Andy Keeping it under his hat (1 Viewer)

I just have to comment on this thread with a personal observation. We sure do sound like a bunch of elementry school age children on the day before Christmas. Sitting all together in a circle, like a big family of brothers, with our legs crossed and eyeing the presents under the tree with a great deal of suspense, trying to guess what special present Santa (Andy) has left for just for us. One of us (Louis) has his scotch tape out (its obvious from the grin on his face that he has opened one of them and taped it shut again and won't tell anyone what he saw). The excitement is almost the same. What fun. Michael
Combat said:
I would guess Cassino/Anzio. Can't imagine the other suggestions have much appeal outside the UK. Would like to see a Spanish Civil War and Kursk/Eastern Front line.

I also would like to see an Eastern Front line. How about Rumanians, Hungarians, And Slovacs? Probably won't happen though based on Andy's comments regarding how poorly (relatively speaking) Russians sell in the USA.
ucla1967 said:
I also would like to see an Eastern Front line. How about Rumanians, Hungarians, And Slovacs? Probably won't happen though based on Andy's comments regarding how poorly (relatively speaking) Russians sell in the USA.

I have made a pitch for those and the Spanish Blue Division. The Fields of Battle might present some opportunties in that respect. The "Iron Guard" sounds pretty good for marketing Axis auxiliary troops.
Mr. Neilson said 'completely different' theme. I think we must even exclude, at my big disappointment, WWI. As Louis talked about the origins of Mr. Neilson, I will now guess on the Scottish Wars of Independance.

Steven Chong said:
Its the battle shown at the very end of the movie Braveheart. A Scottish army led by Robert Bruce defeated an army lead by Edward II (the weak prince shown in the movie) and wins independence for Scotland for a few years.:)

Thanks Steven for explaining :) . If I remember clearly, it was fought in 1314, and together with 'the battle of the golden spores'(it's the battle of Groeninghe at Courtrais, Belgium in 1302, where the Flemish had successfully beaten French cavalry. If anyone could give me the English name: Thank you...), it was one of the first battles in the middle ages where infantry finally proved effective against cavalry.

I could be wrong though...
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Pierre said:
Mr. Neilson said 'completely different' theme. I think we must even exclude, at my big disappointment, WWI. As Louis talked about the origins of Mr. Neilson, I will now guess on the Scottish Wars of Independance.
I was going to say Louis gave all of us a hint ... "think [about] Andy's roots" ... so a Scottish theme. At the West Coaster, Andy said "completely different." I think this excludes all the great ideas except for the Battles of Bannockburn and Culloden, which I believe are part of the Scottish Wars of Independence.:)
Steven Chong said:
I was going to say Louis gave all of us a hint ... "think [about] Andy's roots" ... so a Scottish theme. At the West Coaster, Andy said "completely different." I think this excludes all the great ideas except for the Battles of Bannockburn and Culloden, which I believe are part of the Scottish Wars of Independence.:)

If it was along the lines of culloden,I would have thought Falkirk [william wallaces defeat in 1298] or bannockburn where Robert the Bruce defeated the english in 1314 gaining the scots independance.
Culloden was Bonnie prince charlies defeat so i would have thought that would be less likley.
thats My guess anyway
cheers Rob
Hi Guys

Since I have seen Andy was a Royal Marine, I will stick with the Faulklands War. ANd maybe he'll do something about Belfast or Londonderry.

At Louis' there were some very old Hong Kong Police and some from Belfast ;) Very rare!

Andy was not keen on 14th Army, wouldn't sell :mad: but did seem slightly less cool towards somebody's suggestion of Polish cavalry for the Bug or something from 1939. :eek:
DMNamiot said:
Hi Guys

Since I have seen Andy was a Royal Marine, I will stick with the Faulklands War. ANd maybe he'll do something about Belfast or Londonderry.


The Falklands would be interesting given the diversity of land and sea forces deployed but next year is the 25th anniversary so perhaps not until then. An interesting series, with a recurring historical theme throughout the centuries, that of an unpopular regime embarking upon a 'patriotic' war to shore up its support and meeting its end as a consequence (although many would argue that the 1978 soccer World Cup began the process, as public gatherings and a diminishing sense of fear began to take hold ...).

