Battlefield Visits (1 Viewer)

Here is my list:
Fort William Henry/ Fort Ticonderoga. NY State
Gettysburg, PA
Budapest, Hungary
Berlin, Germany
Kuwait/Iraq - Operation Desert Storm (active participant)
Bosnia Herzegovina (active participant)
I have a rather modest and very localized (for the most part) list of ACW sites:
Gettysburg (Pa)
Sharpsburg (Md)
Monocacy (Md)
Harpers Ferry (WVa)
Manassas (Va)
Fort Stevens (DC)
Forts Morgan and Gaines (Mobile, Ala)
Chattanooga (Tn)
Fort McHenry (Md)
Also visited sites involving the Atlanta (Ga) campaign, but I was real young and don't remember much about these.
Seven out of the 10 sites are within an hour or so drive of my home. -- Al
Done most of the european WWI and WWII battlefields. visited Pearl harbour once very interesting and, some of the desert battlefields. Malta, crete et al. mostly visited war cemetaries and the like along the way

Most interesting though, and moving where the camps at auschwitz
Here is my list:
Fort William Henry/ Fort Ticonderoga. NY State
Gettysburg, PA
Budapest, Hungary
Berlin, Germany
Kuwait/Iraq - Operation Desert Storm (active participant)
Bosnia Herzegovina (active participant)

Thank you (and all the other members of this forum who visited battlefields as active participants for the United States and its Allies) for your sacrifice and service.

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