August 31st, 2020 News Update (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Feb 2, 2011
As we move towards September, traditionally under previous normal circumstances all thoughts would be towards the Chicago Toy Soldier Show.
It was my intention to attend this year’s show, it being the 40[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary, and I had been tentatively asked to be guest speaker at the Friday Customer Appreciation dinner, which was sponsored by several of the attending dealers.

I discussed with Julie from Treefrog Treasures what would be some topics of interest to talk about.
It was suggested that “Life before JJDesigns” would be interesting, and what I had prepared for Chicago was used for the News Update on the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] May 2020.

Another suggested topic, was to talk about what was my favorite, or personally most satisfying series that I had produced.

The Jacobite Rebellion was up there, as it gave me the opportunity to experiment with movement, in representing the charging mob of Jacobite Highlanders. The Movement and colors of the Highland hoard, was also a great contrast to the static linear disciplined red line of the English troops.

But hands down, my favorite series has to be the Battle On Snowshoes.

I’d been living and working in Canada for nine years, and when I started my own toy soldier business in Hong Kong, it only seemed appropriate that I would produce figures from the Seven Years War in North America.
Having grown up in the UK, I was in no way prepared for the harsh freezing cold Canadian winters.
It was during one of these winters, a particularly cold January in Winnepeg, that I came across a small book by Bob Bearor on “The Battle On Snowshoes” (ISBN 978-0788406195), and this little book was what was to inspired me to produce The battle On Snowshoes series several years later.

The Snowshoes series, I believe broke new ground for jjdesigns, with interesting poses, story development, and subject matter.

Things were also changing in many ways in the toy soldier world.
The Treefrog forum was becoming established as the place for collectors to go to discuss, share and keep up with developments in the toy soldier world.

I’d noticed that through the forum there were new ways that collectors could share their passion.


Collectors were finding new and interesting ways to photograph their collections, and post them on the forum.
It was a picture by Randall Bond, of Billy Bishop, posted on the Treefrog forum that caught my eye. Here was someone with a small collection, finding new ways to appreciate and share his hobby. It was the creative and thoughtful use of lighting, low camera angle, and the simplicity of the picture that I loved.
Randall Bond, who as a historian and librarian, had researched several subjects for several toy soldier manufacturers, and It was with great pleasure that I managed to convince Randy to work on a series of pictures for a 2010 calendar.
The calendar would focus on The Battle On Snowshoes series.
There would be 12 pictures, and each picture month by month would illustrate part of the story of this small battle, and all the figures released for the series would be included at least once.


In no time, 12 wonderful pictures were produced.
I will forever be grateful to Randy for his work on this calendar, and how else could I possibly illustrate this series, but by showing all twelve of Randy’s beautiful calendar shots.













The 2010 Calendar, for me is an iconic piece of work, and The Snowshoes Series, the Calendar are a must have for any serious jjDesigns Collector.

Many thanks, once again to Mr. Bond.

Next week, and throughout September may see the preview of another new series, which I hope will be as well received.

Best wishes

john jenkins
this is nice...
one of my favorite JJD series...
not a duplicate pose in the bunch...
lots of action poses...
I agree, I was able to pick up this series for a great price a little bit ago and it ranks as one of my favorites.
This was my absolute favorite!^&grin.Maybe John could go revisit the range with more figures.
John has really developed and released some fantastic ranges over the past ten years. I think it's wonderful the kudos he gives to Randy Bond for the collaboration he contributed to in making the 2010 calendar.
Randy's work back in the day was an inspiration to many of us. It was thru this forum that Randy and I have become great friends. He personally got me into dio making when he shared these calendar photos with me and encouraged me in an artistic direction I never knew I had. Doing dio's has certainly made this hobby a whole lot more fun for me!

I think it is quite telling of John's character to feature and turn the spotlight onto one his collectors and thanking him for what he's done. Randy is certainly deserving of this mention by JJ and JJ's BOS range was certainly a hallmark series that put JJD on the TS map.

I find that these weekly updates are always filled with great and positive news for us JJD collectors. (OMG....another new JJD range on the horizon?? {sm3} It's gotta to be good even if not in my area of interest!! I wonder what it will be?? )

Wow, another new series to be announced. Any guesses?

I'd be happy to see Franco Prussian War. JJD figures would go quite nicely with what Team Miniatures is now producing for that period.
I didn't notice where John said another new range was coming out.He just starting on The Fur Trade.
Thank you so much John. Your work has always been an inspiration.
On top of that John is one of the nicest people and makers in our hobby.
He is very generous and a true friend. I had planned to meet John in Philly in
2018 but fell and broke my hip at home.
John did the coolest thing when he found out andsent me a WWI stretcher set of French soldiers:salute::

Thanks to all the members for the kind words of encouragement that have made this forum and our hobby an enjoyable experience.

Thanks to Julie for the great service she provides to us collectors:salute::

I didn't notice where John said another new range was coming out.He just starting on The Fur Trade.

"Next week, and throughout September may see the preview of another new series, which I hope will be as well received.''

It's at the bottom of this mornings post from JJD.
I just love the Snowshoes series. I got in collecting JJD on Monongahela, but Snowshoes was my first series to complete, and besides the fantastic dramatic poses, as Mike Miller remarked, it really stands out for having no 2 figures look alike.

Simply can't wait to learn the topic for the new series, any guesses? Personally I am crossing my fingers for the Russian Civil War 1917-1922, but the Indian Mutiny or The 30 Years' War would be great as well:)

"Next week, and throughout September may see the preview of another new series, which I hope will be as well received.''

It's at the bottom of this mornings post from JJD.
I need some new goggles.^&grin
Thanks to the tireless efforts of John and George I was able to acquire all the #1 sets for the complete BoS series. That line was one of my favorites. When I was in NY, my wife and I stopped at the country club/golf course that was the sight of the Snowshoes battle. I have a soft spot for those original lines. I can still remember seeing those first Monongahela BM sets at the Antique Center in Gettysburg. The great mystery of QR-01 and getting one of six master sets of the BM-01 directly from John! The holy grail of my collection. Great memories.
My first set was FM-05 "The Death of Beaujeu".I really wasn't gonna get any more but I was selling a bunch of model kit sets and a Conte viking ship and Kogu (where is he?) offered me 30+ sets of the Monongahela range for my stuff so I traded for them.Then out came the Snowshoes range and I was hooked.When you look at all his ranges now he has come a long way in 12 years. I never did get BM-01^&grin.
Loved that series. I had bought several of the sets years ago and finally last year I was able to set them up, after of course getting some more sets! :smile2:

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