ACW - The Watchers (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Feb 12, 2008
Thought I would enjoy my TS this morning. Here I have some gentlemen in gray watching the Federal army . . . .
:) Mike

August 28, 1862, Gainesville, VA near John Brawner's Farm
On a nearby hill, within easy musket range of the Federals if anyone had cared, a few horsemen appeared. Confederate cavalry perhaps. They watched Gibbons men for a time and then turned and galloped away. What none of the Federal marchers could have imagined was that one of these horsemen was none other than the wily Major General Thomas J. Jackson himself, the very object of their search.



Thought I would enjoy my TS this morning. Here I have some gentlemen in gray watching the Federal army . . . .
:) Mike

August 28, 1862, Gainesville, VA near John Brawner's Farm
On a nearby hill, within easy musket range of the Federals if anyone had cared, a few horsemen appeared. Confederate cavalry perhaps. They watched Gibbons men for a time and then turned and galloped away. What none of the Federal marchers could have imagined was that one of these horsemen was none other than the wily Major General Thomas J. Jackson himself, the very object of their search.




Agree Scott an nice seeing you at play Mike.
Exquisite Mike

You new photo setup and scenics show off this set very nicely!

Could easily pass for a 19th C painting.

Great story-photography Mike. I enjoy your CW photos and dioramas. John
Mike: As always excellent depiction, historically relevent and accurate with superb composition.
Those are awesome what a story......One can just see it happening in real life........we are lucky to have you Mike sharing with us......are all the trees from Ken??
Thanks everybody; Scott, Joe Q, Michael, Randy, Joe B, RevWar, John, Jefman, and rharry

Those are awesome what a story......One can just see it happening in real life........we are lucky to have you Mike sharing with us......are all the trees from Ken??

Yes, all the trees and bushes were made by Ken & Ericka Osen, as well as the section of diorama base that everything is on.
:) Mike
Mike: Here is a great lesson in gray...from the book "Battle Cry of Freedom" by James McPherson page 262 color photo:

"The first eight Wisconsin regiments that marched off to war in 1861 initially wore gray uniforms...evidentally because of a shortage of blue dye. The confusion caused by this "Wisconsin gray" led on at least one occasion at the first battle of Bull Run to the 2nd Wisconsin being fired upon simultaneously by Union and Confederate units."
Mike: Here is a great lesson in gray...from the book "Battle Cry of Freedom" by James McPherson page 262 color photo:

"The first eight Wisconsin regiments that marched off to war in 1861 initially wore gray uniforms...evidentally because of a shortage of blue dye. The confusion caused by this "Wisconsin gray" led on at least one occasion at the first battle of Bull Run to the 2nd Wisconsin being fired upon simultaneously by Union and Confederate units."

Thanks for the info. Having been a member of the Iron Brigade Association and an Iron Brigade re-enactor for a number of years (2nd WI, Company K) I am very familiar with this story. In fact it was quite common for state militias to be dressed in gray uniforms prior to the war - blue being reserved for Federal troops. As you have pointed out above, this was confusing and became devastating in the opening clashes of the ACW. Thereafter the northern states quickly adopted the Federal blue unifom, where as the southern states maintained their gray militia styled uniforms - thus the blue and the gray.
:) Mike
I have just finished reading my first book on the Iron Brigade. It was mostly the story of the brigade at Gettysburg, but it did give some details of the first couple of years of the unit. I had read articles and such before, but had never really went into the details much. I really enjoyed it. SEE.....Toy soldiers can make one's education expand!!!

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