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Command Sergeant Major
Apr 7, 2008
Anyone feel the same as I do? The last couple of months K&C has released a lot of great stuff from the Luftwaffe to the Real West. As much as I would love to pick these pieces up and start a new line it just isn't feasible to do at this time due to the economic situation. I have been waiting patiently the last couple of months for more WWII items to be released. Granted some early war German sets such as the panhard armoured car and solo pieces such as Rommel and Guderian have been released. My only question is, what happened to the good old days of American GIs, German, American and British paratroopers, SS, Tanks, art sets etc... Boy oh boy I sure miss those days and I hope they are coming back soon! Don't get me wrong, I love the Rommel piece and Guderian but I have a hard time putting Rommel up on the front lines fighting off the Normandy invasion when he wasn't even there! I sure hope this coming month brings with it some WWII pieces I can use in a diorama.
Anyone feel the same as I do? The last couple of months K&C has released a lot of great stuff from the Luftwaffe to the Real West. As much as I would love to pick these pieces up and start a new line it just isn't feasible to do at this time due to the economic situation. I have been waiting patiently the last couple of months for more WWII items to be released. Granted some early war German sets such as the panhard armoured car and solo pieces such as Rommel and Guderian have been released. My only question is, what happened to the good old days of American GIs, German, American and British paratroopers, SS, Tanks, art sets etc... Boy oh boy I sure miss those days and I hope they are coming back soon! Don't get me wrong, I love the Rommel piece and Guderian but I have a hard time putting Rommel up on the front lines fighting off the Normandy invasion when he wasn't even there! I sure hope this coming month brings with it some WWII pieces I can use in a diorama.


Just be patient a little longer;).K&C series are not released in a scattergun or irregular manner.Almost all of the WW2 ranges have set periods for releases and this has become an annual tradition.You would not normally see D Day releases in Jan/Feb for instance as they are normally out in June/July,likewise Arnhem might be expected September/October and Bulge November/December.Check out the archive of dispatches on TF homepage for details and history of previous releases,you'll be surprised at how regular each range receive reinforcements.

If you are a big fan of D Day like me,i think June/July are going to be excellent months this year.;)

Hi Guys,

Just saw the “Sahara” post… whilst I can understand a wee bit of his frustration… His letter typifies some peculiar aspects of this forum…

If K&C just produced “American GI’s… German, American and British Paras… SS… tanks etc.etc”. We’d be accused by certain other forum members of reproducing “the same old, same old!”

Try something different and then you get the “why don’t you do what you did in the good old days? response”.

Whatever K&C does someone, somewhere won’t like it or feel his particular favourite subject is being neglected.

So, here’s what we do… We listen to what everyone says… we look at our sales records… we talk to our dealers and… importantly… we trust our own “gut instincts” and experience.

We put all these ingredients into the stew and we see what bubbles to the surface…

We also, very importantly, consider the general economy and market outlook… And then we do what we do. Believe it or not we also have schedules, plans and strategies that come into play at the same time.

All of this takes time… weeks, months… occasionally years. And there, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls is why we do… what we do…

Finally, you’ll never please everybody… and if you try… you’ll go down a very slippery slope very fast.

And I’ve no intention of doing that… at least not anytime soon!

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.

Just be patient a little longer;).K&C series are not released in a scattergun or irregular manner.Almost all of the WW2 ranges have set periods for releases and this has become an annual tradition.You would not normally see D Day releases in Jan/Feb for instance as they are normally out in June/July,likewise Arnhem might be expected September/October and Bulge November/December.Check out the archive of dispatches on TF homepage for details and history of previous releases,you'll be surprised at how regular each range receive reinforcements.

If you are a big fan of D Day like me,i think June/July are going to be excellent months this year.;)


If your observations are correct, we should be getting some Afrika Korps soon. Feb 06, Feb 07, and Feb 08 dispatches all had bumper crops of Arfika Korps. I've got my fingers crossed for March.
Semper Fi!
Andy's point is well taken. I remember only a few things from business school. One was the importance of "not trying to be all things to all people." This is pretty much what he is saying.

