Battle of Quatre Bras (well sort of anyway?)........... (1 Viewer)

That is a most impressive display you have setup there George! really like the Farm complex and those Hinton Hunt figures still stand up to the more modern ones!



Thanks Jeff and based on the prices I see on Ebay for the old HH figures, I might be a 20mm millionaire...........{eek3}
Wow George thats one wicked set up! I knew you were into the Naps but I guess some how I missed that you could firls an Army as big as Wellingtons in your basement!

Now I saw the 6 hours to set it up, but have to ask how many hours do you have painting them? Must be a life time.

Thanks for sharing them with us

Wow George thats one wicked set up! I knew you were into the Naps but I guess some how I missed that you could firls an Army as big as Wellingtons in your basement!

Now I saw the 6 hours to set it up, but have to ask how many hours do you have painting them? Must be a life time.

Thanks for sharing them with us


Thanks for the comments Dave, it's funny sometimes when I do these set ups and I realize how many figures I actually have, it boggles my mind. The funny thing is I've got more British, Nassau, Brunswick and Dutch troops, not to mention quite a few more French Infantry...............{eek3}

Quite a few of the newer figures in my collection were bought prepainted, but in this display a good chunk of the infantry and cavalry were done by yours truly, a lot of man hours went into them, that is for sure....................
:salute:: {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Thanks Mike, I fully expect to see you create one the same size with your ACW collection in the near future as it gets colder out and winter sets in.......:wink2:

You've done some outstanding layouts in your time but this one tops them all!! One can only dream of having the resources to accomplish something like this. The space alone that this thing takes up is quite astounding. I think the most impressive thing to me is that you have enough "ground cover"/grassy bases to cover the entire scene--wow!

Thanks for sharing this magnificent work of art with us.


You've done some outstanding layouts in your time but this one tops them all!! One can only dream of having the resources to accomplish something like this. The space alone that this thing takes up is quite astounding. I think the most impressive thing to me is that you have enough "ground cover"/grassy bases to cover the entire scene--wow!

Thanks for sharing this magnificent work of art with us.


Thanks Mark, glad you like it. The mat is actually one giant mat, it's 10 by 6, roads are then cut into it, fields mapped out and trimmed where needed as some are wheat fields, some are grass, then painted with craft paint. It is very messy and labor intensive, but the end result is worth it................
Great set up George! ^&cool That is an incredible collection you have. Now you need to get another table and extend the battle with the rest of your figures.:rolleyes2: The part I hate most about doing a large set up is packing it all back away again.
At some point I have to do a large dio set up of an 1813-14 era battle and break out all my Russians and Prussians I,ve been painting up and buying over the past few years and see if I can fit them all on my tables along with all my french and allies. That would be huge for a 54mm set up.
Great set up George! ^&cool That is an incredible collection you have. Now you need to get another table and extend the battle with the rest of your figures.:rolleyes2: The part I hate most about doing a large set up is packing it all back away again.
At some point I have to do a large dio set up of an 1813-14 era battle and break out all my Russians and Prussians I,ve been painting up and buying over the past few years and see if I can fit them all on my tables along with all my french and allies. That would be huge for a 54mm set up.

Thanks Tim, you actually were the one who inspired me to do this one after you stopped by last week, got started on it that afternoon, worked on it Sunday and Monday. My tables are side by side, 8 by 2 1/2, giving me an 8 by 5 area, I've extended it out with another table now to 10 by 5, might try to go a little longer to 12 and widen the tables to 6, that is pretty much max for me.

I'd love to see a huge 54mm layout from you, winter is coming, the perfect time to do one and you are right, packing it all up is a pain, but I will be leaving this one in place for about 7 to 10 more days...............
Most Impressed!!!! Fantastic layout. Are the figures 25/30mm? Love Napoleonics. {bravo}}:salute::
Most Impressed!!!! Fantastic layout. Are the figures 25/30mm? Love Napoleonics. {bravo}}:salute::

Thanks very much; my collection is actually 20mm, all of them are metal. If I had to do it again, I'd got with 28mm, but I've got too much invested in 20mm to switch at this point, I've got close to 10,000 Napoleonics..............{eek3}

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