American Revolution- where to start? (1 Viewer)

Nov 4, 2007
:D Hello everyone. I am going to begin, along with my older son Ryan to collect the American Revolution series. We have been admiring it for a few years, and were reluctant because of a lack of funds and space for them. My son originally wanted to go with the Civil War, but having been to Williamsburg,Va and Yorktown a few times in the last few years, swayed his opinion. So where should we begin? I read a few of the previous posts on the subject, and will try to watch ebay and look for the oldest, but I too could use a list which i believe one or more of the forum members has compiled.If sombody would be so kind as to send it to me, I would appreciate it. I am in no rush to "buy it all", but would like to get off to a good start with my son. Should we begin with the most recent additions, or go right after the older items first. Thanks to all, Sean
Hi Sean,

Welcome to the forum and I hope that you are able to find some of the older Britains AWI sets. There was a Washington Crossing the Delaware Set on ebay recently so I would start there. There have been set lists compiled for many of the eras and I will see if there is an AWI one. If I find one I will post it otherwise i will go through my catalogues and compile one for you this will take a couple of days. Till then keep an eye on ebay. Best of luck and good hunting

One of our members, Tom Dubel, is selling the Washington's crossing set on Ebay .

As a general rule (and the caveat is I don't collect Britain's), if someone is just getting in the hobby, I don't necessarily recommend collecting retired sets. It can get very expensive. My advice to newer collectors (assuming you are a new one) is to collect the current sets. Once you have your feet wet for a little while, then you can begin thinking about the retired sets.
Hi Sean et al, and welcome to the forum. I'm sure you and your family will find it a rewarding experience.
I have to concur with the views already expressed. I've only been seriously collecting TS for just over 3 years and to be honest I'm glad I didn't go down the "lets grab the retired stuff first" path. There's a lot of really nice current figures available right now from the manufacturers and although AWI doesn't flick my switch, I'm sure you could put a very nice collection together in double-quick time. That way, you'll be able to share with your son the pleasure of having a quite comprehensive initial collection at minimum outlay. Maybe then it might be time to consider acquiring some retired items.
Its not my place to tell or even advise anyone else how to spend their money - just (hopefully) offering my honest opinion.

Best Regards
Hi Guys,

I am one of the few rev war enthusiasts on the forum. I have been collecting toy soldiers for only 2+ years. I love Britains rev war items and actually began collecting the retired items first and managed to amass all the sets I wanted. That was 2 years ago. Today however, most of the retired sets are just not available and are very difficult to find. I do know of some places who have some of the retired stuff, but it is relatively expensive. If you are interested in obtaining some of the retired items, send me a PM and I'll give you some contacts.

As far as the new Britains rev war items, they are fabulous and more attractive, in my opinion, than the previous releases now that the company is under new management. I tend to agree with the advice already given and start collecting the new sets/figures. You will not be dissappointed at all!

You mentioned that you wanted to a list of the "older" items in this line. I have compiled one that lists all the AWI items prior to 2006 when the company went under new ownership. If you are interested in this list, please send me a PM and I'll be glad to send it along.

It will be nice to have some more Britains collectors on the forum, not to mention AWI collectors at that!! When you have more time, please keep us posted on your progress and post some pics if you have that capability. Are you planning to build dioramas with the soldiers or simply collect the figures for display? Whatever you decide to do, enjoy it and happy collecting.
Thanks Brad for the plug! Yes, I too played catch up which is why I now have a "Boat" Set up on ebay, I ended up with 2 of them. This one is very nice except it is missing part of the box insert for the rowers, if that doesn't bother you, than it is a good buy at this point. Personally, this and the Concord bridge are my favorite retired sets in this line. That said, the newer Yorktown stuff is very nice too, but I drew the line and only stuck with the older stuff. Either way, not sure you could go wrong. Also, other than the bridge dio and the boat dio, the other retired stuff can be had for reasonable prices as long as you exercise patience,

Where to start? Duh, at the beginning would be a good place :rolleyes:

But if you want a touch of reality, I would start with the figures that seem to be the most attractive to you, whatever or however you judge them as attractive. It does take time and some money to get a reasonable collection together, but with a bit of patience and liking or enjoying what you get is my advice about where to start.:) Good luck and good hunting, its half the fun.
OK, I believe I have decided to go with W Britains as far as a manufacturer. I have been doing some shopping, and a lot of looking. I'm not looking to get a battle of opinions here, but nevertheless, for the new collector of Toy Soldiers, what are the pros/cons of Britains Vs King and Country. Is it a matter of preference, is it cost, availability? As I stated, I have yet to begin buying, but if I am to slowly build a collection of ARW soldiers, are the Britains my best bet overall? How does K&C's ARW series stack up to Britains? Have they issued as many or more pieces? Are they hard to find if retired? Sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm looking to build up a beautiful collection over time, and thought this is the best place to ask for advice. Maybe I should also post this on the K&C thread. Regards, Sean
OK, I believe I have decided to go with W Britains as far as a manufacturer. I have been doing some shopping, and a lot of looking. I'm not looking to get a battle of opinions here, but nevertheless, for the new collector of Toy Soldiers, what are the pros/cons of Britains Vs King and Country. Is it a matter of preference, is it cost, availability? As I stated, I have yet to begin buying, but if I am to slowly build a collection of ARW soldiers, are the Britains my best bet overall? How does K&C's ARW series stack up to Britains? Have they issued as many or more pieces? Are they hard to find if retired? Sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm looking to build up a beautiful collection over time, and thought this is the best place to ask for advice. Maybe I should also post this on the K&C thread. Regards, Sean

Hi Sean,

Welcome to the Treefrog Forum. I believe you have made a great choice of a forum to ask questions concerning the toy soldier hobby. You have also made a great choice of a place to establish some new friends who share a passion for toy soldiers in many different ways. Some members cast their own figures, others paint purchased castings. Some members prefer metal figures, others prefer plastic ones. Many members enjoy building wonderful dioramas while others prefer to display their collections on shelves and in curio cabinets. There is also a split among the members in reference to what finish is preferred: matte finish vs. glossy finish. In short, there are many hobby preferences evident among the membership.

