Andy's Post at Toy Soldier Chat (1 Viewer)

A lot of you are sounding and acting like 3 year olds. What wrong with you guys.
Shape up.
This forum is starting to look and sound like a WAR ZONE.

Now let's get back to playing with our toy soldiers.

JUst took me 10mins to catch up on this thread!!!!

I think the only problem is that not everybody understands jokes in the written format.

On the original point raised. As a guy who has worked for the last 15 years for some major GLOBAL companies, i have to say, name other companies where you would get the accessability to the top of the tree as you do with K&C.

What other company LISTENS (regardless of acts) to ideas from the customers, let alone us dealers. Andy also does a lot of traviling both developing and prospecting and cannot be expected to respond imediatly to questions as required. For anybody that knows Andy he also is not the best with the computer (Hope you dont mind me saying Andy). He much prefers the face to face or telephone discussion.

There thats my jokes, not aimed at anybody and no English Jokes (Eazy) that may be taken the wrong way by fellow treefrog users.


Tony Neville
Gentlemen (?!),

I'm just two days on the forum. can you imagine my impression about this thread? What a confusing..... Is this always the style of conversation? I believe wisdom comes with age, Chuck!
bricoleur said:
Gentlemen (?!),

I'm just two days on the forum. can you imagine my impression about this thread? What a confusing..... Is this always the style of conversation? I believe wisdom comes with age, Chuck!

Hi Eddy, I wouldn't say it's always the style of conversation here but some members, including even my good self, get carried away and say things that perhaps they shouldn't. The main problem is that if someone is upset over a previous incident it often doesn't take much to start things off again. And usually the comment(s) that reignite the situation were not said in malice.

The other issue you will find is that these threads often go off down some weird and wounderful routes!! makes hard to follow.

I always like to try and get back to the origional points

This isn't the way we do things and I'm going to recommend to Shannon that we delete all the posts that got this line of discussion started.
Firebat said:
Hey ...lets face it, this isn't working out....and it is making us waste a lot of time.......... and detracting from what we are here to talk about. I am shifting over to the other forum, and if that folds.......... well what are you going to do. Please no smug remarks.......let me leave in peace:(

Hasn't he gone yet? Could have sworn he was leaving weeks ago? Must be the longest departure gate in history. Please put us out of our misery Firebat, if you're going - go, if you're staying - stay but make a decision one way or the other.
I could never imagine that this hobby was about our forum vs their forum. In my mind ,both forums are unique and different enough to be able to co-exist. It seems that there are trolls on every forum ,who get their jollies by starting these verbal fistfights and then running. They generally move from forum to forum with different , but similar monickers. Maybe, we should start to look with a jaundiced eye at new posters, whose first words are " I am new here, K/C STINKS...):D We must be able to identify those types for what they are, intercept there posts, and not give them the satisfaction of being acknowleged...Just my opinion...Michael
jazzeum said:
This isn't the way we do things and I'm going to recommend to Shannon that we delete all the posts that got this line of discussion started.

I don't think censorship is the answer necessarily. Good healthy debate is essential on a forum otherwise it ends up being a very dull place.

Also it's good to have some weird diversions to brighten the place up. Some of the best threads on this forum have been ones that wandered off topic.
I would normally agree with you but I just don't think what's happened since yesterday afternoon classifies as that with members "discussing" members.
Eazy said:
I don't think censorship is the answer necessarily. Good healthy debate is essential on a forum otherwise it ends up being a very dull place.

Also it's good to have some weird diversions to brighten the place up. Some of the best threads on this forum have been ones that wandered off topic.

True, forums do get boring when they become mutual admiration societies without any opportunity for newbies to join in and offer alternative views.

And fellow forumites, when the inevitable 'fights' do occur, don't get upset, just grab some popcorn and a frozen coke and cheer from the sidelines :)
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jazzeum said:
This isn't the way we do things and I'm going to recommend to Shannon that we delete all the posts that got this line of discussion started.

Sorry to disagree with you Brad but I do not think that this thread (or a part of it) should be deleted.

It is the second time that this guy (Firebat) is ripping off his shirt in public, screaming that he's a victim (hard to find someone more paranoiac) and threatening to leave the forum (threatening who, by the way?).

It is incomprehensible that he takes contol of the forum with his manipulation and violence. Everytime someone will want to tell something, he will have to fear the reaction of that (...)?

As for Eddy, I think that he received a good reception and I really do not understand his "Gentlemen (?!)" interrogation that looks more like an affirmation.

I also have the right to express my opinion and my opinion is that it seems impossible for Firebat to interact normally with, at least, our community where, to my knowledge, everybody is welcomed.

And, even if it's unpleasant for some members, it is normal that some rough discussions happened. The contrary would be anormal.

In my job I have survived a lot of discussions. I will survive this thread too and you are right, there is no need to delete some messages. The danger exists that from that moment on the fantom of an elitegroup, manipulating the forum, exists! The only point is that, whem I want to take a break after a day of professional discussions, I want to relaxe and enter in a forum where enthusiastic people are talking in a constructive way about toy soldiers and I hope that this is the aim for a lot of forummembers. If everybody thinks twice before writing something down this could be a nice step forward for the newcomers after me. Isn't the motif "happy collecting" instead of "happy discussing"? And again I'm open minded let's everybody speak but if someone has a problem with a particular person, please send a private message.
And now again to the new releases...
We sure are a family, aren't we?

