BB009-BB018 German Waffen SS & Heer Panzer Grenadiers Pre-Order (1 Viewer)

I’ve been a collector since 2004 and one of the original members of this Forum and since that time collectors have always been discussing prices and having discussions such as these. I don’t expect that to change. Collecting has never been an inexpensive hobby. I’m sure that price increases will cause some collectors to decrease their rate of spending or to leave the hobby. Although leaving the hobby is unfortunate, that is just the way things are. Collectors come and go for a variety of reasons, not just prices.

Truer words never written!!! Seen many a member here come and go, part of the toy soldier turn over rate I guess, I plan on staying in the hobby all be it on a smaller format, there are a few options out there these days just got to find the ones that work best for me.
These are superb looking figures, but the price is certainly an issue.

Many UK dealers have stopped stocking FL due to poor exchange rate.

Those that do charge £1 to the $1, so £80 for a figure seems a tad expensive.

A shame because FL produce superb figures, but now, many collectors, myself included, may be priced out of the market.
FL should consider offering several levels of paint detail and thus offer a choice to collectors of a lower cost version of their figures. Dioramas with many figures do not require a high level of detail, as they are viewed at a distance, usually 2 to 3 feet. Figures from WB, Kronprinz and FL taken at a distance will show little difference in detail IMO. Julies excellent size comparison photos are an example. More highly detailed figures are better suited to individual or small group displays that are more closely viewed.
FL should consider offering several levels of paint detail and thus offer a choice to collectors of a lower cost version of their figures.
That's a great idea; offer figures at a lower level of painting detail/price so collectors can buy multiples to create mass.

Mass; here's an idea, they should call it "Mass Battle", I really think you are on to something.

Keep the great ideas coming.
FL should consider offering several levels of paint detail and thus offer a choice to collectors of a lower cost version of their figures.
That's a great idea; offer figures at a lower level of painting detail/price so collectors can buy multiples to create mass.

Mass; here's an idea, they should call it "Mass Battle", I really think you are on to something.

Keep the great ideas coming.

Hmmmmm....Mass Battle???...I like it.
Anyhoos, here is the 1st German I'd like to pick up, love the camo jacket.

I think these are excellent.

Price always an issue (especially asian currency), but looking forward to getting these eventually (walking figures).
Here was my answer to keep in the hobby somewhat,28mm figures.At a little more than $1.50 per figure and $7 per figure to paint I can collect some nice figures.I still have some larger (54mm/60mm) figure kits that cost $130-$150 per figure but are few and far between.I could no longer collect the pre-painted figures on a large scale.

SAW #1 2018.jpgoniria3.jpg
I like your style; my two favorites as well, love the mixed camo on both.....................


Easy choice for me Iconic photos from BOB shows MG figure and naturally accompanying carrier of ammunition walking pasted burnt out US Vehicles or German AFV passing them.

Well fellas, when I bought one of my 1st metal toy soldiers sets some 10-11 years ago it was K&C Crossing the Road for a price of 89.00 for a set of 4, I have been hooked ever since, I've bought and sold, changed habits, cut back, bought more, wash and repeat!!!!! I guess in the long run we can take Matt and Andy's advice and buy and enjoy what we can afford, these days for me at least that will be less and less, folks can give me a hundred reasons why toy soldier prices are where they are today but in the end there is a limit to what I can collect, now this hobby is full of guys who can drop serious dollars in a blink on a whole range and not even think about it, but for the mid average income guys like myself our days are numbered at this rate. I apologize in advance to Matt and First Legion as I do not want to take away from the fantastic new BBG Range that has been announced, just disappointed that I may have to miss out on these fine figures and what may come for the future of BBG range.

