Armies of Middle-Earth (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Jul 19, 2007
I was wondering if anyone else is collecting the 3" Figures in Playalong's Armies of Middle-Earth series. It's a bit of a hybrid type, part action-figure, part toy soldier. Not historical of course, but they make pretty decent set ups, when you can gather enough for regiments & such. I do some custom & original pieces to augment the now defunct line. Here's a pic of a Dunlendling Regt.


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Maloyalo, I love those things, I have done some converts myself. I was bum out when the company decided not to continue the line. I did not get all of them, but I did amass a pretty good army myself. I will post some pics when I get a chance. Mike:)
Heres some pics,


Maloyalo, I love those things, I have done some converts myself. I was bum out when the company decided not to continue the line. I did not get all of them, but I did amass a pretty good army myself. I will post some pics when I get a chance. Mike:)

Yes, a black day. :( Especially with the cancellation of some long awaited sets.

New material that a new scabbard on Aragorn ? Fixed Aragorns beard...that 2 O'clock shadow they painted on never did look right. Nice wraith face idea!

Boromir has me stumped...looks like Amon-Hen pose, but is that fighting fellowship Boromir shield & arm ?

I really was disappointed the Landing Craft was cancelled & this is one I tried to make one out of a seigetower.


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They were sold in retail locations like Toys-R-us, target, Wal mart- I think, etc. Here is a link to one of several online dealers who sell those figs.

You can do an online search Playalong LOTR figs and find them that way as well. I haven't noticed any really "Spike" in prices- the prices on this guys website are all what I paid retail.

For several years Lord of the Rings merchandise was huge in stores, and there were few toy sellers that didn't have the larger six inch figures, but the AOME 1/32 figs were sometimes hard to find.

I liked the smaller 1/32 Armies of Middlearth figs made by Playalong but they were expensive when compared with the six inch figs, so naturally most parents and kids bought the larger versions which were fully action figs.

Btw here's my six inch scale Balrog (made by Neca) with a 1/30 German at his feet.

I have that Balrog too. It's an awesome toy especially with the Balrog battle Gandalf that shouts "You shall not pass!"

I've got loads and loads of teh AOME figures too plus all the playsets. Helm's Deep is terrific as is the Nazgul and Fell Beast at Osgiliath.

I've got pretty much one of everything and a load of Uruk Hai with Ballista and Battering rams!

The only ones i don't have are the dunlendings as they seemed to be quite rare. I guess they are all in that picture above.

Also in my collection are the Britains metal figures from Fellowship of the Ring.
They are a great set and some are quite sought after while others are worth next to nothing.

I've also collected the metal figures from the LOTR Collectors Magazine here in the UK. They are approaching 100 now and must be finishing soon as they are starting to do figures like Barliman Butterbur and that hobbit that scowls at Gandalf! :)

Good value though at £6.99 for a quite nicely painted metal figure.
Where can we find them? My son thought they were nice!

There still are a few sets here & there on retailers lists, but prices really vary & be sure to shop. For example one person charges $49.00 for a set you can find at $12.00 readily elsewhere. I will try to list a few sources later.

You can probably do best on Ebay, but wait for a deal since there are regular loose lots and boxed sets all the time, and will be for some time yet. Again shop, to get the feel. As a rough guide I try to get foot figs in $1-2 range loose & $3-4 boxed. Mounted about $4 loose $ 8 boxed. There are just a few sets selling higher, due high interest, but even those change sometimes.
I've also collected the metal figures from the LOTR Collectors Magazine here in the UK. They are approaching 100 now and must be finishing soon as they are starting to do figures like Barliman Butterbur and that hobbit that scowls at Gandalf! :)

Good value though at £6.99 for a quite nicely painted metal figure.

I've bought these for my son who has an interest in LOTR (but nothing else to do with Toy Soldiers). Did you get the Cave Troll and Warg Rider?

When these came out, I ate up alot of my Toy Soldier alotment money on them. I felt the paint jobs were excellent and they did a great scale from man to hobbit. It appeared the company was doing great, they were flying off the shelves around me, so I bought as many as I could afford. The prices did vary from State to State, the over priceing of these must have discouraged many buyers. I picked up some real bargins at a local Big Lots store. They did not last long, and now ebay and a few action figure retailers have a few sets here and there. The Helms Deep playset, retailed for $49.00, is now selling in the $200.00 to $300.00 range. I will look for these at yard sales and hopefully a few Toy Soldier shows, might have a few of the missing sets.

OzDigger;Btw here's my six inch scale Balrog (made by Neca) with a 1/30 German at his feet.

