Any News on the Future AK Sets? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 28, 2005
:( I heard UK Mentioned about Future release's of AK Sets? Does anyone know about these New Sets? I was wondering when Andy,was going to give us a-- Mortar Team. --6-Pounder Gun Team, Bedford QL /Lorry Troop Truck---an MORE Armor, for 8th Army N. Africa Sets? The British are Beautiful, but need MORE Infantry Pose's! I guess we have to accept this NEW Sculpture from K & C; Smaller Figure's?
You are like the Energizer Bunny........... It's kind of fun.
Gideon said:
You are like the Energizer Bunny........... It's kind of fun.
I suspect Andy C would like to see John gone after all his going and going :)
I don't think i've heard about any future AK sets of yet,isn't it a bit soon after the last sets?.

From what I understand and read in this forum, there is an AK surprise which will be featured in the Chicago show.
eeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrr John apreciate your passion for AK sets but there are there are 17 other figure collections in the range and SP range!!!

Give the guy a break

Your right Tony,we should give Andy a break and not put undue/unfair pressure on him.By the by did i mention that i've just come back from the doctors and he said that if i don't get some British paras at Pegasus/merville very soon my health will suffer,my blood pressure will go up,i may suffer mood swings and end up bitter and twisted and watching daytime tv!.

Thanks Monty,its good to know i'm not the only sufferer!.

Rob said:
Your right Tony,we should give Andy a break and not put undue/unfair pressure on him.By the by did i mention that i've just come back from the doctors and he said that if i don't get some British paras at Pegasus/merville very soon my health will suffer,my blood pressure will go up,i may suffer mood swings and end up bitter and twisted and watching daytime tv!.


Tee Hee!
On further reflection - when is the Monty Python range starting? :confused:

Kings own Kamikazees, French knights (Ni) - upper class twits - debs - :rolleyes: Better get back on the medication....

Not sure about the fat naked bloke playing the piano though....LOL::eek:

Hey Louis? Would it compliment the Beatles? LOL:D

Or you can make the Royal Navy on its way to lake Tahoe (When I say there is no cannibalism in the Navy, I mean that there is not much cannibalism...Drop that!/ Hello, is this Lake Tahoe? No, but it certainly is damp!), the expedition climbing Oxford Street, the Russian execution platoon trying to shoot Mr. Pither and Clodagh Rogers/Trotski, the pantomime horses, a strictly limited set of the Ministry of Silly Walks, and so on...

OK, it's about time I stop watching this show, because my imagination is running wild again...:p

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