Baseball Playoffs! (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
I can't believe what I'm seeing with the Cubs. What the hell is going on. Unless they right this ship quickly, it's going to be over in Chicago quickly.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

I can't cheer to loudly, my White Sox had a rough day today.

I still can't understand why Ozzie keep running Vasquez out there every 5 days.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Vazquez was great when he was with the Expos. Mets couldn't beat him for nothing but when he got to the AL, he seemed to lose it all.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

It seems Vazquez gives you 4 or 5 innings at the most, this was his 17th loss this year. :eek:
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Sadly, it looks like Cubs fans are going to have to wait another year . . .:eek:
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Being a Red Sox fan and having to hear about "The Curse of the Bambino" all my life, I was never one to buy into any BS about a curse.

That said, the Cubs are cursed, plain and simple.

Unless they pull off a miracle like the 2001 Yankees did vs the A's (I can still see "Captain Intangibles" flipping that ball to Posada and he tagged out that moron Giambi, who decided not to slide), they are done, blowing the series to a team with 84 wins.

I'll go on record now to say Manny Ramirez will hit a home run in game 7 of the World Series and beat the Rays, and it will bounce off the catwalk above the stadium. Brad can relate to this; the Dodgers remind me of the 1988 team that beat the Mets and then the A's, two teams they had no business beating...........................
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Don't remind me. I can't think of Mike Sciosia without thinking of that **** home run.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

"Don't remind me. I can't think of Mike Sciosia without thinking of that **** home run."

Off Doc Gooden too; don't feel bad Brad, Sciosia has gained about 10 or 70 pounds since 1988, he hasn't met a buffet he didn't like........
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

I really feal sorry for those Cubs fan, really!
As the hated rivals of the Cardinals I hated to see them loose.
Harry Carey must be turning in his grave, "Cubs loose, Cubs loose, Holy Cow"
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Man did they blow that series; 97 wins, best record in the NL, set all kinds of offensive records and they folded like a cheap suit to a team with 84 wins.

They are cursed; 100 years between World Series wins is officially a curse..................
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Very sad Cubs fan living in Perth, Australia.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

I think there drinking the same Cool-Aid as the Angels!?!?:confused::confused::confused:
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Who are The Angels? Oh Yeah, they are the team The Red Sox beat last night!! Man, I wish I could be at Fenway even though it looked cold.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Predictions anyone?

I'll go Red Sox and Philllies.

However, I would like to see LA and Red Sox, just for the story lines: Manny going back to Boston and Torre getting to the Series. How much would that make the Steinbrenners squirm, especially after the idiot Hank dumped on the Dodgers for their record.

I know that Baseball is hoping for at least the Red Sox or LA in the Series. Philly (no offense to Philly fans) v. Tampa Bay might be deadly for ratings.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

I'm rooting for the Phils, of course, but the Dodgers have been relatively hot (incl. sweeping that last series they played in LA), and the Phils have gotten where they are now chiefly on pitching. The bats have been streaky ever since the All Star break. Of course, they seem to have been more fired up in the division series, and an appearance in the post-season can really focus the mind.

Sorry for you Chicago fans, but still, but for both the Cubs and the White Sox to have made it to the division series must still be pretty sweet.

Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Dodgers vs. Red Sox.... Sox sweep:D Manny gets pummeled by Boston crowd after he gives them the finger for being booed.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

Once again, the Phils win on pitching and long balls. You can't win series that way. Those bats have to wake up.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

"Dodgers vs. Red Sox.... Sox sweep:D Manny gets pummeled by Boston crowd after he gives them the finger for being booed."

From your lips to Gods ears; would love to see the look on Manny's face during the game one introductions when his name is announced and he gets booed out of the stadium.

He has zero class; he quit on the Red Sox, him and his agent are lower than low.

He has been on fire since he went to the Dodgers, he has no shame.
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

He has zero class; he quit on the Red Sox, him and his agent are lower than low.

He has been on fire since he went to the Dodgers, he has no shame.

Ahh, you're just jealous.:)
Re: What the Hell Is Going on with the Cubs?

I heard the stories during the broadcast last night, and they said--McCarver, maybe?--that Ramirez has really been a leader in the clubhouse, and has helped fire up the Dodgers. It made me wonder if perhaps he had grown up a little bit.

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