I was lucky to see some some these planes in real life in Japan. There is a hanger in Iwankuni Air Base that was left intact after the war with a Zero still in it. Man, it is like walking back in time. One foggy night I was walking to my billet and passed the hanger and in the mist I could have sworn I saw a crew there working on the bird. It was eerie.
Anyway, I am so happy that the team and K&C has began producing this series. I think it was long overdue and Corey...I too was loved to see a SBD. The SBD was the first model plane I ever made. It was awesome and disappeared in a move. Sigh.
When I was in traveling around Japan, every once in while you would be faced with a really old Japanese Man or Woman on a train. Either sitting next to you or standing and sometimes me and my buddies would just get stared at. A stare that was not evil or anything, or made a ugly face. Just a stare like...defeat, bad memories or reconciliation. I never knew how to take it, but even if you smiled and nodded back you got nothing but a emotionless stare. God knows what they were thinking or had been through, but this only happened to me from the very oldest of Japanese men and women.
John from Texas