Andy flying again - currently Down Under (1 Viewer)

The Military Workshop

1st Lieutenant
Jul 31, 2005
Andy has just left Brisbane and now in Sydney meeting dealer Sven and collectors. For those who have visited or dealt with the Sydney store over the years Peter Nathan is now technically retired. He came into my shop last year and we had a good chat. Had met him about 20 years before although we did chat on the phone few times. He looked extremely well for an 87 year old and I wish him all the best in retirement:salute::.

Andy then goes on to Adelaide and Melbourne to meet dealer Andrew and more collectors.

This year is K&C's 40th and Andy first visited Australia in 2009 (when the Australian Lighthorse series started) and then every year through to 2019. Then along came Covid. He was planning to come last year but some may recall early last year he got stuck in US / San Antonio due to a change in quarantine policy in Hong Kong. Any plans for last years visit were cancelled due to the risk of policy changes. His greatest fear was obviously being stuck in Melbourne ! {sm4}

We had our usual collectors dinner with a Q&A. Below is a summary of some points raised in past few days that may be of interest.

Andy had a sample of the Vietnam M48 Patton tank with him. It looked good with his newly released M35A2 Cargo truck and 6 passengers. This will be the last of the polystone tanks as he will be using the metal type as per the recent Winter Tiger. There will be two versions (Witch ***** and Mad Dogs which was the name of his Hong Kong pub).

He mentioned the recent Winter Tiger and the upcoming Kursk and Afrika Korps Tigers. There are new SS and AK figures also in the pipeline.

Vietnam Hueys coming and at this stage will be 2 American and one Australian. Ltd Ed's with certificates but at this stage he did not know pricing.

He discussed the issues with the Hong Kong protests, loss of his brother Gordon and some of the problems associated with Covid.

Mentioned that years ago a factory could have 300 painters but now he is dealing with factories that might have only 20.

He said he would be bringing out a diorama book, hopefully before Christmas this year.

An important point was the subject of Succession and I am not talking about the streaming series. He is now 74 but was as enthusiastic and excited about future projects as during his first visit. Most importantly his wife has given him approval to continue until he is 80 and he is signing a new office lease (good news is it has gone down as the building owners are losing tenants). I am sure Andy is busy so wont read this post but dealers and collectors should note that we might have to resort to some bribery of his wife to keep him going until he reaches 100.

One of the aspects to these visits is that he has many conversations with smaller groups or even just one person. I wont go into specifics as have to leave something to look forward to. One collector mentioned an add on to a popular series that Andy had not mentioned to me and I think that will be a welcome addition. He also mentioned who comes after Dracula and obviously inspired by a movie. Then there was an upcoming discovery of Tutankamun figure inspired by an actor.

Was good to see him again after four years and have a lot of good discussions about ideas and the hobby etc. On behalf of local collectors and myself I would like to thank him for his continued support of the Australian collector base with some great series including those with Australians such as 8th Army, Lighthorse, Gallipoli, WW1 Western front (in 3 battalion patch options - one of which is a battalion still in existence walking distance from my shop), Vietnam and the latest Kokoda.

Hope he enjoys his the rest of his trip and gets plenty of feedback and inspiration for future ideas.

Was great having you visit Andy and look forward to doing it again next year:salute::.

He will be in Chicago and London later in the year.
It was great to see Andy again, and catchup with fellow collectors after the enforced break. Time goes by so quickly, I remember visiting the earlier shops of Brett in Brisbane and Peter in Sydney way back when I collected Britains etc. As for me, I'm taking Long Service Leave soon, and plan to retire before I turn 65 in January, I'm looking forward to spending more time on my hobbies.
It was great to see Andy again, and catchup with fellow collectors after the enforced break. Time goes by so quickly, I remember visiting the earlier shops of Brett in Brisbane and Peter in Sydney way back when I collected Britains etc. As for me, I'm taking Long Service Leave soon, and plan to retire before I turn 65 in January, I'm looking forward to spending more time on my hobbies.

All the best in your retirement.
All the best in your retirement.

Thanks Steve, I was going to retire earlier, but then Covid we have an economic downturn....but there's always 'something' isn't there, so I'm definitely leaving before the end of this year.