The course that this thread has taken reminds me of some of the family get-togethers I have had the privilege and honor to attend. Fight like cats and dogs.

Now is the time to remember what this family is all about - Discussing toy soldiers, our hobby, our passion, and our empty bank accounts (well, except the dealers and manufacturers, they have all of my money anyway).

Firebat, take a chill pill, everybody else put yourselves into the corner for a time-out. Take some comments with a grain-of-salt and ignore them. Often times the best response is no response at all.

See no evil, hear no evil speak no evil

bricoleur said:
In my job I have survived a lot of discussions. I will survive this thread too and you are right, there is no need to delete some messages. The danger exists that from that moment on the fantom of an elitegroup, manipulating the forum, exists! The only point is that, whem I want to take a break after a day of professional discussions, I want to relaxe and enter in a forum where enthusiastic people are talking in a constructive way about toy soldiers and I hope that this is the aim for a lot of forummembers. If everybody thinks twice before writing something down this could be a nice step forward for the newcomers after me. Isn't the motif "happy collecting" instead of "happy discussing"? And again I'm open minded let's everybody speak but if someone has a problem with a particular person, please send a private message.
And now again to the new releases...

Dear Eddy,
Couldn't have said it better myself and here you are brand new to the forum. Excellently spoken. Private messages can be deleted but posts are forever (unless you ask jazzeum, Pete Reuss or I to delete them for you). It is a great idea to pause and ask yourself if your post is going to be building up the hobby and the discussion or breaking it down, losing sight of the point of the particular thread and creating hard feelings. I have no problem when threads head down different paths than the title originally suggests, but if you feel someone has said something out of line, consider sending a private message before chastising them in public. I would imagine a publice flame would only serve to make someone feel more defensive and misunderstood, whereas a personal private note with someone taking time out to point out how something in a post might come across to others, said in a nonthreatening manner might actually serve to enlighten without igniting. Remember this forum has a no flaming policy for the good of anyone. We've got a wide base on this forum that can accomodate many types of collectors. Let's teach people the ropes and cut them a bit of slack while they settle in and find out where they fit in our most excellent toy soldier community. A sailor might argue that you can't teach anything about ropes if you cut them slack but you get my idea and I won't be offended if sceic or someone else navy or marine like points it out. Carry on!
Well lets look at reality, I offended no one in this spin off, yet I am the blame for everything. And I am a cry baby. The real MEN I work with would chew you guys up and spit you out, yet I co exist with, and a I am highly respected by them. I don't need this bull from a bunch of cult following groupies. I am my own MAN and I say what I feel. Do you think I sit up at night trying to think up ways to ruin this Forum. I have much better things to do. I assure you I am not a professional Forum wrecker, as this is the first one I ever participated in. Shannon recommended it to me and I figured if the people were as nice as her, this could be fun. E-mail me privately if you have a problem and say to me the things you can't say out here. Or come visit me in New Jersey and we will straighten it out face to face MEN. Thats it for me but I will still answer your e-mails. I direct these comments only to those who have chosen to ruin my reputation on this forum, and not the friends that have privately and sometimes openly supported me.......THE DIABOLICAL FIREBAT PROFESSIONAL FORUM WRECKER. Sounds like a title for a new action villain movie
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Firebat said:
Well lets look at reality, I offended no one in this spin off, yet I am the blame for everything. And I am a cry baby. The real MEN I work with would chew you guys up and spit you out, yet I co exist with, and a I am highly respected by them. I don't need this bull from a bunch of cult following groupies. I am my own MAN and I say what I feel. Do you think I sit up at night trying to think up ways to ruin this Forum. I have much better things to do. I assure you I am not a professional Forum wrecker, as this is the first one I ever participated in. Shannon recommended it to me and I figured if the people were as nice as her, this could be fun. E-mail me privately if you have a problem and say to me the things you can't say out here. Or come visit me in New Jersey and we will straighten it out face to face MEN. Thats it for me but I will still answer your e-mails. I direct these comments only to those who have chosen to ruin my reputation on this forum, and not the friends that have privately and sometimes openly supported me.......THE DIABOLICAL FIREBAT PROFESSIONAL FORUM WRECKER. Sounds like a title for a new action villain movie
I thought he had left? Must be the longest departure gate ever. Secretly I think he likes all the attention. You didn't offend me Firebat but if you are going just go otherwise this could go on forever.
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I go away for a few days and things get real interesting.

I will go back to what I think the original point of discussion is and say I have dropped off the other site for the reason it is populated by a bunch of loonies and a few very good diorama builders but mainly a bunch of nuts with little to offer in the way of good discussion or suggestions for other collectors, enough about that.

As one of the few non-King and Country collectors here I will also say it is really great to see the amount of interaction Andy has with the collector base and how willing he is to share information. Consider yourselves lucky as you will not get this kind of interaction form the CEO of many other companies.

As for the perceived personal attacks we dont have to get along all of the time but I think Shannon and Eddy said it best and we need to drop it and move on. To Firebat I would hope that you stick around and remember that what you say and what they hear are usually not the same and it probably goes doubly for what you type and how people read it. Just an observation.

Have a nice day all!

This "I'm a real man." talk is a bit silly in my opinion. This ain't a wrestling or boxing forum.
All insults or comments private e-mail only, do not disturb the rest of the members.................or maybe you like the attention

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