All things Conte (1 Viewer)

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Congratulations on reaching retirement. Stay safe your last 3 weeks so that you may enjoy our hobby. I'm sure the people you served with and for will miss you. -- Al

Thank You ! I actually have to get through 7 more 24 hour shifts, and it has been cold and busy with fires lately. You do think about getting hurt, but more importantly, as a Commander, I don't want hurt any of my men. Alex
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Thank You ! I actually have to get through 7 more 24 hour shifts, and it has been cold and busy with fires lately. You do think about getting hurt, but more importantly, as a Commander, I don't want hurt any of my men. Alex
Alex, maybe the brass will give you a break on your last 24 hour trick. It's the least they can do for a 33 year vet.:D -- Al
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

There is nothing further to be discussed on this particular matter. My statements cleared everything up, and if discussion continues, that means whoever would persist, is calling me a liar, or is taking the opportunity to take shots at Conte and BSP.

I wasn't referring to you or what was posted in the last few days and this thread was started quite a long time before that.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Alex, maybe the brass will give you a break on your last 24 hour trick. It's the least they can do for a 33 year vet.:D -- Al

They usually do, there will be a party at about 11AM ( A little early for a drink or two, but I think most of the guys will not be to worried about that ) and they send you home at about 1 PM. Alex
The title of this thread did not reflect the conversation, so I have edited it to be less negative.
Conte was the FL of the nineties.How will Conte and FL face off.Should be a great battle to the benefit of all of us.:D
RC is a great guy! He is a gentleman in the truest sense, and he loves the hobby as well. I hope we have more things to talk about from here on.;)
"Conte was the FL of the nineties.How will Conte and FL face off.Should be a great battle to the benefit of all of us"

So does this mean FL will be doing Zulus, ACW, Wild West, Foreign Legion or Romans and Barbarians in the snow in 2010 ? I don't think Conte planning to do Naps, Stalingrad or Samurai this year so don't quite understand the reference to face off and battle.

I would have thought most affected by Conte's plans would be Britains Zulus series.

If Conte's figures comes out as planned then means even more choices for the collector which is a good thing.

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

They usually do, there will be a party at about 11AM ( A little early for a drink or two, but I think most of the guys will not be to worried about that ) and they send you home at about 1 PM. Alex
Alex, that sounds like a winner. The separate FD's used to do stuff like that down here, then the County took over and most of the sentiment went out the door. When my line-of-duty disability retirement came through I was told not to come in to work the next day. Employed on Monday, retired on Tuesday. That was it, for 21 years of service. But, it is a decent pension. I still miss the action, even after 10 years. If it weren't for my TS armies I might be totally nuts by now:D. Enjoy your retirement, with 33 years in, you've earned the rest. -- Al
The title of this thread did not reflect the conversation, so I have edited it to be less negative.

Peter - at the time when the title was created it was a valid question.

It's a shame you had to put a negative spin on your actions and towards me.
Also - before this rebuke of Peter gets taken out of context - I have nothing but the highest admiration of Conte Products and Richard personally.

I look forward to more exciting Civil War releases in 2010.
Ron. this wasn't intended as a rebuke. When the question was originally posted (46 pages ago!), that was the topic of the thread. Over time this thread has taken on a life of its own, straying far from the original topic. The title from way back when no longer fit the conversation.
Hopefully this thread has settled down a bit.......I have had the opportunity to speak to several of the company owners, I have found them all to be personable, but remember they are all in business, and we are the ones who buy their products......

If you don't already realize it, this Forum is one of the, if not the most powerful forces in this Hobby. Maybe followed by our Web Site, whose mission is to reach out to the 1/35th scale model builders, and to try to bring their huge numbers and buying power to our Hobby.

Remember all of you have the power to make any company or Dealer sink or swim, but as they say, if you have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. Support your favorite Manufacturer and Dealer, and don't say anything about a Manufacturer or Dealer that is not doing a good job, just don't buy their product, and kick them to the curb, they will get the message. Remember you are the most powerful force in this hobby. Everyone better treat us collectors well, because we have the ultimate power, but we need to conduct ourselves with class, and respect each other.

We at BSP represent you, and we tell our Sponsors, what we do and don't like about their product. I would have to say Rick at Figarti is the most responsive of those I have spoken to, and look how the Figarti product has improved over the years. We take our small part in this seriously, and use our time and effort to make constructive suggestions to those who will listen.

Keeping in mind this is a Conte thread. I don't know Mr. Conte as well as Rick, but we are approaching the phase where we discuss product etc., and I am finding him to be equally responsive, and very innovative.

We have a project we have proposed to Mr. Conte, which Mr. Conte seems to like, and if it comes to pass, we should all have a lot of fun with it, in many ways. I will give you a hint. It will spin off the V2 Project we did for Figarti. If you have not seen the V2 Project, check the Battle Scene Productions section, under Dioramas, and go back a few pages.

All the Best in this New Year.........Alex
"Conte was the FL of the nineties.How will Conte and FL face off.Should be a great battle to the benefit of all of us"

So does this mean FL will be doing Zulus, ACW, Wild West, Foreign Legion or Romans and Barbarians in the snow in 2010 ? I don't think Conte planning to do Naps, Stalingrad or Samurai this year so don't quite understand the reference to face off and battle.

I would have thought most affected by Conte's plans would be Britains Zulus series.

If Conte's figures comes out as planned then means even more choices for the collector which is a good thing.


I didn't mean a range against range battle I meant more or less a skill and quality level competition.I don't collect Conte's Spartans but I think they are great and FL Naps are great.I meant watching both of them put out better and better stuff.I also am not forgetting all the rest of the manufacturers.CS is getting better and better,love their animation,Britains just keeps putting out superior products month after month,KC just keeps doing what they do best,Figarti with all their superb vehicles.But Conte and FL seems to create the most buzz.Should be interesting.
Your point noted. As you point out everybody's lifting their quality and the variety of eras is now very wide and now hard to find parts of history not covered.
They are all competing for a share of the collectors demand. Hopefully the collector base is expanding to support the good items being put out by the variety of companies.

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