I must agree completely Sammy there is a limit to everything....I make a better then average living but I also will have to purchase much less in this hobby due to other financial obligations and necessities that take priority.....You are not alone because at these current prices of $80 per figure it's unfortunately just not sustainable for many of us..... I will be able to purchase some of the BBG but not as much as I would like....That's just reality.....I hope that maybe some day we may see a "Mass Battle Series" from FL for thiose of us who are being priced out of painted FL.....Sculpted 1:30th figure kits from FL that we can assemble and paint ourselves may be an option to be considered or explored in the future....Who knows....time will tell...Best Frank
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I must agree completely Sammy there is a limit to everything....I make a better then average living but I also will have to purchase much less in this hobby due to other financial obligations and necessities that take priority.....You are not alone because at these current prices of $80 per figure it's unfortunately just not sustainable for many of us..... I will be able to purchase some of the BBG but not as much as I would like....That's just reality.....I hope that maybe some day we may see a "Mass Battle Series" from FL for thiose of us who are being priced out of painted FL.....Sculpted 1:30th figure kits from FL that we can assemble and paint ourselves may be an option to be considered or explored in the future....Who knows....time will tell...Best Frank

Do you purchase less food, water, heating etc?

I know that this is a chosen hobby and is somewhat ‘put-downable’ yet the prices have grown in real terms only. People are talking about a 20 buck increase over a number of years which is no different to the price of many commodities, essentials and ‘other fun things’

Maybe many members of the forum have experienced deflative costs in their daily or professional lives (please tell me, I want to live there) however from a personal point of view, I’ve needed to increase my costs to my customers in similar or greater than levels than the price increases FL have listed.

I’d be interested if anyone would like to list the price increases on a separate thread for K&C, JJD, FL and TG figures. Some, not FL, have increased by 50-60% in recent years. Inflation is a must in this business when you factor in factory door prices and anyone who complains about a price without first acknowledging this needs to think again about the hobby they are in.

I like others struggle with the costs involved in this hobby yet I’m realistic about what I’m buying and what it costs a producer to make. These are works of art not physiologically inaccurate glossies from 1956 (or 2018 as they are still produced)
Do you purchase less food, water, heating etc?

I know that this is a chosen hobby and is somewhat ‘put-downable’ yet the prices have grown in real terms only. People are talking about a 20 buck increase over a number of years which is no different to the price of many commodities, essentials and ‘other fun things’

Maybe many members of the forum have experienced deflative costs in their daily or professional lives (please tell me, I want to live there) however from a personal point of view, I’ve needed to increase my costs to my customers in similar or greater than levels than the price increases FL have listed.

I’d be interested if anyone would like to list the price increases on a separate thread for K&C, JJD, FL and TG figures. Some, not FL, have increased by 50-60% in recent years. Inflation is a must in this business when you factor in factory door prices and anyone who complains about a price without first acknowledging this needs to think again about the hobby they are in.

I like others struggle with the costs involved in this hobby yet I’m realistic about what I’m buying and what it costs a producer to make. These are works of art not physiologically inaccurate glossies from 1956 (or 2018 as they are still produced)

I think that this is not an FL issue. I had stated earlier that the figures are worth the price and I do not disagree that almost everything gets more expensive over time. Having said this, what I would hate to see happening since I love FL and only buy FL is reaching a point in time where the figure price becomes prohibitive for most of us. There is no future to the hobby this way especially when sales depend on volume and most collectors want to buy several figures to make a display or a diorama etc. To use an example from the automotive industry: a Ferrari is more expensive than a Fiat, you can sell one Ferrari and make the same profit margin as selling 30 Fiat's but all of a sudden your customer base has shrunk to one buyer. I do not want to see this happen to FL, I want FL to continue to thrive and produce figures for all of us to enjoy. Is there room between the $80 figure and the mass battle figure of $37 for a $60-$65 figure like the ones that FL produced in the past or is the new reality that all new releases will be around the $80.00 price?
Do you purchase less food, water, heating etc?

Food, water and heating are a necessity. Collectibles are not.

Although you may not agree with the choices that Frank and others make, their choices should be respected.
FL and WB BOB figures work well together and combining the two reduces the overall cost of a diorama size group of figures.
Food, water and heating are a necessity. Collectibles are not.

Although you may not agree with the choices that Frank and others make, their choices should be respected.

