All things Conte (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Jan 6, 2007
It has been a long move to the new location in North Carolina :rolleyes:

I was taking with some collectors over the weekend and they think CONTE has gone out of business ! :eek:

Has anyone heard this rumor or something like it ? I mean how do we know that CONTE is still in business ??

What's do you think ? :confused:
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

RC is still in business. Spoke with him via email and there is a big update on the web. Now, how long it takes to bring new lines out is anyone's guess, but from the sounds of it, he is planning on coming back with new stuff.

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

RC is still in business. Spoke with him via email and there is a big update on the web. Now, how long it takes to bring new lines out is anyone's guess, but from the sounds of it, he is planning on coming back with new stuff.


Completely agree.

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

It has been a long move to the new location in North Carolina :rolleyes:

I was taking with some collectors over the weekend and they think CONTE has gone out of business ! :eek:

Has anyone heard this rumor or something like it ? I mean how do we know that CONTE is still in business ??

What's do you think ? :confused:

I hope he's not out of business! At least not just yet, I just won an ebay auction from him...


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Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

The website hasn't been updated in a while. I saw that same blurb a nonth or so ago. Although it did state on the site

"We will be moving /setting up throughout March & April and hope to be fully functional shortly thereafter."

So perhaps we should be starting to expect some news fairly soon.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

He must be too busy on E-Bay to realize folks are chomping at the bit! Way too busy.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

It has been a long move to the new location in North Carolina :rolleyes:

I was taking with some collectors over the weekend and they think CONTE has gone out of business ! :eek:

Has anyone heard this rumor or something like it ? I mean how do we know that CONTE is still in business ??

What's do you think ? :confused:

I dont believe he is going out of business but do wonder exactly what he is doing. Produces great stuff if you can deal with the delays. What drives me crazy is when he talks about things he is just never gonna release. Dont say yes to everything and dont talk about releases until you actually plan, well, umm..... on producing them! Love his stuff anyway!
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

This guy runs a business exactly how you should not run a business.
He has been off my radar screen for years.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Let's be serious for a minute.

This company has changed the hobby forever. Years from now collectors will refer to Before Conte and After Conte as a means of determining toy soldier style. Frankly, no other company ever got close to what Conte achieved in sculpting and animation, those hand-to-hand poses are unsurpassed, and will remain so for a long time. That alone causes lots of envy from some people in the hobby, and makes Richard Conte a favorite target for gossip and rumors that always prove untrue.

Richard Conte obviously does not live out of the money he makes at Conte Collectibles, he's got some other income source, I'm sure. He was very clear on the website, he had problems with the staff at Conte, the people he trusted were not deserving of his trust. I'm sure you all read that.

He moved his company half across the USA so he will be able to keep an eye on things. How many businessman would do that? Not many, believe me. That means Conte Collectibles is still in business. It wouldn't make any sense to move from Nevada to North Carolina only to close the company. Come on! Think about it for a second...

As for his way of making business I think many collectors are too harsh on their judgements, because Richard Conte himself made it very clear his staff at Conte Collectibles disappointed him! What else does the man need to say? He was obviously unaware of the problems at the company, the same problems he wants to solve moving Conte Collectibles to North Carolina.

I'm sure Conte will continue to amaze us with toy soldiers the competition can only dream of, as he has done time and time again. I sugest we give the man a break. After all he's done for this hobby (remember what plastic playsets and metal toy soldiers looked like before Conte started?), don't you think the man deserves at least that?

If I offended anyone, please, forgive me in advance. That was not my intention, but English is not my first language, and sometimes I can't express exactly what I mean.


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?


Wow english is not your first language? You would certainly never know it!

Your message was clear, concise, and construction was excellent! I might

add probably better then I could do.....and english is my only language

Of course some of my english teachers would complain that I have not yet

mastered it!:eek:
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?


Wow english is not your first language? You would certainly never know it!

Your message was clear, concise, and construction was excellent! I might

add probably better then I could do.....and english is my only language

Of course some of my english teachers would complain that I have not yet

mastered it!:eek:

Dear Njja, thank you for such a nice compliment. I was born in Brazil, so I speak, read and write in Portuguese. I only learned English at age 22. I'm 45 now and spent over half my life mastering English. I'm also a writer and an avid book reader, reading at least a book a week since my late teens (many of these in English) and I translate books originally written in English into Portuguese as well.

That's why it may look I know the language as my first, but I don't, really.

Your English looks fine to me...


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I agree that Conte has made some excellent products. The most excited I have been in relation to planned releases by any company was when I saw his Brits/Zulus range with Michael Caine and Stanley Baker that have yet to be released. Absolutely my all time favourite series and I hope they are released in due course.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Let's be serious for a minute.

This company has changed the hobby forever. Years from now collectors will refer to Before Conte and After Conte as a means of determining toy soldier style. Frankly, no other company ever got close to what Conte achieved in sculpting and animation, those hand-to-hand poses are unsurpassed, and will remain so for a long time. That alone causes lots of envy from some people in the hobby, and makes Richard Conte a favorite target for gossip and rumors that always prove untrue.

