Oh dear.....
what happened with the quality control Tom ????
I have to comment about the Aussie on guard
GW025C: An Australian guard in Pith Hat and desert gear with Boxer puppy dog and sign makes a very nice set. Limited to 100 in number and priced at $40.00
A couple of major errors are most evident with this figure :
- Brass buttons were not used, they had blackened metal badges and buttons
- Tan trousers were not worn, both coat and trousers were the same fabric, a dark khaki.
- Facial hair was only tolerated in a combat situation, like Gallipoli, where they were short of water, but moustaches were OK.
- Aussies wore BROWN BOOTS not Black... maybe he raided the British Q-Store ??
I think that more research is needed with your Australian figures, and there are lot of knowledgeable collectors 'down under, so why not seek help to maintain your standards, which with many other ranges are excellent.
Dear All
Well today I finally get to go on my holidays but before I go please see below this months offerings from Thomas Gunn.
As I will be away all week, please email all enquiries/orders to helen@tomgunn.co.uk, I will be back in work on the 25th August.
There are no FFL figures this month but have no fear, at least 6 new figures are now in the pipeline including an artillery piece!
Best wishes
Vicki Lucas
TGM Marketing Manager
Panzer ace said:I love the new FJ and all the sets with dogs!
Ah, and there's my little friend Schnaps:
Did I hear FFL artillery!
Speaking to Tom the other day (Email), there are a few different FFL still to come, including an artillery set. :wink2:
hallo Vicki, as you wrote ...'the 60th are a project we are working on with a museum' could we know something about the project, the Museum and the FIW figures planned for it please?
Good effort in digging up these artillery photos. Would like a crew to go with it, might consider a few guns. Just need TG to get on board. Robin.
received my 2 sets of Lawrence of Arabia Arabs today...they are extremely nice...great figures...I hope more are in the works...