If I owned a toy soldier company/store I might stay working longer, but I'm in a pretty dangerous occupation, working with construction vehicles etc, usually no second chances if something HEAVY hits you.
Andy has just left Brisbane and now in Sydney meeting dealer Sven and collectors. For those who have visited or dealt with the Sydney store over the years Peter Nathan is now technically retired. He came into my shop last year and we had a good chat. Had met him about 20 years before although we did chat on the phone few times. He looked extremely well for an 87 year old and I wish him all the best in retirement:salute::.

Andy then goes on to Adelaide and Melbourne to meet dealer Andrew and more collectors.

This year is K&C's 40th and Andy first visited Australia in 2009 (when the Australian Lighthorse series started) and then every year through to 2019. Then along came Covid. He was planning to come last year but some may recall early last year he got stuck in US / San Antonio due to a change in quarantine policy in Hong Kong. Any plans for last years visit were cancelled due to the risk of policy changes. His greatest fear was obviously being stuck in Melbourne ! {sm4}

We had our usual collectors dinner with a Q&A. Below is a summary of some points raised in past few days that may be of interest.

Andy had a sample of the Vietnam M48 Patton tank with him. It looked good with his newly released M35A2 Cargo truck and 6 passengers. This will be the last of the polystone tanks as he will be using the metal type as per the recent Winter Tiger. There will be two versions (Witch ***** and Mad Dogs which was the name of his Hong Kong pub).

He mentioned the recent Winter Tiger and the upcoming Kursk and Afrika Korps Tigers. There are new SS and AK figures also in the pipeline.

Vietnam Hueys coming and at this stage will be 2 American and one Australian. Ltd Ed's with certificates but at this stage he did not know pricing.

He discussed the issues with the Hong Kong protests, loss of his brother Gordon and some of the problems associated with Covid.

Mentioned that years ago a factory could have 300 painters but now he is dealing with factories that might have only 20.

He said he would be bringing out a diorama book, hopefully before Christmas this year.

An important point was the subject of Succession and I am not talking about the streaming series. He is now 74 but was as enthusiastic and excited about future projects as during his first visit. Most importantly his wife has given him approval to continue until he is 80 and he is signing a new office lease (good news is it has gone down as the building owners are losing tenants). I am sure Andy is busy so wont read this post but dealers and collectors should note that we might have to resort to some bribery of his wife to keep him going until he reaches 100.

One of the aspects to these visits is that he has many conversations with smaller groups or even just one person. I wont go into specifics as have to leave something to look forward to. One collector mentioned an add on to a popular series that Andy had not mentioned to me and I think that will be a welcome addition. He also mentioned who comes after Dracula and obviously inspired by a movie. Then there was an upcoming discovery of Tutankamun figure inspired by an actor.

Was good to see him again after four years and have a lot of good discussions about ideas and the hobby etc. On behalf of local collectors and myself I would like to thank him for his continued support of the Australian collector base with some great series including those with Australians such as 8th Army, Lighthorse, Gallipoli, WW1 Western front (in 3 battalion patch options - one of which is a battalion still in existence walking distance from my shop), Vietnam and the latest Kokoda.

Hope he enjoys his the rest of his trip and gets plenty of feedback and inspiration for future ideas.

Was great having you visit Andy and look forward to doing it again next year:salute::.

He will be in Chicago and London later in the year.

A very big THANKYOU to Brett & Gerelou of Brisbane’s Toy Army Workshop for a fantastic weekend a couple of days ago.
Brisbane has always been my first ‘stop’ when I do my annual ‘OzTrip’ down under and both Brett & Gerelou put together a great evening event and a number of lunches and dinners where I get to meet and talk with small groups of collectors as well as the big ‘Show, Tell & Answer’ on the Saturday night.
This year’s ‘ShowNight’ was no exception!

These Overseas Visits are truly worth their weight in gold in terms of suggestions and discussions about potential new projects as well as constructive critiques of past and present K&C work and how we can work together to promote this great hobby in general and ourselves in particular.

We always seem to pack so much in to just a couple of days and nights…and it’s all worth it!
Many thanks again to our great Brisbane hosts and to all the K&C collectors and friends who joined with us in Queensland.