Richard Conte obviously does not live out of the money he makes at Conte Collectibles, he's got some other income source, I'm sure. He was very clear on the website, he had problems with the staff at Conte, the people he trusted were not deserving of his trust. I'm sure you all read that.

He moved his company half across the USA so he will be able to keep an eye on things. How many businessman would do that? Not many, believe me. That means Conte Collectibles is still in business. It wouldn't make any sense to move from Nevada to North Carolina only to close the company. Come on! Think about it for a second...

As for his way of making business I think many collectors are too harsh on their judgements, because Richard Conte himself made it very clear his staff at Conte Collectibles disappointed him! What else does the man need to say? He was obviously unaware of the problems at the company, the same problems he wants to solve moving Conte Collectibles to North Carolina.

I'm sure Conte will continue to amaze us with toy soldiers the competition can only dream of, as he has done time and time again. I sugest we give the man a break. After all he's done for this hobby (remember what plastic playsets and metal toy soldiers looked like before Conte started?), don't you think the man deserves at least that?

If I offended anyone, please, forgive me in advance. That was not my intention, but English is not my first language, and sometimes I can't express exactly what I mean.



Uthred, let me also compliment you on your English, well spoken.
Here is my problem with Conte. I totally agree about what Conte has done with his plastic, absolutely the best ever. I will argue that his metal is just ok, not in the same league as K&C.
But there are always excuses from RC for his problems and none are his fault, always someone elses. He is the head of his company shouldn,t some of the blame fall on his shoulders?
I,m sorry but it just riles my feathers when someone post "it,s on his website , blah, blah, blah". If you have dealt or followed Conte since his beginnings in 1999, you will know one thing, NEVER count on ANYTHING that this man says is forthcoming.
I guess what it comes down too is that I don,t want to see other collectors be as disappointed as I was in the early years waiting for things that will never come.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

...Here is my problem with Conte. I totally agree about what Conte has done with his plastic, absolutely the best ever. I will argue that his metal is just ok, not in the same league as K&C.
That is interesting Gary. I can see how you might say that about his earlier releases but to me there is nothing that I have seen that K&C has done that can compare with the Spartans in sculpting and painting accuracy and animation of poses. Some of his WBS figures appear similarly impressive, as do several of his announced and previewed figures. I cannot dispute the poor track record regarding delivering on promises but I think his metal quality is at least as good as K&C and frequently better.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Uthred, let me also compliment you on your English, well spoken.
Here is my problem with Conte. I totally agree about what Conte has done with his plastic, absolutely the best ever. I will argue that his metal is just ok, not in the same league as K&C.
But there are always excuses from RC for his problems and none are his fault, always someone elses. He is the head of his company shouldn,t some of the blame fall on his shoulders?
I,m sorry but it just riles my feathers when someone post "it,s on his website , blah, blah, blah". If you have dealt or followed Conte since his beginnings in 1999, you will know one thing, NEVER count on ANYTHING that this man says is forthcoming.
I guess what it comes down too is that I don,t want to see other collectors be as disappointed as I was in the early years waiting for things that will never come.


Yes, I have dealt with Conte since 2000. When I bought my first pc, his website was the very first I visited. So I know all about the promises he never fulfilled (I am still waiting for The Wolf Pit, The Wheel of Adultery and my Battle of Hastings playset!), the delays on the sets, and everything else.

That said I still don't understand why would anyone say K&C makes better metal toy soldiers than Conte, I know preference is a personal thing, but show me a single, not a whole range, just a single K&C toy soldier that equals Conte's Spartans in posing, animation and sculpting. I know you can't, the reason being too simple: stuff like that demands a lot of work to make, demands huge investments that other companies simply won't risk.

His ACW or FIW ranges are mostly one-of-a-kind pieces that no other company ever tried to repeat. Why not? Maybe other companies won't take the risks he does. I'll ask again: why not? If they are so much better than Conte, why don't they take a chance at beating him at making better toy soldiers, not on keeping their delivery schedule?

I'm a writer, not a man of action. You show me a man who takes the kind of risks he does, however, and you show me a man that deserves my respect, not everyone else's though.

As I mentioned before Conte Collectibles does not seem to be Richard Conte's main income source, that's why he trusted the staff at Conte Collectibles and did not participate on the day to day operations of the company. I will not thread this road again. Been there, done that.

Thank you for your compliments. They mean a lot to me.


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

That is interesting Gary. I can see how you might say that about his earlier releases but to me there is nothing that I have seen that K&C has done that can compare with the Spartans in sculpting and painting accuracy and animation of poses. Some of his WBS figures appear similarly impressive, as do several of his announced and previewed figures. I cannot dispute the poor track record regarding delivering on promises but I think his metal quality is at least as good as K&C and frequently better.

You got it there my friend, there's no comparison. It's World Series against Little League, if you know what I mean.


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Uthred, I will give you the biggest compliment I can I agree with you! That being said it will be nice when new product hits the shelves. I have emailed RC to join us here on the forum. So far he has not made a reply.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

This topic comes up from time to time, doesn't it?

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