Anyone else buying the retired items? (2 Viewers)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Just wondering if anyone else was snapping up the retiring items while they still can?.Have just ordered from Tony Neville the German set 'advance to attack' and the EA 25pounder.Have wanted the gun for ages and never seemed to get it,its amazing how the threat of retirement stings you into action!

Yes, I've bought my second EA04, 25 punder and my first EA05, "Quad Tractor and Limber". I'm not too hip on the blue windows but the vehicle and limber themselves are nice and of course the figures are also first rate.


I too bought yesterday the EA sets you mentioned. Tony says that a lot of guys have bought them recently because the new stuff has created interest.

Like and makes for a nice collection now. Just also playing catch up on the WSS items so just bought all the retired items there.

I bought the 2 Aussie sets and the Quad and limber.[blue windows and all]:)
So the fact that these pieces were most likely retired because they were poor sellers doesn't worry you guys :)
OzDigger said:
So the fact that these pieces were most likely retired because they were poor sellers doesn't worry you guys :)

It doesnt bother me ,The EA and Ak are my favourite series.
So i had wanted the 2 Aussie sets for a while, so thought i,d get em
before i have to chase them on E bay etc.I must admit the Quad and limber
doesnt blow my socks off But i have the 25 pdr so i figuerd on buying it one day anyway.
I figure i,ll become a reverse collector and only buy stuff as it retires
[the stuff i like of course]as its easier to keep up that way.:)
I'm sure you wouldn't be the first person to just buy retired stuff, it's popular with resellers :)

Btw Vandi, you mentioned 2 Aussie sets, I know EA03, what is the other?
Hi Oz
The secound is the EA 06 bren gun support.I figured i,d go for the retired
end of things more for the slower pace of retirements than new releases
at the moment.Its easier to keep pace with the sets i want at that end.
As Monty (and indeed Tony from kc uk)said the new items in the EA range are creating interest in the older stuff.I was lucky enough to recently get hold of the Matilda,so this together with the 25pdr will be the back bone of my new EA.It doesn't worry me if these items didn't sell well,its purely for my own pleasure and i would never sell anything i've bought from KC,sorry i must be in a minority there!


You guys bought well as we are now waiting for new stocks of the retired EA's to come in.

By the way Supposed to as we speak be on a plane to HK to meet up with Andy!! Thanks to those anal Fanatics :mad: that say it is to do with religion my flight was cancelled after three hours of queing. If it was not for the superb service from BA:) i think a lot more nerves would have been frayed. So i have a second run at it tommorrow whith my re-booked flights!!!

So Andy may need a beer with that lunch to calm the nerves!!;)

All the best

Tony Neville
Have a good trip Tony,i'm sure things will be better tommorow.

I heard on the news that some big terrorist plot to blow up planes over the pacific was foiled. Perhaps that's why your flight was cancelled.
Yes i bet you had a long day today Tony.

Again soft touch Britain with these alleged 'British' citizens!!!!! I will keep tro myself what i think should be done, not for the forum i think.:mad:

Sounds like on the news that the intention was for 12 planes to have liquid bombs put on with these idiots and then blow them up over the citys in USA........

My grandads comment was 'why did i loose a leg and 5 best mates for this' He was talking about D-day!!! He defended Britain for the like of me and now we let anybody in to try and blow us all up. What is wrong with the world.:mad: :(

Tony Hope your trip is Stress less tomorrow and you get to HK

All the best

My suggestion to the airport security/homeland security folks is NO MORE CARRY ON LUGGAGE on airplanes. It took long enough to get through security before this. Can you imagine how bad it will be now?
I'm surprised at how smoothly things are going. I had expected to hear of plenty of "air rage" type incidents if members of the travelling public, after being herded around for 5 hours, are then told that the 'duty free' spirits and perfumes they bought as presents for loved ones is being confiscated. It's stil too early to ascertain the degree of threat: after all, if these chaps were serious they would have detonated in the passenger queues upon hearing that their first chap was intercepted. Still though, at least there were no passenger fatalities and no other unfortunate mistaken identity fatalities either. A good policing job thus far.
Louis Badolato said:
I heard on the news that some big terrorist plot to blow up planes over the pacific was foiled. Perhaps that's why your flight was cancelled.

It was over the Atlantic that they planned to blow up the planes.
Two of the guys were arrested right by the hospital where I work here in Birmingham. Another 2 have been arrested round the corner from my mom's house also in Birmingham.

Certainly makes you think about what goes on on your doorstep that you just don't know about.
When are we going to wake up?

There is only one way to deal with these cowardly people that make war

on women and children.

The next country that openly threatens the US, should be bombed back to

the stone age. Every single nuke that is getting old should be used, and

we should have a second set ready just in case someone survives and

doesn't have a smile on his face.

I think we should live in a world where people can settle their differences in

a peaceful manner, but when you have to shoot.....shoot.....don't talk about


Njja said:
When are we going to wake up?

There is only one way to deal with these cowardly people that make war

on women and children.

The next country that openly threatens the US, should be bombed back to

the stone age. Every single nuke that is getting old should be used, and

we should have a second set ready just in case someone survives and

doesn't have a smile on his face.


John - All the guys arrested today are British citizens. I'm all for letting loose on any country that poses a threat, but these are random nutjobs that don't represent anyone. If they were supported by some government then bombs away, but that does not appear to be the case.
As a Brit who is still angry at what they did on our tube last year i think Ozdigger has nailed it.If you don't like the way we live go elsewhere.

OzDigger said:
Maybe you guys should be more careful about who you let become British citizens :)

Our Liberal (Little Johnny) Government (which is actually conservative) have largely remained in power because of their tough stance on immigration. Most Aussies have had a gutful of minority groups telling us what they want changed in Australia. Our response is, if you don't like it here, clear-off back to where your looney tune culture is acceptable to the majority.

Hey Oz

Can we swap Murdoch and Blair for you as PM?:D

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