You are right and also wrong; Secaucus used to be a great show, I recall one year Louis brought the attendees from his get together, Andy was there, Shannon and Pete were there as well, the show was mobbed, I was busy all day long.
The past couple of Secaucus shows have been poorly attended and duds in my opinion.
As far as Valley Forge; I enjoy that show very much, I have always done well there, the club that runs it does a great job, the exhibit area is specatular, but that show is not the same either.
When I first started attending, the entire floor of the convention center was packed with dealers, Andy used to come all the way from Hong Kong to attend and sell K & C figures. The show is now half the size it used to be; Saturday used to be a mob scene, I'd be swamped most of the morning, this is not the case anymore.
Not quite sure what is going on, the shows in Virginia are very well attended and I do very well at all of them, very enthusiastic collectors down in the MD, DE and VA area.
And yes, you are right in that wargaming is different, but Cold Wars in the Spring, Historicon in the Summer and Fall In in November are the three flagship shows of HMGS, Historical Miniatures Gaming Society, between the three they get 5,000 or so attendees.
Between Secaucus, Valley Forge and Hackensack, the three biggest East Coast shows, you're lucky to get half that number to show up, I don't get it...................