Afrika Korps Dio (1 Viewer)

very nice groundwork did you build this yourself??
Here is my latest 1st Legion Afrika Korps Dio. The first few photos were taken in natural light. The brightness washed our some detail. I'll add a few indoor photos to show the detail. I built the the dio on a circular base and sat it on top of a turntable so I could enjoy multiple views.
Semper Fi!





The FL vehicles and figures speak for themselves but the highlight must be the dio board you have made, which is one of the best I have seen. Great idea to have it on a turntable. – excellent!


I'm normally not that nuts about dioramas - a lot look rather like a very small train-set stage - without the trains. Lots of cotton wool trees , fake grass - and well - just a bit naff.

But this one - is - well - wonderful. What a really clever and imaginative setting - which can be viewed from 360 degrees. Also, the use of a crashed plane - the suggestion being that the jerries are searching for a downed pilot. Just remarkable. Well done indeed. If Treefrog had a prize for best in show - I would vote for you!

Rick, what an excellent diorama you have created! A well-planned, multi-level dio that showcases First Legion's DAK line very nicely. Well done, sir!

Rick, tremendous work. I really love what you did.

Do you take commissions? ^&grin
Fantastic Job. The sky back ground, is that real or simulated.If so who makes it ?
Thanks ! {bravo}}
Thanks for the comments. It's always a pleasure to get feedback from fellow collectors as I also enjoy the many fine dios and displays that many of you have posted.

I built it myself. The plane is a Macchi 202 From 21st Century. I took the pliers to it an repainted it to show some burning effects. I completed the dio in stages over three week-ends and probably put 30 hours of work into it.

I hadn't really thought about doing anything on commission. I'll give it some thought.

The cloud backgroundis from Scenic Express. They market primarily to the model train community but sell a host of interesting diorama materials.

Semper Fi!
Thanks for the comments. It's always a pleasure to get feedback from fellow collectors as I also enjoy the many fine dios and displays that many of you have posted.

I built it myself. The plane is a Macchi 202 From 21st Century. I took the pliers to it an repainted it to show some burning effects. I completed the dio in stages over three week-ends and probably put 30 hours of work into it.

I hadn't really thought about doing anything on commission. I'll give it some thought.

The cloud backgroundis from Scenic Express. They market primarily to the model train community but sell a host of interesting diorama materials.

Semper Fi!

Thanks for the info. Again Great Job ! :wink2:

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