Hi Ray, yes Brad's beer garden is becoming very cosy despite the cold

I had a similar ship collection as I built (from memory) Bismark, Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, Hood, Nelson, Warspite, Hotspur and Ark Royal (carrier). I also built the USN Longbeach and the last model ship I built was the USN Enterprise which was an impressive model.
I guess I built every aircraft model available at the time but my fav was the Tamiya Lancaster with the Monogram (I think) B-29 a close second as it was so freakin huge and shiny.
My wife is doing fine, she is visiting her mother until March leaving me with our two teenage boys who are cooking and cleaning for themselves and also helping around the yard. I can't say they enjoy it much, but they don't get to drive the car if they don't help out
I live in an urban suburb only 5 minutes from the coast so bush fires aren't a problem here.