In a previous career I participated in leading focus groups on new product ideas. While strong opinions were always in plentiful supply, consensus was rare. At the end of the day it often came down to personal experience, financial considerations and, of course. "the gut"!
If your observations are correct, we should be getting some Afrika Korps soon. Feb 06, Feb 07, and Feb 08 dispatches all had bumper crops of Arfika Korps. I've got my fingers crossed for March.
Semper Fi!

I hope so Rick!:).I remember last Febuary i spotted a picture of the AK Tank riders on the K&C Website.It was only up for about twenty mins and then was gone,no one on here believed me and thought i'd gone mad!;):D

We still don't believe you :D I think Simon thought you were delusional at the time :)
I think, gentlemen, that you'll find I'm as sane as the person in the next flying saucer along from mine. Which is blue, as are all of my little alien buddies.

Pah pah! :D
Give all your stuff to Rob Simon,give it all to Rob!
Hey guys remember this is a short month. So it must be about time to start a March dispatches thread. What do you think we are going to see? :D:D
Hey guys remember this is a short month. So it must be about time to start a March dispatches thread. What do you think we are going to see? :D:D

I'm glad you said it mate,i thought i'd have to give it two more days yet;)

Maybe something for the Desert,AK etc.You know what we havn't had for a while,a Strictly Limited!:)

I know that K&C have already released a citreon field car in the Normandy series,but I would like to see a few more 'foreign' trucks besides the Opel blitz models that most manufacturers dwell on.After all,during the Normandy Campaign,in Divisions such as 1SS and 12SS,almost 75% of the softskin transport vehicles were of Italian or French origin.
Anyone feel the same as I do? The last couple of months K&C has released a lot of great stuff from the Luftwaffe to the Real West. As much as I would love to pick these pieces up and start a new line it just isn't feasible to do at this time due to the economic situation. I have been waiting patiently the last couple of months for more WWII items to be released. Granted some early war German sets such as the panhard armoured car and solo pieces such as Rommel and Guderian have been released. My only question is, what happened to the good old days of American GIs, German, American and British paratroopers, SS, Tanks, art sets etc... Boy oh boy I sure miss those days and I hope they are coming back soon! Don't get me wrong, I love the Rommel piece and Guderian but I have a hard time putting Rommel up on the front lines fighting off the Normandy invasion when he wasn't even there! I sure hope this coming month brings with it some WWII pieces I can use in a diorama.

I agree with you....lately K/C releases have been directed to testing the market in new avenues.....I for one am not interested in the Luftwaffe series......K/C will eventually need to return to the basics that work... as you say,"good old days"...........American GI,German SS,and of course tanks....This will happen out of necessity as most collectors IMO will not collect marginally desireable items or start new lines.....Be patient.....the winter tiger and other requested items will come around someday.........maybe:rolleyes:
I agree with you....lately K/C releases have been directed to testing the market in new avenues.....I for one am not interested in the Luftwaffe series......K/C will eventually need to return to the basics that work... as you say,"good old days"...........American GI,German SS,and of course tanks....This will happen out of necessity as most collectors IMO will not collect marginally desireable items or start new lines.....Be patient.....the winter tiger and other requested items will come around someday.........maybe:rolleyes:

I just don't see this.Yes K&C have released Luftwaffe figures etc but it has not changed its position on all the other stuff it releases.It was only in December(or was it November?)we got US Bulge sets and D Day french sets.Before that we had the King Tiger.The WW2 sets from all ranges are not released in a slipshod manner and are all carefully planned.Take a look at the dispatch archive and its easy to see the pattern.In terms of WW2 we get Afrika Corp/8th Army in the first or second quarter,with D Day in the Summer and Bulge later in the year and loads of stuff in between.Whilst we all want stuff here and now its just not possible,many different collectors collect many different themes and K&C must try and cater for as many as possible.

I for instance collect D Day/North Africa/Arnhem/Bulge.But i would not have expected a single item from any of these so far this year as they are never released at this time.Its all about their release schedule,check it out,it makes it easy to see how things get to us.:)

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