AWI Command Set Dio (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jan 17, 2006
I had some play time over the weekend and thought you'd like to see some of the pics I took:


  • DSC01934.JPG
    94.8 KB · Views: 310
  • DSC01924.JPG
    97.3 KB · Views: 307
Nicely done, Mark, and good to hear from you!

I like the look of the officer exiting the tent, he has a look of urgency about him.

Great job, Mark,
and like Jeff said, good to see something different displayed here in the Britains sections. Haven't seen any AWI scenes for a while.
Outstanding job on the dio Mark. It truly is refreshing to see an AWI photo series for a change. Keep them coming . . . .
:) Mike
Thank you all for your nice comments. I'm glad to hear that many welcome a change of scenery so to speak. I'll try to post more as I am able.

Enjoyed seeing your setup.. BTW, what figure is the guy carrying the maps? I'm not familiar with him.


Enjoyed seeing your setup.. BTW, what figure is the guy carrying the maps? I'm not familiar with him.



The figure carrying the map is an older WB piece. It is item #17346--Nathaniel Green. It was produced when WB was owned by Ertl.
Thats a nice scene Mark....Those particular personality figures are really nicely done by Britains
Big thumbs up from me Mark, I love seeing anything AWI on the forum from any manufacturer and that H&A grass looks so real! :cool:

Great sense of drama about these scenes, giving the feeling that events of historic significance are about to take place. The Fall backdrop also nicely suggests that change is in the air.

Mark...a great set of figures and a very nice is nice to see this genre for a change too...great job...
Well done sir! I like this scene a lot, as it does a good job of showing off these excellent figures.

Thanks Mark for the excellent photos and Rev War scene. I enjoy viewing the figures and missed getting the figure walking with the maps. Nice change with some Rev War Britains. I just re-arranged my Rev war figures. Looking like too much weight on one shelf with the concord bridge and stuff. John
Thanks Mark for the excellent photos and Rev War scene. I enjoy viewing the figures and missed getting the figure walking with the maps. Nice change with some Rev War Britains. I just re-arranged my Rev war figures. Looking like too much weight on one shelf with the concord bridge and stuff. John

Photos please John............Joe

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