Battle Of Kholm- The Germans Survive another night to fight (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Nov 21, 2011
Kampfgruupe Scherer repulsed yet another attack from Soviet 3rd Shock Army in KHOLM. Getting whatever limited ammunitions and supplies they could lay their hands on, Kampfgruupe Scherer get some rest
while preparing for the the next imminent soviet attack.

General Scherer looking around at the aftermath of the last Soviet assault while a German Adjutant brings reports of the last firefight.

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Russian Prisoners captured after the last failed soviet assault. The Germans are not likely to keep them as POWs... as they need all their men for the next Soviet assault and could not spare additional eyes to watch the prisoners. Releasing the Russian POWs was also not an option. The prisoner's fate were sealed.

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Dying Russians littered the battleground. The Germans will likely leave them to the cold.

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One Knock-out T-34 tank smoking in the background.

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The Germans gathered supplies from Crates to readied themselves for the next Soviet assault. A German call out to its peer who is in the house to come out and help him with a crate.

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Some of the Germans look grim and wary as they listen for the next waves of Russians accompanied by their screams of "Hurrah"

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Two Germans enjoying a smoke while sharing details of the last Russian Assault.

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Brilliant mate you can't beat a great dio with a great story behind it.........................:salute:::salute:::salute::
Brilliant mate you can't beat a great dio with a great story behind it.........................:salute:::salute:::salute::

not nearly as good a story as that they lost their *** and the Russians got the last licks in Berlin. :tongue:
I prefer the first batch of pics . They are excellent !!
Doh.....looks like this thread is under attack as well.{sm2}

Fantastic series of pic's, telling a great story mate, wonderful stuff, thanks for sharing!!
After Cholm you might like to tacle the relief of Kowel in Poland in 1944. Some of the figures would be just as suitable.
The deleted post didn't really lend them selves to the diorama and actually took focus off the origianl posters work. I have spoken to the poster who is new to the forum. So there we are in a nutshell, nothing major just a new member getting used to the forum.
Great work, love how you built the story into the pictures.

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