ACW Union Headgear - The Wrong Cap (2 Viewers)

Well, if I compared that to the so called secret weapon of the Nazis K&C pulled out couple of years ago (born in the imagination of Mr Andy N. but without any real historical background), I can tell you that there's far more research in FL figures than what you can find in the typical K&C... So viva First legion !


Actually Alex,
There is reference material out there on hundreds of bombs, weapons, vehicles that never made it off the drawing board or were conceptual for WW2 Germany. I believe that the Rammjager was a combination of that.

To tell you truth to defend all manufacturers here, this is art to some degree, so if they wish to take artistic license, more power to them. NOW, that said, there are glaring errors that due occur across the board from time to time, everyone makes mistakes. Back to the Rammjager, I believe that was a little of both, it was based on concept, but I am sure there was some artistic license to bring the story to light.

I personally didn't notice the Spencer carbine or forage cap. I tend to go with what is pleasing to the eye, right or wrong, that is me.

AND, I do like Mort Kunstler, his paintings whether right or not are very pleasing art and usually are on subjects that I deeply like!

Well, if I compared that to the so called secret weapon of the Nazis K&C pulled out couple of years ago (born in the imagination of Mr Andy N. but without any real historical background), I can tell you that there's far more research in FL figures than what you can find in the typical K&C... So viva First legion !


What does one have to do with the other. It's like apples and oranges. We've been down that path before. No need to raise it again I believe.
The Confederates are really good! Hope you take my comments as well meant.
In fairness Dave, my response about "my vision" was in reference to how the ACW rebels look. And we won't be changing them at all, because they look exactly how we want them to look and feel that trying to capture perfect "drill" movements on the battlefield is pretty unrealistic.

That being said, we are going to make some changes to the Union dismounted cavalry. Much of our reference material does show kepis but it is entirely possible that the reference material was wrong or that the kepi was shown as part of an officers uniform. So we will be changing all of the privates to forage caps as it's an easy enough change.

As for the Carbines, we do realize that Buford's cavalry did not have the spencer. That was just a simple mistake and we've been discussing that internally for some time now. The problem is that some of the figures, in fact my favorite figure, can't be easily changed. So what I think we're going to do is to change the ones that can be easily changed and leave the ones that can't as they are.

Suffice it to say, we'll be a lot more careful on future releases in terms of the research. That being said, even with these errors, we feel the figures are superb sculpts and will be superbly painted. However, as we want to get it right for the unit that we're doing, we're going to make the changes that we can.

Hope this addresses everyone's concerns about the figures.




I certainly can't complain about the quality of the sculpts. And y'all got the colors of the Confederate uniforms dead on. And yes, I'm nitpicky about the Civil War because I've studied so much about it. I know what is wrong, and it drives me nuts. So I'm trying your Rev War line. I don't know enough about that period to get my panties in a bunch ;).

And for some of y'all who questioned the utility of drill in battle. The entire purpose of 19th century drill was to build muscle memory so the men could remain in order and not panic in battle, smack their file partners with their bayonets, trip over each others feet, et cetera. It was meant to build unit cohesion and maximize striking power. By 1863, the ANV was well-drilled.

Now in the Rev War series, Baron von Steuben drilling troops at Valley Forge would be a great vignette.

Hats off to First Legion (no pun intended), for making the required changes in the name of historical accurracy. Thanks for being true to your art. You've made me one happy ACW collector. - Ken
I'm with you on this. I'm not a rivet counter either I would say and I will choose one particular figure more often than not because of the originality of the pose, the detailed sculpting and the quality of the painting. But what I like a lot with FL is that you can find all these qualities in most if not all of their ranges. Plus I love the interaction that we collectors have with FL (Matt). This thread shows how they care about us and take the concerns of some of us into account and make modifications accordingly.. What else can we possibly ask ? MORE NAPOLEONICS !!! :) French Dragoons ...FRENCH DRAGOOOONNNNSSSSS !!!



Actually Alex,
There is reference material out there on hundreds of bombs, weapons, vehicles that never made it off the drawing board or were conceptual for WW2 Germany. I believe that the Rammjager was a combination of that.

To tell you truth to defend all manufacturers here, this is art to some degree, so if they wish to take artistic license, more power to them. NOW, that said, there are glaring errors that due occur across the board from time to time, everyone makes mistakes. Back to the Rammjager, I believe that was a little of both, it was based on concept, but I am sure there was some artistic license to bring the story to light.

I personally didn't notice the Spencer carbine or forage cap. I tend to go with what is pleasing to the eye, right or wrong, that is me.

AND, I do like Mort Kunstler, his paintings whether right or not are very pleasing art and usually are on subjects that I deeply like!

Hats off to First Legion (no pun intended), for making the required changes in the name of historical accurracy. Thanks for being true to your art. You've made me one happy ACW collector. - Ken

First Legion, Has been producing some of the most realistic and historically accurate ranges by ANYONE to date.....They are head over heals above their competition in this regard.....Matt's willingness to communicate with collectors in this thread regarding changes to maintain historical accuracy is unprecedented and demonstrates FL's committment to excellence....Hat's off to First Legion (pun intentional)
I'm with you on this. I'm not a rivet counter either I would say and I will choose one particular figure more often than not because of the originality of the pose, the detailed sculpting and the quality of the painting. But what I like a lot with FL is that you can find all these qualities in most if not all of their ranges. Plus I love the interaction that we collectors have with FL (Matt). This thread shows how they care about us and take the concerns of some of us into account and make modifications accordingly.. What else can we possibly ask ? MORE NAPOLEONICS !!! :) French Dragoons ...FRENCH DRAGOOOONNNNSSSSS !!!


I am with you Alex, especially on the Dragoons.:D

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