Andy's Post at Toy Soldier Chat (3 Viewers)

Eazy said:
I sometimes got the feeling there was one person on Toy Soldier Chat w
ith multiple identities that carried on little conversations with himself.

Scary stuff.

Mind you everybody on this forum could be different versions of Brad. Firebat might be just the latest of his personas :D

In fact I might be Brad too!!!

I thought the same thing too ,when i had a look at the forum,reading the posts i felt a lot of them had come from one person and his many alter egos,

Cheers Eazy,oops i mean vandilay
I wouldn't administer the last rites just yet to that site. After all there were pistols at dawn when it was set up (not to mention the subject of a few threads deleted from this forum on the subject) and so even if there are notionally more members to that site, and the strange ratio of posters to guests, there will still be a diehard core of supporter(s). But if I'm wrong I'd just like to say that I'm not voluntering to be resident bikini wearer on this site.
Anyone notice that the newest member is a "Cap'n Blackbeard"? I think we should confirm that he has a parrot before all the good pirate names are given out.
As one who never actively signed up for the other forum( I think I was banned from day one for the aquisations I made and for being classsified as one of the 2nd graders) I did check in once and awhile to see if there was any different posts on toy soldiers that were not covered here at Treefrog. There never was and the topics seemed to deplete themselves to just regular chat amongst possible non existent members or members with more than one identity. I think Steven Chong's post says it the best. I do hope if the migration of members comes this way that the moderator for this board keeps things the same as whats running now!!!
Combat said:
Anyone notice that the newest member is a "Cap'n Blackbeard"? I think we should confirm that he has a parrot before all the good pirate names are given out.

Yeah good point,Best I change my user name to ''Jim Lad'' before someone else grabs it.;)
Eazy said:
I sometimes got the feeling there was one person on Toy Soldier Chat with multiple identities that carried on little conversations with himself.

Scary stuff.

Mind you everybody on this forum could be different versions of Brad. Firebat might be just the latest of his personas :D

In fact I might be Brad too!!!


Another shot at Firebat for speaking his mind on this fair forum. I can assure you Brad is not me...............
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I believe that place has just now lost its credibility. The administrator indicated what two of the forum members are spending on toy soldiers with the sponsor/owner of the forum. I find that to be a serious breach of privacy. If I were those members I'd be rather upset.
Firebat said:
Another shot at Firebat for speaking his mind on this fair forum. I can assure you Brad is not me...............

Uhm no shot was intended. It was a joke about identities. Notice the smiley face.
Eazy said:
Uhm no shot was intended. It was a joke about identities. Notice the smiley face.

I'm not sure that he knows what's a funny face.

jazzeum said:
I believe that place has just now lost its credibility. The administrator indicated what two of the forum members are spending on toy soldiers with the sponsor/owner of the forum. I find that to be a serious breach of privacy. If I were those members I'd be rather upset.

I'm stunned. I'm nearly speachless at the waste. I have greatly reduced my

participation in this and the over-production has destroyed my interest.

Whats next a Strictly Limited half figure at $5000 with a production run of

50,000? I have suspended my lists of retired prices and I'm going to go soak

my head.

A smiley face does not cover the true intent, there are many members of this forum, why mention me......I wasn't born yesterday. And while I am at it, Andy got to speak his mind on the flags, and no one said a word.....Fair Forum... Man the things I would like to say......:D :D :D :D but I promised to lay low....
Firebat said:
A smiley face does not cover the true intent, there are many members of this forum, why mention me......I wasn't born yesterday. And while I am at it, Andy got to speak his mind on the flags, and no one said a word.....Fair Forum... Man the things I would like to say......:D :D :D :D but I promised to lay low....
WHAT A CRY BABY, get a gym membership, go kick the dog or beat the wife but take your self centered, petty, bull and release your stress somewhere else.
You bring nothing but your antagonistic view of life to the table ,your insecurities grow very tiresome.
P.S. no icons needed
P.S.S. I know you live for conflict so have at it big boy!

You should be able to speak your mind here and if there are things you want to say you should say them.

I have just gone over the last couple of posts and can we please lower the rhetoric and also avoid attacking other members. I don't believe it's helpful.

In addition, I think it would be helpful if some of the members edited some of their posts in this regards. This is not censorship, just a request.
And since there is a statute of limitations on how long after posting you can edit said post I, as the administrator would be happy to assist you in modifying or deleting your post should you be inclined to wish to edit or delete.:)
Shannon Reuss said:
And since there is a statute of limitations on how long after posting you can edit said post I, as the administrator would be happy to assist you in modifying or deleting your post should you be inclined to wish to edit or delete.:)

Layin low................having fun............a lot of new Treefrog stuff just got delivered........:D :D
Firebat said:
A smiley face does not cover the true intent, there are many members of this forum, why mention me......I wasn't born yesterday. And while I am at it, Andy got to speak his mind on the flags, and no one said a word.....Fair Forum... Man the things I would like to say......:D :D :D but I promised to lay low....

Alex, passive-agressive behavior gets the response it wants. Just an observation. ;)
sceic2 said:
Alex, passive-aggressive behavior gets the response it wants. Just an observation. ;)
Passive is me...........just aggressive when I have to be....a poem by Firebat
Firebat said:
A smiley face does not cover the true intent, there are many members of this forum, why mention me......I wasn't born yesterday. And while I am at it, Andy got to speak his mind on the flags, and no one said a word.....Fair Forum... Man the things I would like to say......:D :D :D :D but I promised to lay low....

My interpretation of the choice by Eazy to mention you is that, as you were first complaining to be excluded by an inner circle (that exists only in your head), he made you the favour to open a door that you could used, if necessary, to integrate youself as a fellow member. That was, in my opinion, a very nice attention.

Hey ...lets face it, this isn't working out....and it is making us waste a lot of time.......... and detracting from what we are here to talk about. I am shifting over to the other forum, and if that folds.......... well what are you going to do. Please no smug remarks.......let me leave in peace:(
Firebat said:
A smiley face does not cover the true intent, there are many members of this forum, why mention me......I wasn't born yesterday. And while I am at it, Andy got to speak his mind on the flags, and no one said a word.....Fair Forum... Man the things I would like to say......:D :D :D :D but I promised to lay low....

You are one of the newer members of the forum, hence the joke about your screen-name being one of Brad's newer personas. You haven't been victimized here.
Anyway, if you have something to say, say it. Everyone else speaks their mind and (surprise) not everyone agrees. If you can't take the heat...well, you know the rest. You deal with it and move on. How you do it is your choice. Choosing to take anything that you don't agree with as a personal affront just doesn't play well.

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