Arnhem 'P' (1 Viewer)

Guessing the next release is 6 months away, so plenty of time to save up, reckon put aside $20 a week and there will be enough to gather up the new release in one sweep.:wink2:, Robin.
Great post Toddy, I couldn't have said it better myself. It's a shame that people behave this way and it's even more shameful that they have to resort to nasty PM's!

Tom if you have a problem with Mitch why don't you just add him to your ignore list end of story ?
Good to hear we will get Col Frost, that's really good news. It was Robert Cain and Col Frost who were the two I wanted to see represented. I saw somewhere young Scott mention these could be the last Arnhem releases(??), I do hope not.

Tom if you have a problem with Mitch why don't you just add him to your ignore list end of story ?

He did not say definitively who the nasty pm was from. You might owe Mitch an apology.
Hi Guys,

Sorry Neil (UK Subs) I didn’t know there were any Meteors at Arnhem!?!
All the Best and happy Collecting!

Andy C.​
Tom if you have a problem with Mitch why don't you just add him to your ignore list end of story ?

I shouldn't have to do that Neil, nor should anyone else on this forum and I don't think this so called "problem with Mitch" as you put it, is confined to myself. It's a sad state of affairs when a member behaves this way and even more so on a PM!

Thanks for the responses to the question asked. Would have done Frost as one of the first releases myself but, glad he is being portrayed.
Hi Guys,

Sorry Neil (UK Subs) I didn’t know there were any Meteors at Arnhem!?!
All the Best and happy Collecting!

Andy C.​

For goodness sake Andy they were next to the RAMMJEAGER:wink2::rolleyes2:^&grin
The new paras are excellent looking by the way
I would like to see a few paras throwing Molotov cocktails like the old street fighting set:salute:::salute::^&cool
Let wind it in chaps.

Mitch asked a perfectly reasonable question, it has been answered so lets move on.
Ok Gents

This should serve as a warning to all, please keep on topic and don't get personal. If there is a problem with a member report the post or PM or even send and email to the Moderation Team we will gladly deal with any issues so we can keep the peace. I realize that all of us will never agree on every subject but we do need to act like Gentlemen and Ladies and keep the personal issues off the forum.

Please get back to the topic at hand and enjoy collecting.

Ok Gents

This should serve as a warning to all, please keep on topic and don't get personal. If there is a problem with a member report the post or PM or even send and email to the Moderation Team we will gladly deal with any issues so we can keep the peace. I realize that all of us will never agree on every subject but we do need to act like Gentlemen and Ladies and keep the personal issues off the forum.

Please get back to the topic at hand and enjoy collecting.


Is there an email alias for the "Moderation Team"?
well, back on the items I mentioned!! I received the new releases and took a few pics of some. The paint pattern has somewhat changed on these IMO the camo pattern is not the same as the last group however, the figures don't have the heavy light flesh lines and the dots for knuckles as blatant as the first sets.

Probably the best posed is the para with sten and bayonet affixed. A very nice figure. I do like the wounded para being carried (he actually could represent Cain more than the figure supposed to be in the range). I have a picture of the first and this one posted. The Bren gun carrier is also fine and fits well with the earlier releases nice crew and a decent bit of detail to it. so, that was one of the original questions I asked.

However, I still cannot see the increase in sculpt detail for this range. there is no significant change or enhanced paint style (when looking across the board at new K&C releases) which, justifies this price increase. I don't see ''its camo'' as a reason for extra price.

Overall, I am happy with the figures. getting them imported means they are greatly reduced in price and, for me worth buying as I do like them and the MG range as a whole.


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Now a gripe! What I was expecting and was certainly not disappointed with was the pak gun. Having seen the recent 25ILB gun (the only weight in it!!) I fully expected a very light plastic gun and, that's what I got. I know K&C have began this medium but, this for me should not be creeping into the mainstream models. The gun is poor in detail when looking at the older Bulge range release.

The gun does not move its fixed and, the lack of detail is astonishingly bad. The pics I have put show there is no wheel definition, or definition (in terms of what the real one should look like) in the carriage as with the older version. there is no holes for better word on the wheels or the carriage The former is predominantly all metal the latter well, plastic and for me nasty. It feels and looks like a very, very cheap toy.

I am not a ''weight equals detail'' person but, if we are going light weight then I expect the detail to remain and not lose both weight and detail. I feel a bit peeved that I was forced to buy the gun with the figures. I would have preferred to have been able to get the figures minus the expected cheap gun which, could have been sold separately

I have just managed to get another bulge pak and will be using this with these figures and binning the plastic one.


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well, back on the items I mentioned!! I received the new releases and took a few pics of some. The paint pattern has somewhat changed on these IMO the camo pattern is not the same as the last group however, the figures don't have the heavy light flesh lines and the dots for knuckles as blatant as the first sets.

Probably the best posed is the para with sten and bayonet affixed. A very nice figure. I do like the wounded para being carried (he actually could represent Cain more than the figure supposed to be in the range). I have a picture of the first and this one posted. The Bren gun carrier is also fine and fits well with the earlier releases nice crew and a decent bit of detail to it. so, that was one of the original questions I asked.

However, I still cannot see the increase in sculpt detail for this range. there is no significant change or enhanced paint style (when looking across the board at new K&C releases) which, justifies this price increase. I don't see ''its camo'' as a reason for extra price.

Overall, I am happy with the figures. getting them imported means they are greatly reduced in price and, for me worth buying as I do like them and the MG range as a whole.

Thank for posting the photos Mitch , think the new P figures do look better as the old range faces all looked the same with pointed noses and big sten guns but for me the new stuff taking to long to come out and to expensive .
Now a gripe! What I was expecting and was certainly not disappointed with was the pak gun. Having seen the recent 25ILB gun (the only weight in it!!) I fully expected a very light plastic gun and, that's what I got. I know K&C have began this medium but, this for me should not be creeping into the mainstream models. The gun is poor in detail when looking at the older Bulge range release.

The gun does not move its fixed and, the lack of detail is astonishingly bad. The pics I have put show there is no wheel definition, or definition (in terms of what the real one should look like) in the carriage as with the older version. there is no holes for better word on the wheels or the carriage The former is predominantly all metal the latter well, plastic and for me nasty. It feels and looks like a very, very cheap toy.

I am not a ''weight equals detail'' person but, if we are going light weight then I expect the detail to remain and not lose both weight and detail. I feel a bit peeved that I was forced to buy the gun with the figures. I would have preferred to have been able to get the figures minus the expected cheap gun which, could have been sold separately

I have just managed to get another bulge pak and will be using this with these figures and binning the plastic one.
Mitch I have the W Britain 75 mm gun and that miles better than the KC version by a long mile which is a shame
The sten gun was always an issue with the first and, agree that they have got better. However, its not anything K&C were not doing years before as the guns on the resistance figure from the Heydrich assassination was very good. The Arnhem weapons early on just went down hill so, its nice to see them return to something not as large that Cain could take out a Tiger with them!!

Thank for posting the photos Mitch , think the new P figures do look better as the old range faces all looked the same with pointed noses and big sten guns but for me the new stuff taking to long to come out and to expensive .
Could you post pictures of your whole MG diorama? The few pictures you posted to show the new figures look nice but would like to see whole setup.

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