out of WWII (still collecting it though) and into ACW. I love artillery!

Alby, I believe these are to be released through Aeroart, not Figarti, so the usual 100 probably doesn't apply. Those who collect Aeroart probably know how many they make although this joint venture may be a little different.


Thank you, appreciate the advice … that makes a lot of sense, regards … Alby
So Bob, what would you like to see next from Marco Polo?.



Are you attempting to get me to start a future Figarti Despatches thread on here just to get your own back? ^&grin^&grin^&grin Only kidding mate!

Good question Rob but early days yet. Clive told me on Saturday that there was a whole new line of Marco Polo ACW figures coming down the pike but he was unable to flesh out any of the details. Which is understandable when you bear in mind that exactly like you Clive is a WWII expert and the war between the States is a whole new era for him.

This was very evident on Saturday when I left you and entered the hall he grabbed me to help him identify the Union/Reb generals sets. Customers had been asking him all morning who these characters were and he didn't have a clue. I gave him a quick thumbnail sketch of Longstreet; Jackson; Chamberlain; Thomas; Hood; Meade etc and he took notes. I was struck in particular with the figure of Ewell and the figures apparent "stiff" left leg and pointed out to Clive this was really impressive as Ewell had had his kneecap shot off at Second Manassas which led to his leg being amputated above the knee then replaced with a wooden version. You could clearly see this on the figure and it wowed me.

So to answer your question old mate-the two sets of officer characters are top of my purchase list as indeed they should be yours too ^&grin


Are you attempting to get me to start a future Figarti Despatches thread on here just to get your own back? ^&grin^&grin^&grin Only kidding mate!

Good question Rob but early days yet. Clive told me on Saturday that there was a whole new line of Marco Polo ACW figures coming down the pike but he was unable to flesh out any of the details. Which is understandable when you bear in mind that exactly like you Clive is a WWII expert and the war between the States is a whole new era for him.

This was very evident on Saturday when I left you and entered the hall he grabbed me to help him identify the Union/Reb generals sets. Customers had been asking him all morning who these characters were and he didn't have a clue. I gave him a quick thumbnail sketch of Longstreet; Jackson; Chamberlain; Thomas; Hood; Meade etc and he took notes. I was struck in particular with the figure of Ewell and the figures apparent "stiff" left leg and pointed out to Clive this was really impressive as Ewell had had his kneecap shot off at Second Manassas which led to his leg being amputated above the knee then replaced with a wooden version. You could clearly see this on the figure and it wowed me.

So to answer your question old mate-the two sets of officer characters are top of my purchase list as indeed they should be yours too ^&grin



We'd have to call it 'Dispatches from Gettysburg' Bob, wouldn't want to confuse the readers!^&grin

Yes Clive said the same to me re sets coming down the line, I'm hoping for some of those Maine boys to try and stem your Reb advance up the round tops. The Ewell figure is indeed very well done isn't it, I think all the figures are very realistic. In fact the facial hair on the Chamberlain looks better than it did in the film!.

Bob could you identify the guy far right here for me?


Very interested to see where Figarti go next with this range

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