Barzso Castle (1 Viewer)


May 3, 2007
Hi, Looking to purchase a Barzso Castle if anyone has one to sell.
I’m from the UK and have made numerous transatlantic transactions
I was never really into the medievel period. But I did buy this castle ($300). I always thought Contes church was the best ever foam piece but this came in second.
$1200 seems a little steep in my mind.
This Castle and the Abbey are probably two of the hardest ones to find at a "reasonable" price. Reasonable is all in the eyes of who is buying. If you are looking for a centerpiece to the favorite part of your collection, then does the price matter???:smile2: In all seriousness, when buying something, you have to look at it as what you are going to enjoy, not necessarily its resale value.

$1200 plus approx. $600 for Postage and Import Duty, it needs to be impressive.
Unfortunately a little too much for me.

If you search around hard enough in the United Kingdom, you'll probably find an actual castle for less.

1,200.00 is nuts; it's a beautiful piece, but four times the original retail...……...I think not.
This Castle and the Abbey are probably two of the hardest ones to find at a "reasonable" price. Reasonable is all in the eyes of who is buying. If you are looking for a centerpiece to the favorite part of your collection, then does the price matter???:smile2: In all seriousness, when buying something, you have to look at it as what you are going to enjoy, not necessarily its resale value.


That's the rub isn't it, what is reasonable to one collector is not for another.

That said; 1,200.00 for that castle IMO is bat **** crazy, that's four times the original retail, which tells me either the original retail was way too low or it's extremely hard to find, ie, supply and demand.

I had a complete castle as part of a collection I bought about four years ago, I sold it for 600.00 and thought at the time that was a bit high, basically double the retail price, the problem is shipping it, it's very expensive to do so.

I guess we all have to make individual decisions as to what works for us.
That's the rub isn't it, what is reasonable to one collector is not for another.

That said; 1,200.00 for that castle IMO is bat **** crazy, that's four times the original retail, which tells me either the original retail was way too low or it's extremely hard to find, ie, supply and demand.

I had a complete castle as part of a collection I bought about four years ago, I sold it for 600.00 and thought at the time that was a bit high, basically double the retail price, the problem is shipping it, it's very expensive to do so.

I guess we all have to make individual decisions as to what works for us.

For 1200USD + shipping you could get one made up with nowadays technology there would have to be some company out there that could do it and have change for one for your mates I reckon.^&grin
For 1200USD + shipping you could get one made up with nowadays technology there would have to be some company out there that could do it and have change for one for your mates I reckon.^&grin

Actually, not sure how true this is in reality. When I talked to Ron in Chicago, I thought one of the headaches towards the end before his retirement was production challenges.

All of that said, I don't know what the castle is worth, but I do know that there was never a huge amount of sets made, they always sold out and fast. I kept this castle and got one of the later years add on Duke's keep. It is a neat piece.

Think about his other stuff, when is the last time you saw the full scale Pirate Ship Mint in the box ? for under $800?

This kind of large pieces are truly seemingly harder to make nowadays.

Like I said, I don't know if $1200 is worth it or not, that has to be an individual decision as you are the one who is "stuck enjoying" it! I just have different thresholds when I am buying for my own collection or buying to resell, you have to have 2 different takes.
This seller has some prices that are on the hopeful side on lots of stuff. I would make a stupid offer and see what happens.
Worst thing happens is he says no.
Tom are you talking about the red or blue pirate ship Ron made a few years back goes for 800.00?
Actually, not sure how true this is in reality. When I talked to Ron in Chicago, I thought one of the headaches towards the end before his retirement was production challenges.

All of that said, I don't know what the castle is worth, but I do know that there was never a huge amount of sets made, they always sold out and fast. I kept this castle and got one of the later years add on Duke's keep. It is a neat piece.

Think about his other stuff, when is the last time you saw the full scale Pirate Ship Mint in the box ? for under $800?

This kind of large pieces are truly seemingly harder to make nowadays.

Like I said, I don't know if $1200 is worth it or not, that has to be an individual decision as you are the one who is "stuck enjoying" it! I just have different thresholds when I am buying for my own collection or buying to resell, you have to have 2 different takes.

Tom I don't mean this exact one but a 1/32 or 1/30 scale castle could be made cheaper even as a one off.
Its only foam.
Tom I don't mean this exact one but a 1/32 or 1/30 scale castle could be made cheaper even as a one off.
Its only foam.

Scratch built, not sure. I know some dio builders who would be in the same league or better than this who charge also, I think you are over $1000 for a one off. Home built, of course would be much cheaper if you were making if for yourself.

Manufacture of foam I think is harder/more costly than it use to be from what I have heard.

End of day, an item is worth what someone will pay! You never know, if one bides their time, this castle will come around cheaper I would think!
Tom are you talking about the red or blue pirate ship Ron made a few years back goes for 800.00?

That was the schooner which I think is getting more scarce. The original ship was a full scale full blown ship in painted and unpainted. I have the painted and it is quite darn hard to find.!
Never mind you mean the 1999 pirate ship play set. Ron made a ship by itself about 4 years ago. I started to dig thru my closet:)

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