Adler Kfz 13 (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Jan 18, 2012
Went to the Chicago show Sunday & picked up the K&C Adler Kfz 13 , really like this early war armored car...Kudos to Andy/K&C for making it...Got the chance to see Gordon's dio's up close , imho the pics don't do it justice...fantastic work by Gordon...Also got to meet Howard aka Northgate woods , great guy & pleasure to speak with...A lot of fun at the show , brought my wife & six year old daughter who quite liked the Wehrmacht train going around the tracks & tooting it's horn...
Here are some close-up's of the Adler...Great little piece IMHO...


I had not noticed the horseman symbol on it. What unit does that symbolize? Doesn't look like the Leaping Horseman of the 24th Panzer Division.
I had not noticed the horseman symbol on it. What unit does that symbolize? Doesn't look like the Leaping Horseman of the 24th Panzer Division.

I checked my reference book Panzer Colors II by Bruce Culver...It actually shows an Adler with the exact markings as the K&C Adler but notes the unit as unknown in France 1940...Another source I referenced this symbol as a training unit...Maybe somebody has more info ?!


That's a tough one. The symbol has made it's way between various books and a Bronco 1/35 model - who knows which came first. And it feels like one copied the other. They all say unidentified unit, France 1940. I don't believe the symbol was used in Poland or by a training unit. The tactical symbol on the driver's side fender is for a cavalry platoon. The Adlers often operated in 3 car platoons made up of two SdKfz 13 and one SdKfz 14 radio car version with a frame antenna. Infantry divisions early in the war had cavalry units assigned to them for reconnaissance. Adler platoons and companies were part of the cavalry reconnaissance unit. The symbol, if real, was possibly the symbol of the cavalry regiment. The answer may lie in a book on German cavalry in WWII???

Why not Poland or a training unit in the 1930's. The Balkancreuz on the model is

which was not used until after the 1930's training period and after Poland - it was first used in France 1940. The Balkancreuz used in Poland was

in white then changed to yellow to be less visible.
All German recon units of the 1st and 2nd wave should have had a "Panzerspähtrupp" . This trupp consisted of 3 armoured cars . During the Polish campaing (1939) and the campaign in the west (1940) due to the shortage of SdKfz's 221 and 223 several units were equiped with the Adler instead. In 1941 this vehicle was declared obsolete and was only further used as a trainig vehicle.
Destroyed Adler during the Polish campaign 1939

poland 39.jpg

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