Appointed to west point!!!! (2 Viewers)

What should I do?

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2nd Lieutenant
Oct 11, 2010
Friends and Froggers,
Today I received a surprise appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. I had already been accept to Dartmouth College with a full Army ROTC scholarship. Know I do not know which I will attend. Prices are the same- as is size, academics, and basically location. It is really between a more academic and comfortable experience and a challenging military experience. West Point may give me an advantage with my military career, but Dartmouth will allow me to pursue my academic and political interests much better.
I have exactly three (3) days to decide.
Please give me any advice you can!
Many thanks,
Sandor :salute::
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It is a very personal choice and depends a great deal on how you would like to spend your next 4 years. For the first year in particular, the academy will provide a very, very regimented experience. I have several friends that choose that route, some thrived, others did not. I made a similar choice between the Naval Academy and a small but highly regarded and top quality liberal arts college and opted for the latter. Ironically, my school played the academy in lacrosse and I ended up with winning the girl friend of a middy away. I ended up flying for the Air Force after college but I did no pursue and never intended to have a military career. So for me, that choice was undoubtedly for the best. If politics is an interest, I suspect Darmouth is the better choice, although a case can be made for either. In any event, congratulations on your selection and I feel sure you will be will served by either so long as you are honest about your preferences and personal characteristics.
Sounds like the first test of an officer. Making a decision with implications.

Good you got accepted by both. Now you have the option to go with which one you think will suit you best.

Don't go to West Point.

If it's not your first choice and you have to ask here on the forum, it's not the place for you. You need to be fully committed to a military career to really succeed at West Point. Plus the fact you may be taking the place of another that's a better suited to lead.

I offer no advice...the choice is surely up to you...but I wish you congratulations...
Don't go to West Point.

If it's not your first choice and you have to ask here on the forum, it's not the place for you. You need to be fully committed to a military career to really succeed at West Point. Plus the fact you may be taking the place of another that's a better suited to lead.


While I completely agree with you, I should clarify that USMA is my first choice. When I got denied, however, I made other plans. Now that they changed their minds, I am faced with a choice. Those who know me know I am more then fully committed to the service of my country, and I am fully prepared for the challenges I will face. I currently attend a military school, so I understand the gist of it.
Thank you for your concern, but please understand I am not the type you are describing and the situation was only complicated when I was denied and made other plans.
If it were me, I would go to Dartmouth as I wouldn't be able to pass up an Ivy League education. Moreover, you will still be getting a military education.

Separately, I didn't know WP cost money. I had always assumed it was free of charge and paid for by the government.
Don't go to West Point.

If it's not your first choice and you have to ask here on the forum, it's not the place for you. You need to be fully committed to a military career to really succeed at West Point. Plus the fact you may be taking the place of another that's a better suited to lead.

I can't quite agree. You can succeed at any of the US Military Academies if you are committed to the discipline and hard work they require, which is different than a commitment to a military career. Many cadets graduate to go on to very successful careers in other professions after completing their required service commitments and our society is all the better for that. Moreover, if you do well and graduate from the Point, who is to say that you are not just as well, if not better suited to lead than someone who makes it a career. Our military was first and remains a group of citizen soldiers and many of its best leaders have not made service a career. I frankly think the notion of an all professional military is a bit unnerving. After all, Athens did, in the end prevail over Sparta. So it really is your choice to make.
Tough choice, but congrats either way!

I would choose WP, I just the heritage of that institution is much greater than DM. {sm0}
While I completely agree with you, I should clarify that USMA is my first choice. When I got denied, however, I made other plans. Now that they changed their minds, I am faced with a choice. Those who know me know I am more then fully committed to the service of my country, and I am fully prepared for the challenges I will face. I currently attend a military school, so I understand the gist of it.
Thank you for your concern, but please understand I am not the type you are describing and the situation was only complicated when I was denied and made other plans.

I understand Sandor. I don't personally know you, I can only judge from my life experiences and the information you have provided us here. That said, if your heart was really set on attending West Point, and even though you were originally denied, I would think that you would jump at the chance to now be able to attend. That you have to ask for advice on what to do now indicates to me that you have some doubt.