On the Northern Ireland I'm not sure how practical it would be: over 30 years of conflict, and very little that could be grouped around a common theme (eg the early British deployments were still in the sort of uniforms that had seen service in Cyprus and Aden). I know that Mountford Miniatures did a nice sries of RUC and UDR figures, but they were not in combat poses, and they were very awkward to paint. No-one has produced IRA, INLA, IPLO figures but I'd imagine them to be a little tasteless for many. And what then of various Loyalist supremacist groups? They'd have to be represented too. Why not then victims of the conflict? The problem with asymmetrical guerilla type terrorism is that there aren't active combatant set pieces for the security forces. Most security force fatalities would have been blast victims, rather than bullet fatalities, notwithstanding those grotesque 'sniper at work' road signs in South Armagh. Almost all civilian deaths at the hands of security forces would have been through small arms fire, but given that there isn't much enthusiasm for these generally (if the WS30 sales records are to believed) it may present a few problems - many potential collectors of any historical series would want to honour the fallen, and its difficult to do so if the person didn't necessarily want to be involved, wrong place /wrong time, a trigger happy private at a check point, a paint brush that looks like a gun etc. It'd be an interesting subject to take on but one that would give rise to all sorts of claims of insensitivity etc.

Leaving aside the combat side and attempting a parade ground theme, I couldn't imagine people flocking to get their Orange Order marchers. (They're not exactly the most inclusive bunch of chaps - they take an oath to "strenuously oppose the fatal errors and doctrines of the Church of Rome, and scrupulously avoid countenancing (by his presence or otherwise) any act of ceremony of Popish worship", which tends to put a dampner on any ecumenical parties. However, from my 'friends in the North' if I may borrow that phrase, I gather that there is a decontamination period after which a Catholic can be eligible for membership of the loyal orders).

The interesting British director Ken Loach is completing a film on the 1916-1921 conflict in Ireland, it's called 'The wind that shakes the barley', but I doubt that Andy will be tying anything in to this - I dont think that Ken Loach is quite on the same playing field as Clint Eastwood. (Loach's 'Bread and Roses' is probably his best known work in the USA, but he also had a very good Spanish Civil War yarn 'Land and Freedom', and an excellent adaptation of the gritty Barry Hines novel 'A Kestrel for a Knave', which was released as 'Kes').

I'd say it'll be something on Scottish history, as the whole Northern Ireland theme could sink into a mish-mash of 1970s and 1980s without clearly representing anything specifically.
Can't imagine there would be much interest in the falklands, N. Ireland, or Scottish wars of independence. On a scale of 1-10 in the US - would give this a zero. Just an opinion. I am all for originality and not basing new lines solely on perceived sales, but this seems to be pressing a good thing too far.
Don't think so. I thought I read Andy wasn't interested in making these.
How about a line that is entertainment related (James Bond (heroes, villians, vehicles), Lord of the Rings, Sherlock Holmes )?

Would love to see Custer's Last Stand and/or Monte Cassino German paras.
Tomy Crown,

Andy did once buy the rights to a fiction series of books about pirates, made personality figures from the books and had a fantastic all wood pirate ship constructed, but decided never to put the figures and ship into production because he felt it would not be profitable because of the expense of producing and shipping the boat. Who knows, maybe he will do fiction again. I would love it if he got the rights to the Flashman books!
Has K & C done any recent Vietnam based figures yet? You could have several sets such as Aussies, Brits, US, French and Viet Cong etc. And there were some great aircraft and armoured vehicles of that era. Wouldn't it be great to see a 1/30 scale Bronco, Bird-Dog or Chinook etc or how about a Centurion tank or an Aussie FSV (based on an M113).
Andy has been talking about revisiting Vietnam for years, but that's not going to happen this year.
Hi Guys,

Re a few recent posts…

1. Packaging – The ongoing search continues to find the safest form of packaging as well as most visually pleasing for our figures and fighting vehicles. Our intention remains constant however to get our product to you safe and sound and in boxes that are both useful and visually exciting.

3. War of 1812 – Sorry for the fans of this little contretemps between us Brits and our former Colonials it doesn’t particularly excite me. We already do REV. War.. we already have the very popular Napoleonics. Why not venture further (historically speaking) afield.

4. “Keeping things under my hat” – Many thanks for your many suggestions and guesses… a couple of near misses and more than a few “wide of the mark by a longshot”.

Ex Marine or not don’t hold your breath waiting for “The Falklands”… “Northern Ireland”… or any of our recent military adventures. There’s a ton of great ideas out there, it’s just about deciding which one to do!

Well that’s about all for now so… happy collecting to one and all

Andy C.
Hello! If it ain't WW2 , forget about my Interest and my Money! I'll Pass! Buy if its MORE N.Africa, and German Paratrooper's, American Paratrooper's, Wehrmacht, Austrailans, Scottish, and Winter Sets! Then I'm In!

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