Well Said Brad........NO OFFENSE INTENTED TO ANYONE and Just my opinions.....But my observations are that increases in living expenses across the board are increasing at a rate very disproportionate to most people's salaries which have been fairly stagnant for the most part....This hobby has always been somewhat pricey as we all know and is not for everyone with limited income.....That said when TS figure prices are reaching current levels of $80 per figure unfortunately something has to give and be sacrificed for many of us (i.e.buying less)....And obviously it will NOT and CANNOT by necessity be food, or water or heating or medical insurance, or car loans or mortages etc etc .....So unfortunately less money will be allocated to un-essential purchases by necessity.... I am just expressing a legitimate concern of many FL collectors who may be starting to be priced out....Hopefully there may be alternative solutions or options for many of us who would like to continue to participate in collecting more then an occasional or very limited purchase of FL products. A "Mass Battle Series" (less expensive) or possibly Kit figures that we assemble and can paint ourselves may be an option offered in the future....Just a thought.
Well Said Brad........NO OFFENSE INTENTED TO ANYONE and Just my opinions.....But my observations are that increases in living expenses across the board are increasing at a rate very disproportionate to most people's salaries which have been fairly stagnant for the most part....This hobby has always been somewhat pricey as we all know and is not for everyone with limited income.....That said when TS figure prices are reaching current levels of $80 per figure unfortunately something has to give and be sacrificed for many of us (i.e.buying less)....And obviously it will NOT and CANNOT by necessity be food, or water or heating or medical insurance, or car loans or mortages etc etc .....So unfortunately less money will be allocated to un-essential purchases by necessity.... I am just expressing a legitimate concern of many FL collectors who may be starting to be priced out....Hopefully there may be alternative solutions or options for many of us who would like to continue to participate in collecting more then an occasional or very limited purchase of FL products. A "Mass Battle Series" (less expensive) or possibly Kit figures that we assemble and can paint ourselves may be an option offered in the future....Just a thought.

First Legion prices first hit $80 almost 8 years ago with figures SAM004. And that figure probably cost us 40% LESS to make than these new figures. Almost around the same time W Britains were selling $200 mounted figures that aren't even in the same vicinity of the quality that what we produce. Anyone remember that? Honour Bound was selling $500 tanks. Pricing at these levels is nothing new for this hobby. What is new is the quality that we are putting out relative to those prices. Over the years we've produced many foot figures at these price levels, I think that maybe WWII has been a bit more immune to it over the years than other ranges have. Our first tank was a Stug which is quite small by comparison to a Panther or Tiger. It was $300. 8 Years later the bigger Panther is $360.

Frank, you have voiced your concerns and continue to do so just about at every turn. Such is your right and what you're saying isn't lost on me, I do get it and your concerns are well noted. However, we are who we are and we do what we do and will continue to do so. It's who we are and we're not going to change, always making quality our priority, not cost or retail price. We cannot try to be all things to all collectors. Each company who makes these wonderful figures we all enjoy serves a specific part of the overall market and we are not going to alter our approach or try to be something that we're not. And the vast majority of our customers recognize that what we do isn't easy and that our products represent a tremendous value for you what you get.


First Legion prices first hit $80 almost 8 years ago with figures SAM004. And that figure probably cost us 40% LESS to make than these new figures. Almost around the same time W Britains were selling $200 mounted figures that aren't even in the same vicinity of the quality that what we produce. Anyone remember that? Honour Bound was selling $500 tanks. Pricing at these levels is nothing new for this hobby. What is new is the quality that we are putting out relative to those prices. Over the years we've produced many foot figures at these price levels, I think that maybe WWII has been a bit more immune to it over the years than other ranges have. Our first tank was a Stug which is quite small by comparison to a Panther or Tiger. It was $300. 8 Years later the bigger Panther is $360.

Frank, you have voiced your concerns and continue to do so just about at every turn. Such is your right and what you're saying isn't lost on me, I do get it and your concerns are well noted. However, we are who we are and we do what we do and will continue to do so. It's who we are and we're not going to change, always making quality our priority, not cost or retail price. We cannot try to be all things to all collectors. Each company who makes these wonderful figures we all enjoy serves a specific part of the overall market and we are not going to alter our approach or try to be something that we're not. And the vast majority of our customers recognize that what we do isn't easy and that our products represent a tremendous value for you what you get.



Matt, I am not trying to be difficult....Any chance of a "Mass Battle Series"??....I know that you were considering this a while back....It would be helpful to those feeling the pinch.. Best amd Respectfully Frank

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