Numerical comparisons like 2600 vs 650 alone are inconclusive and somewhat misleading of the relative strengths of the Luftwaffe and RAF (and why not include the Brit bombers?). The German bombers were often un-escorted, designed for short range tactical ground support and made easy targets for RAF fighters. Add in Brit air defenses, short combat availability of German fighters over the UK (20 minutes for the ME109!!), and the fact that every downed German was a POW while the RAF pilots could often be returned to combat and all the tactical advantages of the battle were on the side of the RAF. The short term fuel capacity of the German fighters alone was probably fatal to a longer range air campaign mission.
My point is not to denigrate the RAF which had its hands full, but just to point out that this was not the david and goliath struggle typically perceived even today as a result of the wartime propaganda of Churchill. It is almost impossible, however, to dissuade anyone of this perception since they have seen it in countless movies and documentaries and most importantly - want it to be true. It makes a rousing tale as Churchill intended. Rather it was a fairly even match with numbers and experience slightly to the advantage of the Germans and many important tactical advantages to the Brits.
I found this tread which had ended before I joined and since it relates to one of the areas of great interest to me and one of my favorite movies, I couldn't resist opening it again. No doubt Churchill and Britain generally employed considerable wartime propaganda, as we did, to bolster moral and encourage the aid of uncommitted nations. That does not diminish in any way the unbelievable achievement of the RAF. I think the propaganda issue is well addressed in this excerpt from the movie:
Air Vice Marshal Evill: The Air Minister, sir. on the scrambler.
Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh Dowding: [
picks up green scrambler phone] Yes?
Minister: Ah, Dowding. Er. Look. Our people in Washington are having trouble with the American Press. It's about today's figures. German sources there are saying that our claims are wildly exaggerated.
Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh Dowding: [
listens, but says nothing]
Minister: Hello? Are you there Dowding?
Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh Dowding: I'm here Minister.
Minister: Well I mean, can you verify the figures?
Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh Dowding: [
clears throat] I'm not very interested in propaganda. If we're right, they'll give up. If we are wrong, they'll be in London in a week!.
The original sources and other material I have read would confirm the David and Goliath impression. The German advantage in aircraft was real enough and the British bombers were relatively ineffective for the circumstances. More importantly, the Luftwaffe enjoyed an even greater advantage in experienced pilots. Trust me, it is not that simple to become an effective fighter pilot. It is incredible that so many of those lads found themselves in combat with less than 20 hours in the fighters they were flying. By comparison, my Air Force training provided over 300 hours in jets with fighter comparable performance before we were considered qualified for our duty assignments; and that was spaced over nearly a year. With their numerical advantage, the Germans were able to rotate their pilots and provide them with some rest. RAF fighter command had no such luxury and all of their pilots flew many times every day of the conflict. To even survive under such circumstances, much less be effective, is simply a staggering achievement. Just ask (or read the accounts by) anyone who did. Again, another exchange from the movie provides an accurate picture of the situation:
Senior civil servant: Churchill puts great faith in radar.
Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh Dowding: It's vital, but it won't shot down aircraft.
Senior civil servant: Ha... well I must say you don't, exactly exude a spirit of optimism.
Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh Dowding: God willing we will hold out minister.
Senior civil servant: I see. So I tell the cabinet, that you're trusting in radar and praying to god, is that right?
Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh Dowding: [
chuckles] more accurately the other way round. Trusting in god and praying for radar. But the essential arithmetic is that our young men will have to shoot down their young men at the rate of four to one, if we're to keep pace at all.
An even more telling view is offered later in the movie by Dowding in response to bickering between Park and Mallory:
Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh Dowding: Gentlemen you are missing the point. We don't need a big wing or a small one. We are fighting for survival. We must find more pilots or lose.
So candidly, David and Goliath is likely an understatement.