AWI - A March Back to Boston, or Perhaps a Rout (2 Viewers)


Feb 12, 2008
As promised, here are several photos of the five 5th Foot Grenadiers that I received yesterday. I imagined a scenaro of them hurrying back to Boston after they opened up a hornets nest in Lexington & Concord.
:smile2: Mike

April 19, 1775

The right flank company of the 5th Foot wearily marched from Lexington and Concord villages back to Boston. Most didn't understand the purpose of the entire day. There was a lack of bond between them and their commander. This captain volunteered for the assignment and was attached to the company at the last minute. This seemed to be the case with all the companies. They all received unfamiliar captains all drawn from all the regiments in Boston. Their own company officer was still with them, but the temporary commander shared little information with him. The brief skirmish at Lexington was a surprise, although they had not been engaged. At Concord they were attached with three other Grenadier Companies and sent 2 miles beyond the North Bridge to search the James Barrett farm for militia supplies, finding nothing of any consequence. While at the farm they had heard the sound of musket vollies coming from the bridge. They later learned that a few Light Infantry companies had been fired upon by the local militia. As they returned to Concord, it seemed like the entire area was teaming with angry colonials. Now they were on the march returning to Boston. At a crossroads named Meriam's Corner they were fired upon by the colonials. Pushing onward, they were again attacked at Brook's Hill. Now they were reaching a point in the road where it would rise and curve through a wooded and swampy area. Soon this area would forever more be known as the Bloody Angle for up ahead, and out of sight were the militias from Bedford, Lincoln, and Woodburn. They lay in ambush on both sides of the road . . . waiting.





Mike ,
Beautiful work :salute:: very creative , I like how you left the ending of your scenario open . I'm looking forward to seeing future installments . H&A products and First Legion look like they were made for each other really beautiful . Regards Gebhard


The FL figures, Ken & Erika's Hudson & Allen scenics and your setups and photos make for a winning combination. Are you sure those Redcoats aren't headed for Madison? ^&grin

What a great combination of figures and scenics, Mike...just perfect. I have had my eye on these same figures for some time. Lovely!
Mike, beside the pictures are a little too bright, everything is perfect...:salute:: wonderful mix of of first rate figures & scenario...

Mike, I'm glad you are enjoying your initial batch of First Legion figures. I think your display leveraging several H&A scenics combined with the figures is fantastic. I look forward to future posts.
Thank you very much gentlemen; Mark, Sammy, Gebhard, Randy, Nicholas, Rod, and Frank.

ME BAD . . . . . I ordered 7 more Grenadiers today. The will give me a total of 12 which will make a nice size company section/sqaud. In March I hope/plan to be able to get some of the colonial militia figures. I still can't believe how superb these figures are . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Mike...your new figures look beautiful and your photography is top notch as always...I love your Hudson Allen scenics...perfect...prefect...perfect...enjoy your new series...
Mike, your first pics are great! It is obvious that you have been hooked by this AWI range, and I can tell you are really enjoying it.

By the way, I'm very jealous you have more grenadiers on the way already....:wink2:

Your joining the FL collectors is clearly an enrichment of our collecting experience. Thank you, Mike.

As someone said, you might have a more satisfying photography experience from a technical point of view if you processed the pictures before posting, as the set-up and layout is just tremendous.

Randy showed me how to do it several years ago and he is just a superb mentor. For your consideration.
Great figures, great display, many thanks for posting.

Thank you very much gentlemen; Mark, Sammy, Gebhard, Randy, Nicholas, Rod, and Frank.

. . . I ordered 7 more Grenadiers today. The will give me a total of 12 which will make a nice size company section/sqaud. In March I hope/plan to be able to get some of the colonial militia figures. I still can't believe how superb these figures are . . . .
:smile2: Mike

SO IT BEGINS :wink2: I was thinking how good AWI034 or AWI039 might fit in and corroborate your current scenario :smile2: . Its really fun for me to see collectors of AWI figures enjoying First Legion the way some of us enjoy our other FL lines . I'm sure my friend Noah is really happy to have more collectors to share his passion of the AWI with . Enjoy .. Happy collecting Gebhard
Great looking stuff Mike- love that picture- I can feel the burden of humping that rifle- must have been a bear over a distance.

Keep em coming buddy.
Wow, that scenery and those Brits look incredible. In particular the foliage might be the best I've ever seen. We don't see enough of this era on this Treefrog Forum. Well done sir. ^&cool

Very nicely done, excellently actually -- what we've come to expect and be spoiled by :D
Thank you all very kindly; Michael, Noah, Andanna, Paulo, Gebhard, Chris, Field Marshall and Brad.

As Gebhard pointed out . . . YES it begins . . .
:smile2: Mike
Wow, excellent scenes, Mike! I'd like to play them as a slide show! More installments to come?

Wow, excellent scenes, Mike! I'd like to play them as a slide show! More installments to come?


Be my guest Brad. Perhaps more this weekend, definately more by this time next week (7 more Grenadiers arriving at the house by next Wednesday).. Colonial Militia to make their appearance here in March - then the real action starts . ..
:smile2: Mike

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