Adios for the moment and greetings on a beautiful sunny morning in Sydney after an energetic swim in the outdoor pool…

Now it’s time for ‘Brekkie’ down at ‘The Rocks’.
Sounds like a hoot so far. Looking forward to your Adelaide tour and a chance to turn it on for you as our Brisbane friends have done. Hopefully in the meantime Sydney will be enjoyable for you and they in turn will push you our way, after which we hand you over to the capable hands of Howard in Melbourne. This trip must be going all too fast. Robin.

thanks for a great review of the weekend with Andy in Brisbane, glad to hear that everyone had a great time, and I hope to get 'over east' to another dinner maybe next year,

Sounds like a hoot so far. Looking forward to your Adelaide tour and a chance to turn it on for you as our Brisbane friends have done. Hopefully in the meantime Sydney will be enjoyable for you and they in turn will push you our way, after which we hand you over to the capable hands of Howard in Melbourne. This trip must be going all too fast. Robin.

Thanks Robin!
Actually, everyday seems like 2 whole days compared to Hong Kong…I just love this country Australia…The folks are warm and welcoming…The landscape, and here in Sydney the harbour too, is simply spectacular….And when I fly between cities, Qantas is superb.
I cannot praise the country and the people too highly.

Consider this…Our National War Dead usually only get just ONE DAY for all of us to remember their supreme sacrifice…Meanwhile a relatively small but privileged and very vocal minority of the population get a WHOLE MONTH …

All the best,
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Thanks for the update. Sounds like everyone is having a great time enjoying some well deserved toy soldier camaraderie.

Thanks for the update. Sounds like everyone is having a great time enjoying some well deserved toy soldier camaraderie.


Thanks Brendan,
This is my last full day in Sydney and tonight will be Sven’s Evening Event with about 45 dedicated K&C collectors attending.

Over the last few days I have spent a lot of time in the new shop with Sven discussing toy soldiers in general and K&C in particular focusing on our future products as well as ‘hashing-out’ more than a few suggestions and ideas for completely new directions and a couple of ‘out of the box’ concepts that I think have definite potential.

I was fortunate to do the same thing with Brett in Brisbane over a two late evenings and early morning sessions there…Some of the same subjects came up with both dealers completely independently …And that’s a good thing.

On a different topic,,,the weather here has been beautiful …pure blue skies, lots of sun but a brisk chill in the air and daily early morning swims in the Hotel’s outdoor pool!

Ah well it’s a tough job …but somebody has to do it…
Adios for now and best wishes as usual,
Perhaps you should duck out of the shop for a moment and purchase some warmer clothing for Adelaide and Melbourne, mid Winter here, nevertheless you still will get a warm welcome. ^&grin , Robin.
Thanks Brendan,
This is my last full day in Sydney and tonight will be Sven’s Evening Event with about 45 dedicated K&C collectors attending.

Over the last few days I have spent a lot of time in the new shop with Sven discussing toy soldiers in general and K&C in particular focusing on our future products as well as ‘hashing-out’ more than a few suggestions and ideas for completely new directions and a couple of ‘out of the box’ concepts that I think have definite potential.

I was fortunate to do the same thing with Brett in Brisbane over a two late evenings and early morning sessions there…Some of the same subjects came up with both dealers completely independently …And that’s a good thing.

On a different topic,,,the weather here has been beautiful …pure blue skies, lots of sun but a brisk chill in the air and daily early morning swims in the Hotel’s outdoor pool!

Ah well it’s a tough job …but somebody has to do it…
Adios for now and best wishes as usual,

Any chance us folks not lucky enough to attend can find out what long term plans you have up your sleeve for new soldiers/vehicles?

Thanks Robin!
Actually, everyday seems like 2 whole days compared to Hong Kong…I just love this country Australia…The folks are warm and welcoming…The landscape, and here in Sydney the harbour too, is simply spectacular….And when I fly between cities, Qantas is superb.
I cannot praise the country and the people too highly.

Consider this…Our National War Dead usually only get just ONE DAY for all of us to remember their supreme sacrifice…Meanwhile a relatively small but privileged and very vocal minority of the population get a WHOLE MONTH …

All the best,

You will like the rainbows {eek3} ^&grin


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