Now that guy is a monster! Amazing that Neca went thru with him after all the on & off again stuff. I might have got one, but had finished the partial Aome one.


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The AOME balrog was excellent just a pity it was only half a balrog.
Your conversion looks amazing. Really well done.

Yeah i do have the special editions too. The only one i've missed out on was the recent Fell Beast. I've just ordered the mumakil though.
Now that guy is a monster! Amazing that Neca went thru with him after all the on & off again stuff. I might have got one, but had finished the partial Aome one.

Nice job, how did you make him complete?
Easy: The only ones i don't have are the dunlendings as they seemed to be quite rare. I guess they are all in that picture above.

Thanks for nice comment on Balrog! As far as Dunlendings, Lol, actually there are only 3-4 of the Aome Wildmen in that mob. Most are converted Gandalfs, Aragorns & such. Also, about 5 are original sculpts. I do see the 3-pack set the wildman came in 'Attack on Rohan' regularly on Ebay. It often goes around $10-15. It was sort of a bad deal when issued in that it was the only new pose in the set (the others a Uruk & Orc). btw, I think it bears some resemblence to Peter Jackson? Probably not intentional, all wildmen look alike, etc.

OzDigger, Nice job, how did you make him complete?
Thanks! I made/extended missing leg & tail with strong wire armature (there luckiliy are conveinent attaching locations) and then sculpted with plumbers 2 part epoxy. Then matched paint scheme with acrylics.
There still are a few sets here & there on retailers lists, but prices really vary & be sure to shop. For example one person charges $49.00 for a set you can find at $12.00 readily elsewhere. I will try to list a few sources later.

You can probably do best on Ebay, but wait for a deal since there are regular loose lots and boxed sets all the time, and will be for some time yet. Again shop, to get the feel. As a rough guide I try to get foot figs in $1-2 range loose & $3-4 boxed. Mounted about $4 loose $ 8 boxed. There are just a few sets selling higher, due high interest, but even those change sometimes.

Thanks , I have noticed that to be true about some e-bay dealers in regards to stuff they are trying to make a killing on:p
When these came out, I ate up alot of my Toy Soldier alotment money on them. I felt the paint jobs were excellent and they did a great scale from man to hobbit. It appeared the company was doing great, they were flying off the shelves around me, so I bought as many as I could afford. The prices did vary from State to State, the over priceing of these must have discouraged many buyers. I picked up some real bargins at a local Big Lots store. They did not last long, and now ebay and a few action figure retailers have a few sets here and there. The Helms Deep playset, retailed for $49.00, is now selling in the $200.00 to $300.00 range. I will look for these at yard sales and hopefully a few Toy Soldier shows, might have a few of the missing sets.

I see I am not alone in replacing the bases! I thought the 'one foot' bases the main negative aspect of the design, although they improved towards the end. I also had the same idea of concentrating all my extra $ on this series, while they were in production and its still the main focus, although I have gone to re-getting the boxed sets. I have always ended up opening them in the past to make the army bigger...bigger.., must have more troops....I hadn't considered making Gondorian Crossbowmen. They work well in that pose, better then the Uruks.
Maloyalo, that's funny, I did almost the exact same thing to my Balrog. I used play doe to sculpt the missing leg. As far as the bases go, that's it they go, I remade everyone over. I made tons of weapons, swords, spears, all the swords you see in the sheaths come out. I made capes I made a wagon out of one of my Gondorian catapults. I still enjoy looking at them, maybe one of these days, I'll get back to finishing some of those AOME projects.Mike:)
Maloyalo, that's funny, I did almost the exact same thing to my Balrog. I used play doe to sculpt the missing leg. As far as the bases go, that's it they go, I remade everyone over. I made tons of weapons, swords, spears, all the swords you see in the sheaths come out. I made capes I made a wagon out of one of my Gondorian catapults. I still enjoy looking at them, maybe one of these days, I'll get back to finishing some of those AOME projects.Mike:)

I rebase all mine too. I keep the bases, for what I do not know. I use thick cardboard, sometimes stacked in spots to even out the stance. I also bring those rearing poses down to level, but it takes a lot of built up cardboard pedestals. As they are, a whole rank of rearing Gondorian lancers reminds me more of the Lippenzaners. Its hard to find the right kind of cardboard though, and I scavenge it from wherever I can. Regular corrugated doesn't look good to me. How are yours made ? They look like two layers ?

I laid my customs aside for some months, but just started up again with those half-done projects. Have to recharge sometimes. Heres a few conversions. The first all use that goblin head Ugluk is (was) carrying. The Army-Dead banner is made from spears & kings cloak.


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