ABout the WWI executions I think the issue has been clouded by modern sentiment. There is a great book on this topic called Blindfolded and alone.
I think about 300 men were executed during the war. Not a lot compared to the numbers who served. My understanding is that the media created image of a bunch of public school toffs having some frightened teenager shot for refusing to go over the top is not a correct one. baring a few most of those executed were pretty much died in the wool offenders some of whom had committed serious crimes like rape and murder. The death sentence was not handed down very often and was often revoked.
Each case should be taken on its merits and not second guessed through rose tinted glasses
The main thing is that these men have now been pardoned and a gross injustice in the staining of some of these men's characters has been put right. War or no War you can't shoot people for no good
reason. It was an outrage that had to be put right, the non criminals amongst those shot deserve no