Battle for Arnhem.... (4 Viewers)

Re: battle for arnhem....

I see Market Garden's begun and along with The Battle of The Bulge you've started another winner for us. Had a hunch you'd do it sooner or later thanks panda.....The Lt.
Re: battle for arnhem....

Some of the first important resistance was put up by a group of trainees that formed an ad hoc kampfegruppe 'Krafft' under the name of their commander.


1st Airborne had dropped into an area containing the remains of 2SS Panzer Corps, although the heavy armour was in the process of shipping East by train to meet the growing Russian threat on the Polish border and in East Prussia.

Re: battle for arnhem....

Very little research has been done on the German side of the battle with only a handful of references being printed. However what the Germans were able to achieve in this battle against seasoned professionals needs to be written. Obersturmbannführer Walter Harzer, commander of the 9th SS Panzer Division 'Hohenstaufen' after the battle, said it best: "It is with personal pride that I regard this German victory, because it was achieved not by regular units, but by railway workers, Arbeitsdienst and Luftwaffe personnel as well, who had never been trained for infantry work and were actually unsuitable for house-to-house fighting."

The enormously massive thorn in the side of the Germans during the Battle for Arnhem was the presence of British airborne troops at the northern end of the Arnhem Road bridge. These elite paratroopers from the 2nd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment managed to hold out against the Germans for a total four days stopping them from utilising the bridge to send reinforcements to the South. The British Airborne troops inflicted very high casualites both in men and armoured vehicles.

Some toy soldier tributes to the men of 2 Para


and the Germans who fought each other so hard.


Planning the tactical response to 2 para capturing the North end of Arnhem bridge........
Re: battle for arnhem....

Krafft commanded elements near to the drop zones, and forwearned by the allied preparatory ariel bombardment had them on immediate alert to move. His response is covered very well in the link above.

Elements of Kampfegruppe Krafft set off to block the advance into Arnhem and attack the drop zones where possible.....


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Re: battle for arnhem....

2 para fought hard in the streets. After just a little fighting the rubble was piling up....


Improvisation was needed


Every building became a battleground

Re: battle for arnhem....

Some of the first important resistance was put up by a group of trainees that formed an ad hoc kampfegruppe 'Krafft' under the name of their commander.

View attachment 11235

1st Airborne had dropped into an area containing the remains of 2SS Panzer Corps, although the heavy armour was in the process of shipping East by train to meet the growing Russian threat on the Polish border and in East Prussia.

View attachment 11236

Theses 2 shots are superb, which manufacture produced theses Tanks?
Re: battle for arnhem....

Louis nailed it!

Every building was a fortress..................


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Re: battle for arnhem....

On the northern sector, the South Staffs tried to push past the blocking Germans and get to the bridge......they worked hard these boys (and will work a lot harder!)

Re: battle for arnhem....

Panda, great pics and narration, I was just catching up on what I have been missing. :)
Re: battle for arnhem....

Hello Panda,

I just saw all the pics, it is great :) I had the felling of watch Band of Brothers...:eek:

Very good Pand.

Re: battle for arnhem....

Terrific pics of Louis's stuff. I hope K & C issue a Glider at some stage for a reasonable cost, but I think Figarti will beat them to it.
Re: battle for arnhem....

Terrific pics of Louis's stuff. I hope K & C issue a Glider at some stage for a reasonable cost, but I think Figarti will beat them to it.

It should be an interesting race from a collectors' standpoint.
Re: battle for arnhem....

more fighting in Arnhem between 2 para and various german units.......


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Re: battle for arnhem....

30 corps were still plodding up the road to Eindhoven........


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Re: battle for arnhem....

On the last two photos you achieved a great natural light effect
Re: battle for arnhem....

Hey, I just started on your script. Great stuff. Keep it up, I promise to come back on a regular basis. This is something I have always wanted to do. Perhaps you will inspire me to do it someday soon. Thanks.

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