Why is it now that you are able to to get your first choice do you still have to think about it? This is a rhetorical question that only you can answer. Good luck and I wish you success in whatever path you choose. :)

As a retired officer, but not a military academy grad, West Point sounds like a good choice if you want that career path. But the Ivy League will give you more options if you decide not to make the military a full career. You can go to OCS if you choose Dartmouth. Congrats on two fine options. Chris
Hi Sandor,

I deeply regret the fact you have a significantly difficult decision to make. However, if you must face a difficult decision, this is one of the best to face! ^&grin

Congratulations on all counts!!! It seems to me you cannot make a wrong decision when confronted with these two options!

Good luck!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
As a retired officer, but not a military academy grad, West Point sounds like a good choice if you want that career path. But the Ivy League will give you more options if you decide not to make the military a full career. You can go to OCS if you choose Dartmouth. Congrats on two fine options. Chris

Firstly congratulations on the two options open to you.

As a kid my ambition from very young was to go to Sandhurst (UK equivalent of West Point). However when I moved to Hong Kong I changed to joining the Police instead.

Whilst I am no expert on West Point or Dartmouth I think Chris's view is the way I would look at this.
This is just my opinion but if you think you are going to be in the military for all your career then I
would think WP is the better option. If you think you may want to have a shorter military career and
then go into civilian life then I am guessing Dartmouth might be the way to go (even overseas Ivy
League has a good reputation).

Another factor I know many consider is what area of the military to get into if you do think you will later
go into civilian life. This may be something that only becomes a consideration nearer to graduation time.
In the Police there were certain areas where the experience gained was very beneficial to future
employment. For Police would be places like Commercial Crime and Crime Prevention or anything to do
with Computers or Technology.

I see many serving and former servicemen in my shop and I can see those who have served in certain
types of units find it easier to gain employment than those who may have served in the Infantry
(my apologies to any former infantryman). Those with experience in such things as Logistics,
Transport, Signals (ie. computers, communications fields) and Engineers ("tradies" as well as officers)
have, in general, better civilian opportunities.

Whatever you decide I hope it goes well.



As for where to study, often the institution where you complete your postgraduate study and the reputation of your doctoral supervisor is more important than the details of your undergraduate study. When you get to University only people determined to be mocked talk about their school experience and once you enrol in a Masters or PhD program you likewise cease to talk about your GPA.

Brett - I don't know wether they used the GPA system in the Hong Kong Police Force in that course you came second in, but in my uni course that I came first in, that meant grade point average.{sm4}



As for where to study, often the institution where you complete your postgraduate study and the reputation of your doctoral supervisor is more important than the details of your undergraduate study. When you get to University only people determined to be mocked talk about their school experience and once you enrol in a Masters or PhD program you likewise cease to talk about your GPA.

Brett - I don't know wether they used the GPA system in the Hong Kong Police Force in that course you came second in, but in my uni course that I came first in, that meant grade point average.{sm4}

No idea what GPA is but they did teach us how to shoot people. I think at that time the policy was
shoot to wound. The good news is I was such a bad shot if I aimed for your arm I would hit you in
centre of your chest.

First of all, Congratulations. You have two great options in either West Point or Dartmouth.

You must know what is your aptitude. Are you better suited for a command or staff appointment ? The best persons to advise you are your previous and/or current instructors. They have seen you perform in a military environment.

Ask them for their honest opinion which you are best suited for, given your immediate and future plans. Some questions to ask them: how did you perform in decision making under stress ? could you multi-task effectively given a short timeline ?

Hope that helps.

All the Best, Raymond. :)
You are one lucky bloke. Use your gut feeling and run with it. You can't lose. You win either way. Good luck. Chris.

Although Not an Officer I can say that it has been my experience that the "ring knockers" do very well for themselves. The loyalty of the institution continues to serve those who went there, well into their careers. If you are going to make a Career of the military remember that "Westpoint grad" will be on your file forever and will just stand as is.

My 2 cents from a Canadian experience.

I am glad to hear there are still young people out there wanting to do this. Congratulations to you!

Congratulations, Sandor! Obviously you have earned the right to make a very tough choice, but, whichever school you choose will give you an excellent education and opportunity, so you can't go wrong.
Both choices are fully funded by the US Army so you are one of the lucky young graduates who will have no school debt to start off your career.
Good answers on both accounts.
Coincidentally I have two good friends whose sons each went to Dartmouth and West Point. The West Point graduate left the military and now has a career in finance.
The Dartmouth graduate went to law school and works for the government. The West Point graduate told me that the education was excellent but he found the politics and mentality of the student body to be somewhat rigid. He thinks he missed out on a more diversified student body with ecclectic ideologies to debate and study.

Hope this helps a little in your decision.

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