In other words, the choice of what constitutes the best AWI figures is a personal one. My recommendation is to try to find a dealer who handles the K&C figures and one who handles the Britains line. If possible, visit these dealers and look at the figures closely to determine which you prefer. Also, keep in mind that there may be scale differences between the Britains figures (usually 1/32 scale) and K&C, who has a history of producing larger figures (usually 1/30 scale). If possible, set figures from both manufacturers side by side for a good comparison. If visiting a dealer is not possible, then examine pictures on the web and on the forum of the figures produced by both manufacturers and ask any questions that grow out of examining the pictures.

The simple fact, in my opinion, is you cannot go wrong collecting the figures of either K&C or Britains. Also, do not be too influenced by the preferences stated on the forum. After all, you want to build a collection that gratifies you. Listen to what members share about their preferences for it might prove useful in exploring your interests, but develop your own conclusion regarding the best figures. Avoid being too heavily influenced by statements that simply indicate that XYZ is the best unless specific observations, insights, and information are provided to support such a statement. If you like the K&C figures best, then collect them. If you prefer the Britains figures, then collect them. The important thing is to enjoy the hobby to the fullest.

In my case, while I do not presently collect AWI figures, I collect lines produced by both K&C and Britains. I find much merit and much to be desired in the figures produced by many manufacturers.

Good luck with the adventure on which you are about to embark. If I can be of help to you and your hobby in any way, please do not hesitate to ask. One of the great pleasures to be experienced in this hobby is assisting a fellow collector.

Again, welcome to the Treefrog Forum. I look forward to frequently interacting with you.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Hi There!
Your questions are very good ones, and I am sure that you may get very different answers depending on who responds. Some will state that brand A is far and away better than brand B...but in the end it will be best if you can look at each product line and make a decision yourself.
In all fairness I should tell you that I am the chief sculptor for W.Britain at this time, and have been since the company was purchased by 1st Gear in Iowa a little over two years ago. Please understand that anything made before 2006 was made by an entirely different company and that many of the pre 2006 subjects may be revisited as newly developed sculpts.
If you look at the W. Britain AWI product line that has been developed over the past two years you will see that we are creating a range that will allow you to build interesting dioramas complete with scenic accessories. We plan on adding new figure sets and scenics that support the previous releases in each catalog...and in time cover much of the war. This will be an on going process, and when you see the January 2008 catalog you will see additional poses for existing units, new units and other branches of service to enhance what has already been offered.
As a designer and sculptor, I have first hand knowledge of this period from doing primary research and experience with living history wearing and using reconstructed arms and equipment. This will insure the proper cut of uniforms, headgear and correct accouterments for each new sculpt in the range.
Thank you for considering the W. Britain product...and whatever your choice in collecting, welcome to the hobby!
Ken Osen/Hudson & Allen Studio/W.Britain
Re: American Revolution-

A sincere thank you to all for your help. We have purchased a few pieces to begin, and based upon my 10 year olds' choice, we will go with the Britains. My next question, where do we shop for some cannons/artillery as the one or two put out for this series are hard to find? Which companies/suppliers offer extras like that, and decorating pieces such as walls,rocks,trees, etc... We would like to attempt a display after the new year. :D Regards, Sean

Also,(this might be tough) which manufacturer is closest in size/style to use along with the Britains. K&C appears to be too bright.

Merry Christmas to all.
Re: American Revolution-

A sincere thank you to all for your help. We have purchased a few pieces to begin, and based upon my 10 year olds' choice, we will go with the Britains. My next question, where do we shop for some cannons/artillery as the one or two put out for this series are hard to find? Which companies/suppliers offer extras like that, and decorating pieces such as walls,rocks,trees, etc... We would like to attempt a display after the new year. :D Regards, Sean

Also,(this might be tough) which manufacturer is closest in size/style to use along with the Britains. K&C appears to be too bright.

Merry Christmas to all.

Build-a-rama has lost of scenery type items and even cannons.
For my money the best 18th century cannon available right now, is the one by John Jenkins Design. I like the fact that the cannon can be purchased separtely without the crew.

King's Man
Hi There:

Good to hear you chose Britains and that the collection is moving along - thank you! We will be releasing Rev War artillery in the first half of 2008 - so there will be some Britains in the pipeline soon.

Best wishes for a happy holiday season.

Re: American Revolution-

Also,(this might be tough) which manufacturer is closest in size/style to use along with the Britains. K&C appears to be too bright.

Merry Christmas to all.

Hi guys. Congratulations on getting started. I know you'll enjoy the Britains rev war items a lot! As for your above question, I found that Conte is the same scale and similar in style to Britains. This is especially so for the Britains figures made before 2006. However, there are not many manufacturers who make rev war soldiers (in matte) besides Britains, Conte and K&C. As far as I know these companies are the only choice we collectors have for this era right now. (I personally collect all three).


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